Animals Are Smarter Than You Think Have you ever felt like your animal was trying to tell you something? If your pet is staring at you intently, then they desperately want to tell you something. They don’t understand why you can’t hear them. If they are behaving badly or are in pain or suffering from […]
Heart Wisdom Animal Talk Blog
Dedicated to improved health, behavior and wellness for pets and the people who love them.
Here’s How You Can Greet a Strange Dog
Guest post courtesty of Deinah Storm. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and do not necessarily represent the views of Val Heart & Heart Communications Enterprises Inc. Tips for greeting a strange dog Dogs are among the friendliest and most adorable animals in the world. And whenever […]
5 Quick Tips on How to Enjoy a Good Run with Your Dog
5 Quick Tips on How to Enjoy a Good Run with Your Dog Guest post courtesy of Pete Decker, the Lead Editor at The Goody Pet. Pete loves to share his passion for pets through snippets of interesting and helpful information. You can find more of Pete at his website, Twitter or Facebook. The views and opinions […]
Looking For the Best Horse Blanket Fit
What do you look for when checking how your horse’s blanket fits? Good Fit A horse blanket that fits well will not be too tight or loose in any one area. Most blankets have many adjustable elements, but the length must be correct. The blanket should cover your horse from withers to tail without too […]
Horse Vaccination Strategies
Horse Vaccination Strategies This article courtesy of, This article was previously published October 15, 2013, and was updated on April 20, 2023. Vaccinating your horse against disease is such a simple task. It’s not terribly time consuming, and it’s relatively inexpensive when you consider the alternative. But some people don’t vaccinate. Lack of concern regarding […]
Deworming the Reluctant Horse
What horse enjoys deworming time? It’s hard to blame a horse for failing to enjoy his deworming paste; it doesn’t exactly look like good eats. Although deworming companies have put great effort into making the medicine more palatable, some horses simply haven’t read the memo and refuse to have anything to do with dewormers. A […]