The Amazing Thing Is How Quickly Val Gets Results for You and/or Your Animal through her unique 5 Step H.E.A.R.T. System and Elite Soul Repair Healing.
What do you most need help with?

Heart System for Problem Solving, Animal Communication, Done For You 12D Soul Repair & BodyTalk Healing (pets and people), Medical Intuitive Scanning, Intuitive Life, Relationships, and Career Guidance

Soul Repair, Body & Spirit Healing Intensive Program Teaching YOU How to Heal Yourself. ALL healing is Soul Healing because the body reflects the health of the Soul. Everything is Energy, All Energy Can Be Transformed.
If you've got a pet problem, then communication is the FIRST place to start. Then, we have to go to work sorting out the other hidden factors contributing to the issues.
Give your animal a chance to be heard, to understand why they're doing what they do, what they're thinking or feeling, or what their unique viewpoint or experience is. If you don't do this critical first step, then you'll wind up chasing your tail on expensive guesswork.
Not every animal communicator is skilled or trained enough to know how to resolve problems.
Even if you’ve tried other animal communicators were disappointed with the results, don’t give up. They simply didn’t have the experience, training or expertise to help you resolve the issues.
You need MORE. More expertise, someone with more experience and training in many different modalities, certified in a wide variety of techniques including healing when that's needed.
Val's proprietary method is known as The Heart Wisdom System, 5 Steps for Solving Problems.
It works with pets, and it works with people too.
Val has an extensive background in training, coaching, performance and healing, so whatever you and your animal need, she can facilitate your return to balance.
As a professional communicator and master healer for people and pets, she knows how to quickly get to the root of the problem(s).
Because once we know what your animal really needs and where the issues are coming from, we’ll know how to resolve problems, rebalance at the body mind and spirit levels, reconnect, heal and enjoy a deeper heart centered communion.
Val is not available for emergency work because her schedule is typically booked up for weeks or more in advance. It's best to get your sessions now and get on her schedule, then ask to be added to her waiting list in case something opens up sooner.

Is working with Val a good fit for you and your animal?
If you are:
- Spiritually minded and you care about improving your animal’s long-term health, happiness and well-being,
- Willing to consider how your animal’s behavior and health reflects your own,
- Clear that animal communication is not mind control,
- Aware that healing isn't a once and done kind of thing but instead it's a process, a journey,
- Ready for a long-term resolution to your animal’s problems, as well as assistance in balancing your own life, relationships and health…

The H.E.A.R.T. System™ 5 Steps for Solving Problems with Pets are:
H - Hear: The first step in solving any problem with any animal is to listen to them. We need to HEAR and understand your animal's viewpoint. When they can tell you what's important to them, if they're in pain, or are confused… maybe they've suffered a traumatic experience you don't know about or that they are having trouble finding peace with… When we take the time to HEAR them, they can tell us what they need.
E - Evaluate: Next we need to EVALUATE their body, their management and their training program. Not every management program works for every animal. We must know that their food, training and environment actually is exactly right for them and supports their well being and health.
A - Action Steps: After we've heard and understood what they have to say, and have evaluated their management to be sure it's right for them and isn't contributing to the problem, then we're ready to identify and implement the ACTION steps needed to support them. Creating the performance of your dreams. solving training problems, improving their health and well-being, and synchronizing you and your animal so you can become one mind, in tune and connected at the heart.
R - Clear Resistance: Change often creates resistance because it can feel risky and can be emotionally charged. Emotions are not logical because they are often fear based and can take you outside your established 'comfort zone'. If either you or your animal are afraid, either consciously or unconsciously, then nothing you do together will be safe or easy or work well until the Resistance is Released.
T - Establish Trust: Everything you do with your animals revolves and centers on the foundation of Trust (or lack thereof). If you've lost your animal's respect, lied to them in some way, or didn't follow through on a promise made… from their viewpoint you are out of integrity and are not to be trusted. If that's true in your relationship, then we have work to do to reestablish trust.
The good news is that when you know how to listen, to respect and to communicate with your animal, this one thing goes a very long way in helping your animal decide they can trust you. And once trust is back as a foundational part of your relationship, your animal will love you for it and will work that much harder, and be even more forgiving of your mistakes. Plus, when you're linked at the mind and heart, everything you do together gets WAY easier, is a lot more fun, and becomes a joyful experience.
Success Stories
From Val: After every Live Q&A Coaching Club Call we invite the students to share their golden nuggets and takeaways about their experience.
Here’s what the students reported after class:
Lucia said she appreciated the safety margin here in our group and when we communicate with animals in pictures. Fear should have no place here, we have to release what doesn’t serve us when we are dealing with fears.
Chara said that she was feeling discouraged that she hadn’t been connecting well, but today she realized she was doing it from her head/mind and not her heart. She must do her inner healing work first or she won’t be able to communicate well or easily.
Margaret said, “I found the meditation and healing extremely powerful. Myself and both of my cats are dealing with health issues so the healing was wonderful for all of us. This part of the call was worth the price of admission“
Mary said, “Thank you Val for another great class. The pain in my rotator cuff has lessened and my knee is now fine. I am coming to terms with the fear and how to adjust to it. I will try talking to it. You gave me a lot to think about and try. Thank you“
Nita said “It was another great learning experience! I find the introduction very powerful, especially Val’s reminder of the purpose and vision, who animals really are, the art of communicating and asking the right questions, the importance of having a clear intention and doing everything with more consciousness.
No one explains the importance of meditation for AC better. The soul is connected to everything and everyone, everything is energy, so to feel it, one has to shift out of the mind to the soul. The goal is a quiet, still mind, so the head doesn’t block it. Feeling is experiential, and tension blocks the flow of energy.
The Q and A section always contains so much learning and insights, and hearing Val work with the animals with the reminder that it’s a conversation and not an interrogation takes it to a whole, new level, and of course, the healing is beyond description.
I’m deeply grateful for Blackie’s healing and no surprise he’s so much better. Whatever little is left will surely be resolved very soon when he’s processed the healing.
A major revelation was the role of fear and ways to work with it. It is a low level energy that causes pain in the body, feeds the “nasties” (we attract what we’re afraid of) so one can talk to it (what a fascinating concept!). Get the message, and then clear and release it.
I’ve been having a number of fears of late, including about Blackie since Tikli’s passing, probably accounting for some aches and pains. A reminder to review “Awakening the inner guidance” course again, as well as be more regular with the powerful techniques Val mentioned: EFT, Ho’opnopono, Byron Katie’s The Work (book), and the PTSD REM eye movement healing technique.
No one teaches Ho’opnopono for animals the way Val does, and here I will digress to share a recent experience. Last week there were posts on the anniversary of Laika’s fatal space trip….it upset me no end…then I did Ho’oponopono with the words Val teaches. Wonder if it reached her after 66 years, but it certainly gave me some peace.
The answer about the worst case scenario ended with the reminder that we are not powerless and have a choice, and indeed we’re empowered by the techniques Val has taught us. Once again, a priceless class….thank you so much Val”
Now we are eager to know, what will YOU experience?
If you’d like to join us, here’s how to sign up:

I’m delighted to endorse the Heart School of Animal Communication. Val Heart, who trained with me about thirty years ago, has created a comprehensive program of teaching, coaching, and mentoring.
The extensive offerings of the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club® for Advanced & Professional Communicators and Professional Practitioner Training/Mentoring enable aspiring professionals to get continued practice with live one-on-one guidance and master classes. What a cornucopia of training from a very experienced teacher!
Penelope Smith, Grandmother of Interspecies Telepathic Communication, Author of Animal Talk, When Animals Speak, and Animals in Spirit https://animaltalk.net

From Val: After every Live Q&A Coaching Club Call we invite the students to share their golden nuggets and takeaways about their experience.
Here’s what the students reported after class:
Rosemary said that Henrietta’s messages to her through Martha had deep personal meaning, and brought her to tears. Her healing and transformation started when she began working and training with me, shifting after a lifetime of feeling fearful, insecure and ungrounded to being a more grounded, confident person.
Nita said, “Yesterday was the usual power packed, enlightening class, yet every call has a subtle distinguishing nuance of its own. The meditation is the same, yet every month the experience is different, difficult to put it into words.
Val’s communications, coaching guidance, and answers to questions are always amazing, and the delving into the horse Nicholas’ issue was no exception.
The suggestions that Erika’s dog may not have dementia but something the vet may not know, could even include an out of body experience was fascinating, as is the reminder that dogs may be aware of what we are not.
The analogy of transition as simply changing clothes, and the fact that we connect to the soul, an anchor to just one of the lifetimes of an animal, clarified my doubt about connecting to a pet who’s been in spirit for decades. It was apt that we were guided to connect with Henrietta, who passed 35 years ago.
Finally, that anxiety can cause a fear based response, and interpretation can be influenced by inner wounds, hence the stress on inner healing. Thanks very much Val, for another lively and educational session!“
Elizabeth said, “Val, I can’t improve on Nita’s summary, but I wanted to let you know I just came in from the barn where we’d been soaking Nicholas’ foot. Still no breakthrough yet, but every time, he tosses his head up and down to get the love energy all over him, :-).
I was watching the horses out my window while you were talking with him–when you said he was putting his head down and licking, that’s exactly what he was doing.
It was the same when you said he was tossing his head. I know that doesn’t surprise you, but for me, it was a wonderful confirmation! I just finished a book on Ho’oponopono and this was the first time I’d heard Val use it. It was very powerful!
I was particularly struck by the answer to Natalie’s question. I was fascinated to know that fear can interfere (word choice intentional) with our interpretations.
And what can I say about Rosemary and Henrietta? I cried. I’d already met Henrietta previously, but she seemed so much more this time. I was glad I got to experience connecting with her again.
Thanks so much, Val, for the call and for answering our questions. It’s much appreciated!“
Lee realized that she has to trust and pay attention to what she is hearing. Music and songs are communication. There are messages in the energy frequencies, the lyrics, tones, and vibrancy.
Now we are eager to know, what will YOU experience?
If you’d like to join us, here’s how to sign up:

From Val: After every Live Q&A Coaching Club Call we invite the students to share their golden nuggets and takeaways about their experience.
Here’s what the students reported after class:
Amber said, “I got chills because of the way Klaudia described Alfie…“
Alana said, “I picked up a lot of similarities as others did thru the clairaudience ability as my other abilities especially the clairvoyance one are slowly developing for Alfie which gave me a confidence boost as I’m dealing with self-doubt.
Yesterday, Spirit gave me a reminder not to let my self doubt take over. Anyway, there were a couple of things that weren’t mentioned like I felt pressure/pain in my heart and that he doesn’t like his belly touched, also that his aura is green but everything else was spot on. Amazing!”
Elizabeth said, “I got a great deal out of the live call. The meditation was especially good–I was so relaxed I almost fell asleep and Alfie’s first words to me were “You’re relaxed, aren’t you?” I felt that I connected with Alfie well (I saw a green aura, too, Alana!) and he invited me to come back, which I will.
I loved hearing Val talk to Blackie and find out how he appointed himself the one who watched out for Outsiders and guards his pack. I was especially interested in the nasty energy that seemed to choke him. So much like Nita’s other dog’s situation! Do animals mirror each other the way they mirror people or is it just the fact that there is nasty energy where Nita lives that affects each dog differently?
Lily’s healing was fascinating. I need to dig into the healing masterclasses more because there seems to be so much to learn! I really liked the way Val used time travel techniques to go back and soothe and heal Lily as a puppy.
Val’s answering of my question was awesome. Now, I have some tools for the next time there is such a quick, emergency situation. I feel that I could have slowed down time a bit if I had handled it correctly.”
Mary said, “I felt more connected in my heart space while holding hands in the love circle. I could actually feel the weight of the hands I was holding. Val’s voice faded, but I could still hear her. My intention was instantly answered with “wait, the universe will handle it.”
I also felt closer to communicating with Alfi. My golden nuggets where when you say the right hip connects to the left shoulder because my injury is left rotator cuff and right hip hurts also.
I loved the shape shifting explanation. To go back and reimagine the scene and discuss it with the animals for next time. Shift into your heart and project from your soul to gain the attention next time. Blackie is so cute with his idea of protection. Glad he is okay now. Another great class Val with lots of nuggets.”
Nita said, “Another great class with lots of nuggets! What stood out for me: animals are souls disguised in different body types, each one’s soul journey is different, each with unique viewpoints and different philosophies. AC is expansive and healing, as we view life from another perspective….shift, feel and connect, to recognize, respect and revere animals.
Val’s choice of words themselves underline the spiritual journey of both souls. The importance of writing the intention, and the 3 ways it can be answered is a wonderful reminder each time! The quotation about why animals leave is thought provoking. It was so good knowing Mel’s dear Daisy was present. The meditation is powerful in a different way each time.
The biggest nuggets for me are always in Val’s answers to questions. The approach to behavior problems of meeting the animal where he is, being a neutral witness, sharing viewpoints, understanding each other and resolving an issue always makes me regret not knowing Val earlier, when faced with serious challenges with 2 of my (now in spirit) girls.
I never cease to be amazed at her more than 100% accuracy and mine of information that she can draw out from an animal in such a compassionate, understanding way…no wonder Blackie wanted to hang out with her!! I didn’t realize he had appointed himself the watchman!! That’s why he wants to be out early in the cold to keep an eye! I discovered and could address his high level of pain earlier only thanks to Val. I understand the breathing issue now and hope he remembers what Val told him. Extremely grateful Val for your time and incredible insights and guidance.
Lily’s healing session was amazing, and one could feel the relief at the end. And as always, the way Val uses Ho’oponopono gives me goosebumps….perhaps it’s the choice of words and the tone.
The clarification of shapeshifting and the appropriate method of reimagining the scene to see and feel the desired outcome is a great learning.
Thanks again Val, each class is such a treat!“
Now we are eager to know, what will YOU experience?
If you’d like to join us, here’s how to sign up:

From Val: After every Heart Wisdom Masterclass, we invite the students to share what they experienced. For this Masterclass, the topic was on Communicating with Animals pt 4
These exercises and techniques are designed to empower students as well as up-level their communication, intuitive skills, and healing abilities, too.
Here’s what students reported after class:
Teddy’s mom Elizabeth said, “Val, I couldn’t say anything on the call because I was crying so many (happy) tears and because I was honestly afraid you all would think I was crazy, but Teddy’s tumor is now squishy and small. It was hard and huge when we took her into the vet. She still seems unconcerned, ha! Our next step would be a biopsy because the vet thought a complete removal would be dangerous.
You were absolutely right about where it was located. If Teddy doesn’t want any of these tests, we won’t keep going in that direction, but we will be going back to the vet to confirm that I’m not insane. My husband keeps feeling around on her chest saying, “I can’t find it, now”
Layla’s mom Mary said, “I loved the class today. Another great one with lots of lessons. I want to thank Val and everyone who sent me healing and help to get rid of the nasties. I was surprised by Layla’s wanting to talk about our relationship and my struggles [instead of her own health issues]. I had a very bad fall 2 months ago and am having extreme pain in my rotator cuff and knee on my left side. I go for physio and it’s not helping. I was feeling rather low and sorry for myself.
I got a feeling that I was being attacked and the nasties were laughing at me. I didn’t know a bad gut could be caused by nasties as well. So, now I need to send any other bad energy packing and find the joy I once had in life. I will be reviewing these masterclasses.
I thank Layla for bringing this forward for me. She truly is meant for me. I feel lighter. Thank you everyone and thank you Val.”
Shelly said, “Today’s masterclass was amazing – all are, of course, but I got another “first” today, more about that in a moment. 🙂
Since I know that setting intentions DOES work, I made sure to make today’s intentions very on point. I had a really rough week at work, so I needed to get some quick help to get all those very busy thoughts and negative emotions out – intention #1.
This call’s meditation went above and beyond how prior call meditations went, and I literally felt all tension, struggle, and busy mind go away! That was a lot of “stuff” to clean out and I watched it miraculously go away! I instantly felt peace and calm in my spirit. Ahhhh. What a nice feeling!
Now for my “first” today. Today, I got to experience medical scanning for the first time. I’ve tried before but today with Teddy was the first time it actually happened for me. What I got matched closely to what Val got. I wrote down what I got right before Val said it. I got that Teddy’s chest discomfort was at a 2-3 on the pain scale. I saw a black fuzzy sphere inside her chest, about 1-1 1/2 inches in size near her heart and lungs.
After Val had us give her rainbow energy, the black color faded, turned much lighter, softer, not as visible. I then felt that everything inside her body was “young”, didn’t feel old at all to me. Towards the end, I felt that she was much stronger, no pain, and was acting like a puppy again.
That was quite an amazing experience to finally see how a medical scan works. Wow. Guess what? That was intention #2! I asked for a growth in my communication abilities. Bam! Got it! 🙂
What a class. Goosebump city. 🙂 Thank you, Val, again for a WONDERFUL class!!!!!!!!! Lots of love to you all, human and animal!“
Now it’s your turn…
Masterclasses are reserved for Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Platinum Advanced and Professional Members.
If you’d like to join us, here’s how to sign up:

I wanted to say a huge thank you to those who connected with Missy (Natalie’s horse). Having been out of traditional work for so long and us both feeling a bit lost, the change in her energy was noticeable to everyone who say her before and after that month. Missy really has wonderful advice and I think sharing it gives her such a sense of purpose, so please do feel free to ask her advice anytime!
Even more incredulously, the vet has said Missy is sound for ridden work after nearly 2 years of not being sound. I have never seen my regular osteo of several years look so surprised, also declaring Missy sound and confessing she absolutely did not think this was possible for her. To be honest, I can’t believe it myself.
Thank you so much, what an incredible healing community this is! I am so grateful to be a part of it ❤️

From Val: After every Live Q&A Coaching Club Call we invite the students to share their golden nuggets and takeaways about their experience.
Here’s what the students reported after class:
Lucia said, “This has been one of the most amazing, brilliant and remarkable live classes I have attended until now! There may be recordings, with amazing subjects, but it is completely different to attend live, and to FEEL the warming healing that takes place in the minutes spent together in meditation as a group. I am so happy, delighted, and honored to be part of this club right here right now, with such extraordinary people!”
She also wrote “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love and for sharing your insights on Mr Ming! I have tears in my eyes, but not because Mr. Ming is ready to go, but for feeling the appreciation of your soothing CARE! I deeply appreciate your collegiality and amazing support! Val, please accept my deepest gratitude and thanks for letting your brilliancy shine once more upon us!!!!!!!”
Kathy reported, “This was an exceptional class and while I gained lots of little nuggets the main thing for me was the meditation. It was all good, I was even able to do the breathing exercise better but when we were to take the little ball of golden love and keep expanding it was when things really took a turn for me.
No golden ball, although I tried to make it that, but it kept changing into a heart shaped with purple and blue light which kept expanding until it encapsulated everything and everyone. My heart was so full of love, tears came to my eyes.
Where Val said send love to the earth it turned to gold and began covering the earth, but then it was as if the wind was blowing and dust, snow, debris?, I know not what, was blowing sideways as far as one could see; I felt it was all the negative, evil, bad things in the world being blown away and the earth was being cleared, cleansed, then the golden love continued expanding, covering the earth. At that point I felt cleansed and Whole, peaceful and HAPPY!”
Nita said, “Thank you for an intense power packed session. On a personal level, I reiterate yet again how blessed we are to be here. If only Brownie had been heard like this. Unfortunately, the other communicator simply asked about her physical symptoms (which I could see) and nothing more.
1. The conversation with Ming was fascinating…. specially the conclusion that he was relieved to have been heard. It’s surely given Lucia the peace and direction she was seeking.
2. The answer regarding healing in spirit animals (based on a blog by a well known communicator) and rescue/euthanize was indeed an in depth mini training in itself…a major reminder that without communication, there is a danger we might over ride their karma and free will. I need to remember “Do better when you know better”. As Klaudia said, the analogy of the pupa in the cocoon is a powerful one.
3. The answer to Karen’s question about ions was very interesting…..all energy transforms and impacts other energies, and one can communicate even with ions!
4. Finally, the guidance regarding Patty’s cat Scooter goes deep and gives much food for thought. We know of but forget to look at the human-animal body-mind connection, which can lead to mirroring, so we have to look within for wounds/triggers. “The unconscious person attacks the mirror”….. something I am guilty of with one of my dogs.
Val’s reminder that animals resist ultimatums and a conversation cannot be dictating again brought back a stark reminder of all the wrong strategies used for Brownie by more than one communicator….when she kept digging under the fence and running away, she was told not to, never asked the reason.
Finally, the biggest reminder….. the importance of accepting that things happen the way they do, so to look for the deeper lesson and significance. Thank you Val for the priceless (more than gold!) nuggets and healing….you added something special to the water!!!”
Now we are eager to know, what will YOU experience?
If you’d like to join us, here’s how to sign up:

From Val: After every Live Q&A Coaching Club Call we invite the students to share their golden nuggets and takeaways about their experience.
Here’s what the students reported after class:
Nita said, “The meditation, healing and guided AC with the FAT are always powerful, but I will recap the huge nuggets from Val’s answers to questions. I had sought help for one of my rescues, faced with an issue and inconclusive diagnosis, and am so grateful for the in depth communication, scanning and healing….deepest gratitude, Val.
The big nugget is what Val always tells us….ask the animal! I would never have guessed that Sunny is in pain, and certainly not for 2 months as he told Val….even now he’s running around and barking all day. So the situation would have probably reached an irreversible stage without Val’s communication.
The information she got about Maddie and Rose were fascinating, particularly Rose’s memory of a past life…another golden nugget reminder that animals remember past lives better than humans!
The other golden nugget in reply to Elizabeth….witness and observe negative situations but do not absorb them….reminder to use EFT and Ho’oponopono to clear energies.
Finally, the suggestion to Mary regarding her interaction with a robin….a reminder to study the lessons on spirit animals and totems. Thank you, Val, for such powerful and potent teachings/nuggets in a power packed class.”
Elizabeth said, “Oh my goodness, Val, thank you so much for talking to Rose today! It was amazing to hear her story. I’ll definitely be going back to Missy with Rose and hope that Rose can forgive her.
Rose is so much calmer right now. I loved my first live call! P.S. One golden nugget from the call is that animals can communicate with other animals. I’d been curious about that before, and now I know!”
Now we are eager to know, what will YOU experience?
If you’d like to join us, here’s how to sign up:

From Val: After every Heart Wisdom Masterclass, we invite the students to share what they experienced. For this Masterclass, the topic was on Advanced Questions & Answers Mentoring
These exercises and techniques are designed to empower students as well as up-level their communication, intuitive skills, and healing abilities, too.
Here’s what students reported after class:
Stacey said, “Oh my goodness! I joined the membership club recently and this was my first call. There are so many golden nuggets that are a take away for me. I resonated with each question, and Val’s answers were incredibly educational and so helpful.
I think the biggest nugget I received from this call is frequency, frequency, frequency. The frequency of love is so important and being aware of what needs to be healed within ourselves is so important and can absolutely be done with love, grace, forgiveness and patience. I have so much gratitude in my heart for this community, Val and all who are involved. I look forward to this adventure!”
Sharon said, “I thank you for your expertise, superior knowledge and amazing gifts. Despite my previous excellent training I continue to be amazed by your teachings!”
She also discovered that her discomfort about charging for her services is something she needs to heal within herself, in order to serve at a higher level. And that she can do fundraisers for her favorite charity and causes as an equal exchange of energy too. The act of charging and what it’s bringing up for her to heal is showing her how to heal, evolve and grow.
Nita said, “Thanks for the thought that we may be part of your soul circle!! Even the shorter class was full of nuggets! The answer to my question about connecting to one’s own animals in spirit was profound and the impetus that I needed: strong emotions (grief, guilt, regret etc, of which I have in plenty!) block communication, so inner healing/self forgiveness has to come first. Comfort and closure comes from within, not from them.
My ‘AHA’ moment was that one reason for my lack of progress in AC has been due to insufficient self healing. I returned to AC after 3 years when Brownie passed, as a means to connect with her, and took more trainings and courses but to no avail, as no one stressed the need for inner healing! Finally, Divine providence brought me here almost 2 years ago…. I began the healing journey recently with Val’s guidance, but have a very long way to go.
Val’s answers to Natalie’s questions had a number of teaching points: tips for asking questions: “tell me more about it” to draw out relevant information, animals can be color blind or see a color in a different frequency, so one should sensitize oneself to color sense.
A great reminder too of the resources to help develop all the intuitive abilities and the healing feelings classes. An interesting point is that in the heart-love soul space, the brain waves adjust on their own, and all 4 brain waves are balanced.
Two reminders in answer to Sharon: inner healing is needed to clear blocks, and the magic you seek is in the work you’re avoiding. I need to remember this every day……ever grateful, Val! “
Natalie said this was so helpful and she learned so much. My example of asking more questions when I feel stuck was amazing because she realized that when she feels like she’s not getting a response, she stopped and withdrew from the conversation, which guaranteed that she wouldn’t get answers.
When she got a wrong answer in the past, she stopped trying and didn’t want to ask those types of questions. And that the information she’s gathered from lots of sources has led her to overthink and block herself. The coaching she received in class was a game changer for her.
Martha realized that she feels irritated when clients ask “test” questions, and when clients treat her like she’s not offering a valuable service. That her charges for her services didn’t feel right, and weren’t attracting the right clients. She learned how to fix that, starting with herself.
Now it’s your turn…
Masterclasses are reserved for Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Platinum Advanced and Professional Members.
If you’d like to join us, here’s how to sign up:

From Val: After every Live Q&A Coaching Club Call we invite the students to share their golden nuggets and takeaways about their experience.
Here’s what the students reported after class:
Rosemary said, “The meditation in yesterday’s class was particularly helpful for me. It was a fantastic meditation session! Biggest golden nugget: just keep practicing staying in your soul, where we are connected to all things – how could I then not feel the varying waves of energy all around me? Thank you, Val, Sophie and everyone on the call!”
Mary said, “My golden nuggets were learning that animals know when they are leaving, and sometimes I think that it happens even if their purpose is not quite finished, but the leaving is the finished part. It teaches us to look for the reason and the lesson.
Also, I know that if you ask the universe to end their suffering when they are very sick, the universe sends helpers to assist them in leaving. Another nugget was to pay attention and learn to filter the messages you receive. I love each and every class and always learn something new.”
Nita said, “It’s not just about communicating, but comprehending, not just talking but understanding. If we can’t communicate with those in spirit, it could be our grief blocking us, or because they are busy!
Some important reminders were that the questions on the accountability post are linked to our intention to learn, the importance of the intuition exercises, getting into the right space with meditation, the importance of feelings, and that the heart/soul is connected to everything. The answers to the questions are always major learning points. Thank you Val. Blessings”
Now we are eager to know, what will YOU experience?
If you’d like to join us, here’s how to sign up:

From Val: After every Heart Wisdom Masterclass, we invite the students to share what they experienced. For this Masterclass, the topic was on Helping Sheltered, Fostered, Rescued & Abused Animal Part 3
These exercises and techniques are designed to empower students as well as up-level their communication, intuitive skills, and healing abilities, too.
Here’s what students reported after class:
Nita said, “It was such a powerful and moving masterclass…..all my 9 are rescues, all but 1 victims of unspeakable abuse. I wish I had all this knowledge when they came to me. What a difference it would have made…. The nuggets are too many to list but a big one was that they’re survivors and that the past is behind them. Also, what is important for us may not be so for them, and it may not be as bad or painful for them as we think. Thanks very much, Val.”
Martha discovered many great ideas for her practice as a professional practitioner, and how to work with pets in the system who’ve suffered shock and trauma.
Penny said this Masterclass was incredibly useful. The class is FULL of golden nuggets! She loved everything, including learning how to help animals with past trauma, about the importance of feeling, listening to their story, how to prepare them to find their forever “right” person, and prepare them properly so they know what to expect.
Mary said this was a very emotional class for her, with too many golden nuggets to list and so many questions answered. After her last dog died, she adopted a rescued golden retriever who was very ill. It took thousands of dollars and a lot of time to help her recover. She knows the dog loves her and her hubby but the bond is not as strong as it could be because she’s made some mistakes along the way, and she wasn’t communicating through the process. Now she knows more about her blocks and fears and how to heal them to become a better communicator.
Now it’s your turn…
Masterclasses are reserved for Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Platinum Advanced and Professional Members.
If you’d like to join us, here’s how to sign up:

From Val: After every Live Q&A Coaching Club Call we invite the students to share their golden nuggets and takeaways about their experience.
Here’s what the students reported after class:
Klaudia reported that it took a lot of time to process what she got from class. Knowing how to handle and deal with stressful situations is very helpful. My teaching on how to deal with being overwhelmed in crisis situations, and assisting sick animals as well as animals in transition was especially useful.
She realized that she isn’t overly emotional with her own pets in these cases, but when she communicates with a client’s pet, it’s much harder. The reason for that is the fear of upsetting the pet’s person or feeling insecure about possibly getting the message(s) wrong.
Kathy said that the conversation and coaching I offered on being afraid of making mistakes was a whole class in itself.
Now we are eager to know, what will YOU experience?
If you’d like to join us, here’s how to sign up:

From Val: After every Heart Wisdom Masterclass, we invite the students to share what they experienced. For this Masterclass, the topic was on Helping Sheltered, Fostered, Rescued & Abused Animal Part 3
These exercises and techniques are designed to empower students as well as up-level their communication, intuitive skills, and healing abilities, too.
Here’s what students reported after class:
Martha realized many shifts and changes for herself and her own healing journey, and that she can better help shelter animals because of her own painful experiences. It’s important that we “get” each other (defined as a deep sense of understanding, acceptance, and comprehension) when we communicate, just like when we “get” other people, and when we feel they “get” us too.
Klaudia said that my guiding Nicole through her healing process was extremely powerful. She also got insights and greater understanding from my coaching with Martha and her realizations. She has more compassion for people now, whereas she never had much before and didn’t want to talk with them. Now she is more tolerant and accepting, with more love and understanding.
Nicole reports that all of the painful sensations in her body connected to her fears shifted, disappeared, and changed with the coaching. Before the coaching/healing, she felt fearful, contracted, hiding, disconnected and scared to death. Afterward she felt spacious, open, connected and grounded, excited, with information flowing, completely able to filter other people’s and pet’s stuff with greater discernment. In our coaching and healing process, we discovered her Inner Magician who is amazing, and has already started to teach her about sacred geometry, alchemy, and energy “magic”.
Now it’s your turn…
Masterclasses are reserved for Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Platinum Advanced and Professional Members.
If you’d like to join us, here’s how to sign up:

From Val: After every Live Q&A Coaching Club Call we invite the students to share their golden nuggets and takeaways about their experience.
Here’s what the students reported after class:
Martha said the meditation was phenomenal and amazing, she felt more relaxed. She could feel herself shifting “in” and “out”, and saw how the gold love energy was in and around her and her cats. She could sense and feel when I cleaned her pineal gland and it resulted in greater space in her forehead and brain too.
The messages she got about the gift of the “Y” was life changing, and she continues to explore it, like a tree rooting, powerfully, grounding and expansive. Part of the message was about the importance of being and flowing, where there is no thinking, rehearsing, or planning.
Let it come how it comes, be and stay in the moment to broaden awareness. She also learned about SENSING through it, to let her heart (Soul) lead, to connect and use all her senses.
Mary reported that her dog Layla got a wonderful healing in class too! After class Layla was clearly feeling much better. Yea!
Sharon said “Recently I used the heart wisdom method to communicate with my horse. I became one with my horse using the heart wisdom method. One of the strongest and most loving Interchanges we have ever had. Eldorado gave me a gift of a thrilling ride through the universe showing me all the grace and beauty that is available to us. Very intense. And beautiful!”
Amy did a great job of connecting with Opie 1 Canoli, as he sat in her lap the entire time cuddling, head butting, inviting a particular kind of belly rubs, and purring like crazy. She picked up on a tooth pain problem too. She could feel his big presence energetically, the stabilizing calming force that he is. All of which his mom Penny confirmed with us – well done!
Nita said. “I love the way Val sets the tone and essence of the call with the introduction and a reminder of who animals really are! The meditation and healing resonated more powerfully than usual, thank you Val. The nuggets from the Q & A part were:
- The importance of healing ourselves first before trying to help an animal or we can project our beliefs. This is very relevant to me personally and I am grateful for the incredible masterclass lessons which provide the tools. The soul creates life lessons in each lifetime.
- Animals read our thoughts and listen to our unspoken stories by sensing our energy. Saying it out loudly keeps our focus, and then they compare it with their own experiences. They know more than we think but not everything. No communication between species is perfect.
- The right rituals help in AC (reminder to revise the 7 steps program) and intent and focus are important…..all energy can be transformed.”
Now we are eager to know, what will YOU experience?
If you’d like to join us, here’s how to sign up:

From Val: After every Heart Wisdom Masterclass, we invite the students to share what they experienced. For this Masterclass, the topic was on Get the Funky Energy Out aka Energy Hygiene Practices
These exercises and techniques are designed to empower students as well as up-level their communication, intuitive skills, and healing abilities, too.
Here’s what students reported after class:
Nita said “A unique and very relevant topic with fascinating facts about how negative energy impacts us and our animals, and priceless teachings of high level energy hygiene practices to clear them from the soul level.
As Val rightly pointed out, these are seldom taught in detail, yet crucial to our well being and healing, as these energies can attach at any time from anywhere and try to block us. Knowing the signs of attacks by “nasties” and how to transform them with high frequency love and light energies (with clear steps given by Val) would indeed be life changing, for me personally and my dogs.
As usual, the Heart wisdom love meditation was powerful, but the basic exercise to detach felt even more powerful, with a definite shift and the space seeming brighter and lighter. I aim to use this regularly with the meditations. Finally, Val’s answer to Rosemary’s question and the analogies for the mind was very enlightening. Thanks Val! Look forward to the next part of this topic!”
Martha said there are not enough hours in a day for her to express everything she got! It was a WOW experience as she felt so much greatness flow through her. Her third eye saw the white star, and it sent chills through her, it was so powerful. She reached another dimension and could see and feel the difference.
Rosemary said it was wonderful! And she asked excellent clarifying questions. She receive on the spot coaching to improve her process and go deeper in her exploration and mastery of the exercises.
Amy shared her experience of the Soul Repair 30 Day Intensive Program (of which this class was a small part of the entire training), and which she’s done twice. She said that the Soul Repair Program and these techniques are the one thing that righted her ship. Even though she’s had a rough go of it lately, when she gets back to doing these exercises, things clear up quickly. She is grateful for the refresher helping her get back into doing the work.
Now it’s your turn…
Masterclasses are reserved for Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Platinum Advanced and Professional Members.
If you’d like to join us, here’s how to sign up:

From Val: After every Live Q&A Coaching Club Call we invite the students to share their golden nuggets and takeaways about their experience.
Here’s what the students reported after class:
Martha said that when I guided her through the Heart Wisdom Love Connection and Healing, it felt like she was exploding into the Universe, and felt that so much she couldn’t even keep up. Her cat Serenity joined us; there was a deep and powerful sense of gratitude, love, warmth and peace.
She realized many extraordinary insights and discoveries from the experience, including feeling the healing sensations through her forehead, third eye, teeth, and pineal and pituitary glands while I did group healing. When she looked in the mirror afterward, her eyes were BIG, brimming with life force, and she felt a huge inner smile with love energy, nurturing, and a great sense of warmth.
Nita said, “The call takes place 10pm IST, and I look forward to it all day! Every call is unique in the experience (of even the same meditation) and the rich teachings that follow. I always gain a lot personally, as well as learn from others’ questions. Yesterday was no exception….
The meditation had a different dimension, for want of a better word, and the healing cleared a severe throat pain that I had suddenly developed the night before. Thanks Val!
A huge golden nugget was Val’s answer to my question…our journey is designed to heal, evolve and grow, as we’re a work in progress, so it cannot be used as an excuse not to practice, and the magic of AC is in the work that I’m avoiding. Val’s strong reminder served to shake me out of the fear and lack of confidence and I’ve made a start with the FAT.
The explanation of Ho’oponopono was a great learning, as in the couple of workshops I had attended much earlier taught that it had to be done 108 times, which becomes mechanical. I understand why Val says once or twice is enough, as the power behind the words and format, (beyond the 4 sentences) that she teaches is unique. Thanks again, Val!
In response to Shelly’s question on communicating with animals in spirit vs those in physical body, the suggested questions to determine if the animal has transitioned is very helpful. On a lighter note, it’s interesting to know that animals can use strong language! Finally, listening to Martha, Klaudia, and Mary was yet another reminder of what a lovely community we have…thanks Val and everyone!”
Mary said that the information and answers to her questions for her dog Layla helped a great deal, and that she better understands the importance of understanding Layla’s viewpoint, talking and discussing things with her, before trying to make decisions on her behalf.
She’s super excited to learn more about the Ho’oponopono training (taught in our other Masterclasses and the Advanced Course). She also got a lot out of the teaching about communicating with animals in spirit and how that’s different from talking with animals in physical bodies.
Now we are eager to know, what will YOU experience?
If you’d like to join us, here’s how to sign up:

From Val: After every Heart Wisdom Masterclass, we invite the students to share what they experienced. For this Masterclass, the topic was on Forgiving What You Can’t Forget – 12D High Level Energy Hygiene Practices for Communicator and Healers, Part 2.
These exercises and techniques are designed to empower students as well as up-level their communication, intuitive skills, and healing abilities, too.
Here’s what students reported after class:
Martha experienced an incredible healing miracle! She said she felt sensations all over her body as she enjoyed exploring and swimming in the rainbow of love energy. Then she suddenly realized that the terrible leg and foot injury she’d had when she was young that had made it impossible to balance on or use her leg very well? It was healed, like she’d never been injured! She can now balance and shift and move normally again. And that is a miracle!
Nicole said she immediately felt different, shifting into a lighter ‘safe zone’, where she is carrying less weight. She realized that no one can negatively affect us unless we give them the power to do so.
Rosemary said her experience was fantastic, and she also learned how to share this healing energy with her dog, too.
Natalie said “I can’t wait to listen again. I physically felt like I was sitting up taller and that my back was releasing. The analogy of it being a game of tug of war, and you just need to drop the rope really got the message through to me. I am going to do this exercise regularly from now on!
I absolutely love these energy techniques. Such great timing for me, too, as I only really understood what it meant that my communication style is energetic last week and whereas I think that has made my animal comms journey longer (and harder) than it might otherwise have been. I am so excited by these energy tools and find them much easier to integrate into my daily life. Thank you!”
Nita said “To describe yesterday’s masterclass, I can only echo Rosemary… ”fantastic”! Val’s emails leading up the class gave a taste of what to expect, as had the previous masterclass, but the advanced techniques taught are beyond words! Use of pyramids as power amplifiers, the octahedron and calling on the violet flame of St. Germain were very interesting.”
1. I never tire of Val’s introduction of animals as spiritual, energetic beings with souls, God’s gift on loan to us for a purpose, and know things we don’t.
2. Empaths feel too much, so must keep the energy field clean, by proper shielding and releasing/clearing unwanted energy, forgive and move on. The analogy of the dirty pot is so apt.
3. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting, but accepting what happened, with the courage to receive the lessons, but making peace with it. Letting go is a simple choice, and again the analogy of the tug of war is a powerful one… one has to drop the rope and walk away. Focusing on pain/trauma will attract more of the same, as the universe will send whatever we feed with energy (scary thought!)
4. Recap of part 1: daily practices of shielding, detaching and preventing energy leaks. We are energy based beings and souls, not thoughts or memories. Dark energies cause pain and feed on misery/sadness. We remain weak and stuck without forgiveness.
5. One has to detach daily from what does not serve… nothing can drain you unless you let it. Again the analogies (like the balloons) are so vivid. We have to reclaim and recall our power.
Hearing Nicole’s experience and Martha’s recovery, indeed a “miracle work” was so encouraging. It’s also good to know that one can put others in the love heart center and shield them. But we cannot forgive for others, as everyone has their own karma or life plan, and what happens is chosen by the soul to learn lessons.”
Now it’s your turn…
Masterclasses are reserved for Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Platinum Advanced and Professional Members.
If you’d like to join us, here’s how to sign up:

During the past several nights, as I watched for glimpses of the Geminid meteor shower, I looked up at the sky with an entirely different understanding of the universe—and my place within it—than I had held just a few months ago, before working with Val.
Even more striking than the flashes of light shooting across the sky was the transformation in my own perspective inspired by Val’s Soul Repair program. I’m Laura Carrier, an attorney, and this is my story.
I was led to Val by my beloved cat, Suki. Just after turning 17, Suki developed an aggressive tumor in her throat that was preventing her from eating and drinking. Her vet said nothing could be done to help her and recommended that she be euthanized right away. But I couldn’t bear to let go of the best friend I’d ever had. During the past several years, I had descended into the depths of depression, becoming isolated, fearful, angry, and trapped in toxic home and work environments. Suki’s wonderful presence in my life had often been my only reason to keep going in these difficult circumstances. I didn’t believe I would be able to survive, nor want to survive, without her. So I searched for an energy healer who works with cats and discovered Val.
After Val began treating her, Suki coughed up several pieces of the tumor, which allowed her to eat and drink again. She lived for another four months, during which she sometimes acted like a young cat again, catching mice, stalking birds, and even chasing a hummingbird on our last day together. I will always treasure those precious additional months we were able to spend together.
While working with Suki, Val told me that I needed to make significant changes for the sake of both Suki’s health and my own health, since my anger and despair were creating a toxic situation for both of us. Embarking on the Soul Repair program helped me to see that my longstanding depression stemmed from being trapped in my own mind and cut off from contact with my soul. Val and I discussed the likelihood that this situation originated in early childhood, when I learned to protect myself from overwhelmingly painful feelings by staying habitually out of my heart. But remaining so dominated by my mind had eventually become an imprisonment rather than a protection.
During the Soul Repair program, I learned for the first time how to effectively quiet my mind so that I could reconnect with my heart and begin to hear my soul. I had tried unsuccessfully for years to meditate, but most of the time had been unable to quiet my mind for even a few seconds, due to a terror of giving up control.
Val taught me techniques to overcome this long-term difficulty, as well as techniques for working with my soul to detach at a deep level from unwanted events that I would previously have reacted to with negative emotions that would make me more and more powerless.
Now when something starts to bother me, I am able to connect to my soul and detach from the stressful event without giving away my power to someone or something outside me. I’ve also experienced physical changes.
When I began the Soul Repair program, I still had frequent discomfort from a head injury six years ago, which temporarily got more pronounced during the soul repair program and then disappeared. I can’t even remember the last time I felt this discomfort.
Suki was my active companion as I began the Soul Repair program, often coming to sit on my lap as I did the daily exercises. When she passed away during my Soul Repair journey, I still believed that I would not be able to go on living without her. Val compassionately challenged and guided me to discover the gift in this seemingly unbearable loss, and to focus on finding out what life could be like on the other side of recovery from the intense grief.
Val also helped me to understand death in an entirely new way, gradually becoming able to comprehend that Suki’s body had simply been a vehicle for her soul, discarded like an old car when it became unable to function well, and that the spirit that had animated her body remained with me even after she had left the body behind.
I began to feel Suki’s love and support more and more clearly, and have repeatedly noticed that I feel closer to her now than when I was interacting with her in her physical form. I now feel confident that Suki will remain with me, whether she returns in another physical body or stays in her current form.
Val’s guidance and support helped me to navigate through and beyond this dreaded, life-shattering event in a way that I could not previously have imagined. Since Suki passed out of her body, I have experienced many periods of profound happiness and hope for the future.
Contrary to my previous fear that I would be unable to continue living after Suki died, I now hope to live in this body for several more decades, because there are so many things that I want to learn and discover.
The Soul Repair program introduced me to a process that I hope will be life-long, of allowing my life to be guided by my heart and soul, rather than just my mind. This program and the many tools it gave me served as a catalyst to my transformation from someone who felt trapped in a cage and paralyzed by fear and depression, into someone who recognizes that life is a precious and important opportunity to learn and grow, and is inspired and excited to discover more.

I’m so glad I did Val’s Soul Repair program. I gave it my all and I feel so empowered to do all these exercises on my own. I’m really proud of myself! Val even told me I’m a natural at this. It has been a beautiful spiritual journey and I love being able to feel and receive love energy whenever. People talk about feeling your love but they don’t really know… there’s so much more we don’t realize is possible. It gives a whole new meaning to “I felt that in my Soul.”
This process has brought a lot of happiness into my life even though my circumstances haven’t changed. I had lost track of myself with a lot of fears and negative thoughts getting in my way. I feel so much more aligned and in touch with who I am now. I was definitely led here.
With the 1:1 support, Val helped monitor me personally during the healing sessions and gave me insights, which I think was the right choice vs. the group program. The only thing confusing was that the processes and handouts weren’t totally fleshed out, so it requires you to figure out a lot on your own. But it was really cool to become my own best teacher. When my mind tried to sabotage me, I took care of it.
I’m very thankful I learned how to help my love Carmel (cat) heal, as she was having urinary problems on and off for 2 years. I noticed a shift in her behavior and she’s a lot happier and healthier now. We’re both calmer and more relaxed. I see how much she has been mirroring me! I feel great across the board — my energy, health, emotional/mental well-being, and self love, etc, have improved greatly. My eyes and tailbone feel better, my anxiety is better, some irritation and pain went away too. I’m also more comfortable being heard and speaking my mind. I’m so glad I have all these amazing techniques to use for the rest of my life!
The most crucial part to understand is this isn’t a quick fix for every ailment in 30 days. I’ve continued doing my healing afterwards and things have only gotten better. It’s something I really enjoy, and it keeps me more pleasant, as well as people around me. It keeps giving!

I am writing to let you know that following our session of yesterday, I am able to report changes!
My English Shepherd Weston who was overly aggressive with my young German Shepherd Max? He IS correcting Max much less just like you asked him to. Weston is so perked up at work and following me around with a renewed energy. Weston did not bark at the A/C technician yesterday either, which is a HUGE change and such a relief…
You noticed that Max was overly tense and wound up all the time, and now after you worked with him and did healing too, he seems much more relaxed. Not a notably big difference like in Weston but there is something there.
I even saw my elderly kitty Micina drinking more water, just like you encouraged her to do.
I am delighted and our session was definitely worth it!
Best Regards
Stefania Caldwell

I first became connected to Val in 2017 through her animal communication training. Our relationship blossomed into so much more. Val taught me more than talking with animals. Val became and still is my mentor. A teacher. A guide. A Healer.
Val has been a big player in me becoming connected to Source and my Higher Self. I am, thanks partly to Val, becoming more centered, grounded, focused, and present.
Val has also helped me to be able to answer questions for myself by helping get into my heart space where I am connected to Source and my Higher Self. This is huge in so many ways! By being in tune to my Higher Self and Source, I can also create what is to the Highest and Best Good.
“How?” you might be wondering. I can hardly begin to explain what all I’ve experienced and discovered in my journey.
I genuinely feel that the many ways Val has helped me don’t really have a monetary figure. How can learning to connect with one’s Higher Self have a price tag? How can learning to trust yourself have a price tag? How can all the other things Val has taught me have a price tag? Of course these things can save money when alternatively it would involve another “professional “ (veterinarian, doctor), but it’s so meaningful and special and to the Highest and Best Good for me to know how to do it myself.
Learning how and the experience of learning how is best to do yourself with Val. It’s one of the best things you can do for yourself as a person and your Soul, as well as your animals if you have them. Bless yourself by working with Val.

My name is Amy and I just completed the Miracles Soul Repair Healing Group Program in March 2023. My first round of Miracle Soul Repair was started in Fall of 2021. I received a lot of information and got a solid foundation in my first round. However, as time passed, old habits crept back in which undermined my health and well-being. I decided to take the class again because I needed help setting things back on track.
The Miracle Soul Repair program is unique and highly valuable. I have checked out other methods and sought healing and direction through different avenues, but none of them feel as authentic and direct as what I’ve learned in Val’s program.
One thing that sets this program apart from the others is that it requires your 100% effort and participation. The power to rid myself of negative influences and self-heal is in my own hands. Val’s method teaches me how to reclaim my power to be able to do those things in my own life.
I know that reclaiming my physical, mental, and emotional health is an ongoing journey. I’m glad that I was led to find Val and her program because I look forward to the adventure and ongoing growth in my life now instead of where I was before I found this program.
Prior to learning from Val, I was barely living and was mentally preparing for death. I was exhausted and drained and couldn’t find the will to go on much longer. I was diagnosed and medicated for most of my adult life with Major Depressive Disorder, High Blood Pressure, and Type II Diabetes. Since the first round with Val, I haven’t been medicated for the depression and I’m still going strong. What a win!
My goal with the 2nd round with Val was to tackle Type II Diabetes. It’s a complex journey for me, but I believe that if I keep working at it, I will achieve complete healing of that and the blood pressure issue.
Regardless of the diagnoses, my quality of life has greatly improved and I am so grateful for the role Val has played in this journey.

Hi I’m Beverly Massey, retired BodyTalk System Healing practitioner. My story is the usual human beginning, believing that I’m just a human existing in a life that’s controlled by the outside. When I woke up in my 30s, I realized I’m not just a human, I’m the Spirit and the Soul in this body. And my story began to take on a new trajectory. I’ve taken many paths along this journey of ‘Knowing my Self-my True Self. I knew I was here to experience my full Divinity while living a human life.
20 years later I found myself widowed and reaching for a new way to discover myself and help others. I first started down the path to become a homeopath, but life brought me an even more exciting choice. The BodyTalk System founded by Dr John Veltheim. I gave it my All, learned all the modules plus advanced studies. I practiced as a professional for only a few years. My focus shifted more with In me. Was time for the ‘Healer’ to Heal herself.
In these recent years I found myself still feeling so alone and lost no matter what I did or what tools I learned. The ‘Healer’ needed support. And that is what brought me to Val, and her Soul Miracles Program.
With Val’s loving, yet stern guidance, techniques, and tools, along with a consciousness group that I’ve been meditating with, Crimson Circle (based on Adamus Saint Germain’s teachings), I found an ease again to be in my heart and Soul, rather than in my over thinking mind.
Through the Program, I have had so many awarenesses.
Did I experience a physical healing. Not entirely yet but I can feel things changing as I identify, remove and clear what’s been holding me back. I have the tools to do that now, and am working on detaching and releasing the old so my body can heal.
What I did experience was finally allowing the ‘Voice of my Soul’ to return. I also felt when the nasties (dark energies) left me, and that felt good.
I also experienced greater calmness, with more peace because I let go of thinking and aligned with my Soul. In that clear state, the “nasties” can’t be near me.
I realized that I am at choice to let the old irritability, life wounds, painful emotions and overwhelm chaos feelings go.
The physical balancing will follow as long as I keep my healthy boundary of ‘No More Doubt’ and stay Aligned with my Soul focusing on high level love energy. Doubt in my Wholeness is what brought on the separation from my Soul. And Human conditioning over lifetimes brought on this doubt and separation.
Now I know how to detach from those old things, recall my power, and restore my Soul.
Anyone choosing to Know their True Self and have a return to the Wholeness of their Soul Will benefit greatly from Val’s class. And, Will have their Own Unique form of Healing. Unrelenting Commitment and Openness is all that’s needed.

My name is Terrianne McGrath and I have been part of Val Heart’s Learn How To Talk To Animals Heart School community for approximately one year. I aspire to be a proficient animal communicator under Val’s tutelage. When I signed up for the Heart Wisdom Soul Repair Program, I honestly didn’t know what I was getting myself into.
I wasn’t aware that I would benefit from Soul Repair necessarily, but perhaps there would be other parts to this Program that would resonate within me.
Well, after the first class, I was dutifully doing my homework when I had a strong impression about a man who had tried to abduct me when I was in the third grade popped up out of nowhere trying to break into my “Love circle”. It was so unexpected; I didn’t know what to do!
My instinct was to get angry and tell him to go to hell (not the correct response). I didn’t understand why he would pop up, when I did not believe I harbored any frightening or vulnerable emotions since this happened many decades ago!
I emailed Val explaining my experience and she responded right away, explaining what had happened, what to do about it to clear it, and how to handle similar situations in the future.
After communicating with Val, I felt very reassured and empowered going forward. I wasn’t scared, I was ready to get to work and see what was next. There were a few more “Nasties” that needed to be detached but it wasn’t difficult to do once I learned how.
I was able to claim my power over my Soul and kick out any unwanted guests so they never return.
At the start of the 4 week course, we were asked to take responsibility for attending classes and doing the homework each day in between classes.
It was intense at times, but at the end looking back, it was worth everything. I have grown as a communicator, a person, along with having a clear picture as to how to protect myself from any future dark energy that may cross my path. I am confident and ready to take the next path in life.
During this Program, I became more skilled in connecting with my heart and leaving my head off to the side. We all can agree, that is not an easy feat.
I learned a lot about my own personal journey from birth, childhood, to adulthood where I continued to strengthen my relationship with God. The many times in my own life and my family’s lives when my personal Guardian was on the clock.
I was able to give heartfelt thanks and understand my journey past and present. That is a gift in itself. The exercises strengthened my ability to quickly shift into my Heart space and feel the shift when I was in fact in my heart space, where before, I was having difficulties.
That’s helped me with my animal communication work too because whereas before it was harder for me to connect, now it’s much easier.
During certain exercises, I felt so much love and support from many spirit guides, guardians and God when my confidence would start to waiver. After the first class I finally felt self love, it was a huge breakthrough for me and could feel the presence of Master Jesus so clearly.
By the last class, I felt so good! My energy and connection with God is strong and I can connect faster to my Soul space. I can feel the love energy flooding through me and it’s shared with my animals.
My health and the energy in my home is much better. I even cleared the block on getting funding for a new business project.
It was such an amazing experience. This Program will help you to clear yourself of negative energies that may have hitched a ride over the years, knowingly or unknowingly.
It is so much more than that. I found some puzzle pieces of my life that have been a question for a long time. With the missing pieces finally in place, everything makes more sense to me and I am ready for tomorrow and whatever life might bring my way! Thank you, Val!

My horse and I had an incident at the pasture gate. The gate was propped open with a small rock and when she spooked, she bumped the gate and it closed on her neck. She started running wildly around the paths around the barn. She was doing this behavior every day at turn out and I was frantic to get this behavior in check. Additionally, I was unable to remove her halter and lead rope most of these days. When I would approach, she walked away. This had been happening about a week when I had a session with Val.
After getting all the pertinent information Val needed, she checked in with Pollyanna. She found that she could not help herself. Her mind seemed disconnected from her body and she was just reacting. She told Val she had flipped over one night when the other horses wanted to run and play. She was mad. Her head and back hurt. Her wise intuition told me she needed Magnesium and she recommended Milk of Magnesia. Val also recommended Selenium and Chelated Zinc to help anchor the Magnesium in her body. Pollyanna is mirroring my lack of grounding. She suggested a few Chakra clearing and balancing exercises we learned in our Platinum Masterclass. Also to run a Dressage wand over her body and tap her hooves to anchor her to the groung.
It only took a week to get Pollyanna settled down at turn out time. I think she may also have ulcers as the coating action of the Milk of Magnesia really settled her down. It was explained to me that Magnesium helps the body with over 400 processes. I have a much calmer horse and I have been using the Dressage wand often to ground her and have done one Chakra clearing and balancing meditation with her.

I was emotionally upset and worried. My client, Duke, who is also my grand puppy, was exhibiting high anxiety, stress with reactions of terror and cowering with tail between his legs when hearing any kind of noises, also panting, pacing, peeing and pooping inappropriately.
The whole session was amazing from picking up on my emotional, non-neutral state and clearing it. Then how you worked step by step with Duke to uncover and address the problem. I will listen to this over and over because how you worked through this and figured out what solution would help was brilliant.
I am much calmer. Duke is connecting now with his emotional strength and has let go of the negative energies that have effected him. If this one session doesn’t clear all the trauma PTSD with Duke, my dog client, I have several ways including rapid eye movement and revisiting to let go of other scenarios
The way you teach us by working with the animal clients while we are present and also connecting with the animal is priceless. I really learn a lot.

Wow this is really powerful stuff. I felt my my heart tingle and the love of my fur baby that crossed over in July.
Words can’t describe how grateful I am for this. That was simply Amazing! Thank you.

Cooper has already become a calmer dog! He is gentler with the little ones, he listens, he can sit and down and leave it. There was a magical transformation after our conversation yesterday. I got him the wishbone, though he doesn’t seem that interested in it, he does “protect” it.
He had his Vet check yesterday afternoon. Dr. Leonard said GSD are nervous dogs by nature and they can get a colitis. That may be whats going on. The entire house is calmer today and I think that’s part of what he needs to help heal. Also I will follow up with the grapefruit seed extract.
Dr. Leonard told Cooper “you just fell off the turnip truck and landed in paradise, you just don’t know it yet”. Thought that was nice. I’ve known him for 30 years and he knows how I take care of my family.
I discovered, looked at Coopers paper work, that he had been adopted before and brought back after ONE DAY! Because he whined and was aloof! Some people don’t deserve to have a dog. No wonder he was fearful. I had to practically pick him up to get him into the car for his dr. appointment. I told him he was not going back to the shelter, but he was very grateful when we got back home. He looked dejected as they took him into the back to get a fecal sample and trim his toe nails.
I sense he is feeling more settled and less fearful of rejection today. Wish I could save more dogs! x

For many years, I felt like I was in a very dark place from some things that had happened in childhood. I also felt these things were preventing me from being able to move forward in life. I became stuck and was searching for a way out so I could heal. These things were holding me back. All of this was affecting my ability in communication with animals. I felt I could only take it so far and then my “stuff” would stop me from going further. I was having social anxiety, didn’t want to step outside of where I felt safe. I had anxiety, depression. I needed help. I was seeking for a way to heal. It was time and I prayed that I would find an answer to help me with this.
I was part of the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club and was rewarded with a breakthrough coaching call for my accountability. It was very transformative doing this call with Val as it was actually Nemo (my loving teacher and chihuahua) who brought all of this to Val’s attention during this session with her. I am so thankful to him for this as if he didn’t do so, I would still be stuck. I was holding everything inside. I don’t need to do that any more. I decided to move forward and do some private work with Val. She was able to walk me through connecting with the parts of myself that were coming through and that wanted to be healed. Through working on a quantum level and with Bodytalk, I was able to release what no longer served, close doors to things that no longer had strength over me. And I was able to do this in a safe, empowering way. Val helped me feel very safe in doing this. I always felt that the space we worked in was surrounded with love.
I have just finished my third session and I feel like I can move forward even more than that first and second sessions. It has been like peeling the layers of an onion and now the colours are coming through that are vibrant and loving. I feel empowered to move ahead with my purpose in this lifetime. I feel lighter, things have been lifted and I have been able to release years and lifetimes of “stuff” that had been holding me back. It was time for release. I am so grateful to experience what this actually feels like. I’m happy, I’m content and I haven’t felt that….ever!

Fellow animal lover and communication student Inez Sonnenberg shared her remarkable experience communicating with her kitties after her dogs passed. She said:
Our two Springer Spaniels Franklin and Annie passed away last winter. Within six months I was longing for another dog. I have always had at least one dog and couldn’t seem to fill that empty spot in my heart.
My husband however did not want another dog. We have 3 cats which should have been enough. One day we had a big fight about it and I went upstairs and sat on the edge of the bed. Lilly, one of our cats, jumped up and curled up next to me.
Though my dogs and I have always communicated I had never “heard” my cats, though I always have known their needs. Plain as day Lilly said, “Can’t we be enough? We love you. You don’t need a dog. We can love you like a dog does.” I thanked her and told her that I loved all three of them very much.
That night and several nights after, all three cats curled up next to me on the bed. Any time I was sitting on the couch or rocking chair one would come and sit on my lap. They seemed to be taking turns.
Lilly would follow me around the house the way Franklin used to. Carl and I went out to eat and I mentioned that I missed how the dogs would come meet us at the front door, so thrilled to see us. When we came home Lilly and Ricky came running down the stairs to meet us! They did this every time we came home.
Abby would lead me to their toy every evening and say, “Come on Mom let’s play!” They were trying so hard to love me like a dog that I felt bad that I still wanted one. This went on for weeks.
Then Carl and I were sitting in the living room talking. He had done research finding a dog that would get along with cats, not get over 35 lbs, be easy to train, affectionate and easy to walk. He had found someone in Iowa that bred a Golden Retriever with a Cocker Spaniel. They will have puppies in the spring. He said he was willing to get one of those puppies.
Lilly was sitting there listening. Then she said to me. ” So you are getting a puppy. Now Daddy wants one too?” I told her yes but it wouldn’t be until spring and that was a long way off. I told her we would always love them very much and they might even enjoy this new puppy just like they enjoyed Franklin and Annie. They might even play with her and help her feel welcome.
After that, they went back to sleeping most of the day, showing us their normal affection and seemed to be relieved that they no longer had to pretend to be our dogs. I think it was wearing them out! Lilly Abby and Ricky are the sweetest cats ever!!!

The first time I worked with Val, my dog, 50 was pretty low. I believed in what Val was doing through energy but I had never done it before so I didn’t know what to expect. After we finished the session, 50 got up and ran a few steps (a few steps was more than he was doing). And I thought, if that isn’t from what Val did, that is an interesting coincidence. I was so thankful but also felt so limited… like, I don’t have the means to help my 50 on that level.
Through his ups and downs, 50’s characteristic sign of improvement after a session with Val was a pep in his step. And after a handful of sessions with Val (working on us both) and masterclasses, I’ve finally done it. On my own, I effected that change for 50! Val told me that mine and 50’s soul vitality was low because I had a curse and energy leaks. I went to work and immediately after soul & health building, 50 went his max speed on our walk. Doing this over a few a days, he is acting wilder than I have seen him in a while. Eating more, wagging more, & successfully mounted a (bigger/younger) dog. Go 50!
Amazing how I had that first thought that this is something outside of me. Just by seeking the best for us, Val showed me how I can do this, and I got there. And ….this tells me there is more for me. 🥰
P.S. 50 is the reason I started this journey 😎❤️💝💘
P.S.S There are several others of you who have helped 50 along the way. You are a part of this too.
Actually since I have 4 dogs and didn’t know how to train them or communicate with them, it was pretty crazy. A lot of barking, biting, misunderstanding, and tension. Didn’t know what the dogs liked to eat and ultimately changed their food which they now love!
Val helped me to understand the dogs point of view much better. Of course understanding and love helps the relationships grow stronger and better! She helped me to establish myself as a leader in the pack, how to walk them LOOSE LEASH which was so difficult to do before. Now I actually enjoy the walks!
Things are much better now in many ways! I can walk the dogs loose leash which was such a big problem before. The dogs all eat their food and LOVE it. They look to me for direction and because of the trust, I’ve been able to give them more freedom. We are understanding each other better! No more biting and crazy growling. There hasn’t been an attack since working with Val! One of my dogs’ spine is doing much better and he’s doing better on walks! We all have a better relationship compared to before and respect each other more! The love is only getting stronger. The fun has just begun 💕😊 thank you for everything Val💕💕I couldn’t have done any of this without you and your guidance 💕 That’s why we need more people like you and I’m going to continue to develop my skills 😊😊

I just listened to your ‘Communicating with Pests’ masterclass and realized how much spiritual growth I still need to do. Ha! Ha! Befriending cockroaches has never crossed my mind, especially since my grandparents had a pecan tree that was infested with them (the kind that fly).
Thank you for all of your teachings in The Heart School of Animal Communication® and the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club. Your knowledge is breathtaking and I love having this opportunity to expand my life and intuitive abilities as a direct result of it!”

Regarding Animal Communication training and Platinum Membership in Val’s Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club, I felt as though I was not ready for that commitment from a time or financial standpoint. However, I once heard Val say that you can upgrade your membership for a month or two, without obligation to continue.
So after my cat Sal was the Featured Animal Teacher (which was a wonderful experience for us both), I decided to “bite the bullet “ so to speak, and give it a go.
What I discovered was a whole new world of info that was more exciting than I could even imagine. That first week I listened to 7 Masterclasses!
I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Trust me, Val’s Library is amazing. For me there was no turning back. Try the one month thing and evaluate it for yourself.

I first came across Val and her website when I was looking into animal communication. Right away I felt a connection, so despite being on the other side of the world in an incompatible time zone, I have stayed. It wasn’t long before I signed up for the Platinum Membership in her Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club so I could get the Masterclasses and I had my first private sessions with Val and my animals.
In one Masterclass, Val did a powerful Soul Repair and Spirit Healing for the group, and I was astonished because I could FEEL the energy so strongly. It was amazing and felt like a miracle.
So when I heard about the Heart Wisdom Miracles Soul Repair and Spirit Healing Program, I knew that was something I needed to do.
4.5 years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Since then, I have been on my journey pretty much alone. Val’s attitude is so caring and supportive I knew she could offer me support and guidance. During and immediately after each session I felt shifts. I felt unwanted things leave and symptoms ease.
Our last session in particular was amazing. Val picked up on my language and used that to hone in on various issues which needed clearing or to challenge my self-perception.
I really feel that that session removed a number of blockages to my healing process. I have been working towards that for a long time but could never quite put my finger on the exact issue until Val shone a torch on it.
I know I have a long way to go but the techniques Val has taught me in the Soul Repair Program will allow me to continue with my clearing and healing every day. I am feeling much better and am confident that I can achieve real healing. Without Val’s direct guidance I still struggle sometimes to get into my heart space, but I know this will get easier with practice. I also know Val is there for back up when I need it.
Thank you so much Val.

I am Kah Ming Ho. I am an engineer currently working in Saudi Arabia. My wife (Pui Yan) and I completed the Soul Repair Program two weeks ago. In the beginning, I was skeptical about the effectiveness of the program. I have had various health problems for years, and everything I have tried only had a certain degree of success. None was truly effective to achieve true healing. If Pui Yan wasn’t so convincing in talking me into this, I wouldn’t have signed up.
Going from one session to the next, there have been favorable changes. The hives, eczema and rashes I’ve suffered from for years improved. My energy and fatigue levels improved. The anxiety is better, the neck and back pains are gone, and my sleep is better too.
I have learned to feel, i.e., to become more aware of my body, and its alignment with the Universe and Mother Earth; the receiving of positive energies and the dissolution of negativities; and the love around me.
My biggest takeaway from the program is, perhaps, for the first time since a long time ago, I am confident that I will heal.
The Soul Repair Healing Program has certainly got things moving in the right direction. I will continue to perform the daily exercises diligently to sustain and enhance the improvements gained thus far.
Now, a quick update about our feline kids because they have also been part of our healing process. In general, they continue to do fine. Magni is calmer and well-behaved, and he appears to be more understanding of the situations. The same can be said about Lady Sumiko. She doesn’t drink from the lawn sprinkler anymore. However, at times, she seems to be a bit distracted. She no longer catches small birds; she is now going after geckos/lizards at night. I will try to talk her out of this.
Last but not least, I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to Val Heart for this truly wonderful program.

Hi! My name is Pui Yan. My husband and I are from Malaysia but we now live in Saudi Arabia for his job. I would like to start by expressing my heartfelt gratitude and sincere thanks to Val Heart who not only has a big heart, but she is also genuine and truly loves and cares for all animals and humans too!
It is an honor and privilege to have worked with her for my Soul Repair journey this lifetime. May God grace her with everlasting love!
I would like to sincerely thank Grand Master Melchizedek and all Archangels present during the Soul Repair Program for their protection and love.
About 8 years ago, I began my spiritual journey. I was guided inside to work with Val Heart for my cats 4 years ago.
My spiritual journey is somewhat challenging. I have a sad and bitter childhood. Much of my childhood time was spent being lonely without feeling love. This left me growing up with deep resentment and anger inside.
This created a blockage for my spiritual growth. Even though I have experienced much healing throughout these years of dedicated daily meditation, at times, I felt helpless when this shadow of mine surges again and drives me out of balance. I felt my vibrance was being pulled down.
Early this year, I made a quick decision to move out of my previous house. According to the cats, the area had negative energies and dark malicious cats. Even though we have moved away and are better off, we had no idea how to prevent or protect ourselves if this happens again.
After reading much about Val Heart’s Soul Repair Program, I figured maybe this is what my family needs. I signed up together with my husband to learn how to cleanse our house and ourselves from dark and negative energies.
Val Heart’s Soul Repair Program is of great help to me. After the first day of the Program, the nasty energy that was attached to me had formed a small lump at my back causing pain throughout my back. It did not want to let go of me. But after about 2 weeks, the lump and pain were all gone.
My shoulder pain had also reduced, and the stiffness of my neck had loosened up (and were gone completely by the end of the Program too!).
I felt more joyful.
As I went through the Program, I could feel the surge of energy reverberating inside me. I regained my soul strength and vitality. I felt a renewed sense of peace and balance. I am now cleansed from all the negativity and can start anew. This is really good!
This Soul Repair Program is designed in a way that I need not depend on Val for similar healing in the future. I was given and shown the ways to do it myself daily and this is great!
Finally, I would like to thank heaven and mother earth for sustaining my spiritual ideals to stay strong and healthy. Thank you! Thank you! And thank you!

Nicole’s bunny had been very ill with a bad tooth abscess and infection, requiring multiple surgeries. So she asked me for my help communicating with him and healing. Here’s her report about what happened for her and her bunny after her session:
Note: Nicole is an Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Member. This was her Student Breakthrough 15 Minute Laser Coaching Session that she earned for free as an Accountability Reward! You can find out more about the Club HERE

What do you say about a person who has changed your life?
It is not easy to put it into words the changes, awareness, and love that come out of working with Val. She not only works with animals, but people as well; it’s a comprehensive approach. Our energy, emotions, and thoughts affect our animals to the 10th degree.
We met Val when we were on the last stretch of, what I hope was, one of many journeys with our dog Lucky.
All we want, as animal lovers, is to know that our animals feel just how much we love, adore, and appreciate them.
In their final days here on earth we want them to know that we support them, we are here for them through it all, and if they want help with crossing over, we can do that too.
Being able to talk to Lucky in his final days and have him tell me how he was feeling and what he wanted out of everything gave me peace and joy… the woman who said she would need a padded room for 6 months if anything ever happened to him (me)… instead experienced peace and joy.
We have continued to work with Val to help us through emotional trauma… and no matter what you think, we all have trauma.
I was always the first one to say I have never experienced any trauma. Boy was I wrong. Working with Val sheds light on the fact that we need to work on ourselves.
We are all a work in progress, but we get lost in the day to day and forget to love ourselves, care for ourselves, and support ourselves.
Why is this so important?
Many of the issues our dogs had were because they were carrying our emotional baggage and negative energy.
Animals try to help in whatever way they can, even if it is to their detriment.
More times than not what is going on with our animals is because of us.
I cannot forget the amazing work she has done with our other two pups. One of which had issues with barking aggressively at people, biting, and attacking animals when they got in her face.
We worked with multiple trainers and none seemed to help.
After one session with Val addressing the main issues there was a noticeable difference in her behavior.
We have continued to see changes with the additional sessions that we have done and everyday we are amazed at what Val has opened our eyes to.
Now we have a beautiful and loving girl who sometimes barks, but now brings her toy to random strangers to play fetch and can go on walks with dogs she doesn’t know without issue.
Val also changed the dynamic in our home between the two dogs and they get along beautifully. They are now a pack, each with specific duties that the other understands and respects.
I will say it again… Val has changed our lives.
There is no way to say thank you for what she has done.
Instead, I sit here and write this with tears in my eyes thinking about the person I am, who I was, and who I will become because of her.
She transformed how I handle my day to day with my stressful work environment, adding years to my life.
Each day is a little brighter because of her… and nowadays WE NEED THAT.
Thank you Val for teaching me how to love again, how to be happy, and how to deal with whatever life throws my direction. Thank you for helping me communicate with my beloved pets.

Let me know if this is too long! I just have too many great things to say… We feel so blessed to have you in our lives connecting us to our girl Lily!
We first met Stephanie to speak with our beloved rat terrier, Lily, just as a general session in October 2109. It was amazing to hear all of the accuracies that Stephanie told us about our life with our Lily, we knew she was the real deal.
Little did we know Lily would be diagnosed with bladder cancer the following April. We were all shattered and heart broken.
We reached out to Stephanie for her help to ask Lily herself if she was up for the fight of radiation and chemo. Lily had to think about it for a few days but was up for it and told Stephanie for us. Stephanie checked in on Lily through the following months of her fight.
When we got a text from Stephanie, it really felt like we were getting a text directly from Lily. We knew the days she felt good and what days were tough and we felt so connected to Lily through the hardest of times.
Having Stephanie there to speak with Lily made us confident in our decisions because we knew Lily herself was helping us make them. Lily passed over in July but we knew when she was ready because Lily let Stephanie know that she was. We know that even if Lily isn’t here in her body, she is still here with us in spirit and spends her days with us “feeling great” again!
We are forever grateful to Stephanie for helping us through such an unexpected and hard transition. We feel blessed to know that our Lily is still with us because she tells Stephanie herself that she is running and playing again and that lights up our hearts.
Thank you Stephanie. We don’t know how we would have gone through this without your help. You have been like a great, magical friend through all of this and we are forever grateful. Knowing that we still can connect with our baby girl Lily through you fills our hearts.

Thank you Stephanie. There were so many things I wanted to say to Charlotte but I guess I say them to her every day. She was very, very special and I love her beyond measure. Thank you for talking with us today. I feel more at peace and I feel so happy to have been able to hear what she has to say. I told her before the session that she didn’t have to talk if she didn’t want to. I didn’t even get the sentence out. I somehow knew that she was already talking. Thank you again. You have given me a great gift. I hope to talk to you again and will open my mind up to another little one. Thank you, Teresa (Charlotte’s Mom 🙂)

Stephanie, you came into my and Rosie’s life when she was diagnosed with lymphoma. It was a terrible time for both of us. I had never heard the term Pet Medical Doula, but as Rosie and I went through the process of working with the doctors, massage therapists, and acupuncturist; you were a vital part of Team Rosie.
Your connection to her and your insight gave me so much comfort. Even when you gave me the information of how much pain she was in; of course, was difficult to hear, but I heard it. Then I was able to take that information to her veterinarian and she could adjust the medications.
Your insight gave me and Rosie time together that I cherish. When we started with the Pet Medical Doula Series, I was unsure, but wanted someone to be with us as we faced cancer together. You were so much more than what your series promised. You, your insight, your reassurance was far beyond anything I could have anticipated. Yes, it was very difficult for Rosie and me but you were a blessing and so much more than I can put into words, so I know what a Pet Medical Doula is now. Thank you.

Stephanie has helped me to better understand how to care for my animals when facing their medical challenges. She is very knowledgeable, compassionate and her love of helping animals and people is expressed in her work.
Stephanie is able to understand their diagnosis from my veterinarian, read and interpret the medical tests for me to better understand and to give me additional tips on to better care for my pets in their medical crisis. Her ability to communicate with my pet and give me feedback helps me to do my best to better take care of them. Myself and all of my fur babies are so blessed to have Stephanie in our lives.

Hello! I am Lucia, from Romania. I have been struggling for years with a chronic ear pain, especially on the right side, stuffed nose and post nasal drip. I have tried the ENT doctors, but I have received the answer that the ear is clean and healthy therefore the problem should be somewhere else, including allergies, helicobacter, temporomandibular joint disfunction.
On a Sunday evening I felt extremely bad, having extreme headache and pain also from the solar plexus area/ stomach.
Then I felt chills during the day. I am not sure of what is happening to me, if maybe my pineal gland is opening and that’s why the pain and body modifications.
When breathing I felt like grains of dust covering over my respiratory tract. I felt very sleepy, and throat aching… I thought I might have an infection inside, but it didn’t show on the thermometer. I knew that something is hot inside me because my lips were cracking.
Somehow, I have always felt that this pain is not of this world, and when I have found out about Val’s soul repair healing techniques, I said to give it a try.
Because of my situation, I wrote to her by email in the evening and the second day, I absolutely woke up with NO PAIN at all! She did a healing session on me long distance with me in Romania and her in Texas.
Imagine that!
After years of sporadic intake of Ibuprofen, ear drops, nose drops and allergy medication to help me breathe, I woke up with an extraordinary feeling of FREEDOM, fully energized and ready to tackle the world!
If anyone struggles with any kind of chronic pains or allergies of some sort, I advise them to contact Val!
Instead of paying numerous doctor visits, and all sorts of blood or allergy analysis together with the additional stress of waiting the results, cut it short and get to the heart of what’s wrong so you can heal.
I am confident she will succeed to apply the right healing for you, your body and your Soul!
This is the most wonderful thing! Consider Val as a healer for souls! Any souls! Be it human or animal!
You will discover a very kind and generous person, extremely dedicated, talented, and inventive. As at the moment of contacting her I was on a shorter budget, she created something that would work for me. And it did!
I don’t think I can thank her enough for her generosity, understanding and all the support along the way!
Believe it or not, my life has changed completely and I am so grateful.
With high spirits, love and a healthy Soul, everything negative life might throw at us, we can handle it easy! When in difficulty, ask Val, she will show you the sunlight on a blue sky again, and if you wish, a glittering rainbow too!
To be clear, I did not do her entire Soul Repair Program yet, and all these things happened from one healing session. Amazing!”

My name is Sophie. I’m sharing my experiences with Val Heart and her animal communication, problem solving, and especially with the Soul Repair and Spirit Healing 30 Day Intensive Program, and how it helped me and my horses Bonnie and King.
King started having teeth/health issues in February 2021. At the beginning it seemed only teeth issues due to ageing (he’s 29 years old) then the vets and dentists came up with osteosarcoma, cancer, tumors, etc. So far, I still don’t have an official diagnosis. We even did a CT scan but they could not say if it was a tumor or a calcification.
Anyway, it’s been a really tough year for all of us. For King it’s been exhausting and so annoying, he already was not feeling well and still I had to give him meds and do rinses to keep his mouth as clean as possible. I fed him whole natural foods, herbs, supplements, seaweeds, anything I thought I could help.
According to the vets he was not supposed to last long. They thought that he should be put down soon. I did not agree. I kept being faithful. I love both of them so much. I owe them everything for how much they have helped me so far.
They’re my family, more than anyone else. I did everything I thought I could do to help King; I had studied herbs in the past so I started feeding him huge amount of what I felt may help. Eventually I moved them from the stables they were to move them to my house.
It’s been a very hard decision; I live in the mountains in Switzerland which is not the ideal place for two quarter horses but I felt it was the best thing I could do for now.
King after getting three teeth removed in August started doing well again so I was super happy. However, after 3-4 months removing the teeth, I noticed the swelling was growing again and I got very very worried. I hoped it would have stopped growing once removed the teeth or maybe even be reduced a little.
This is when I got in touch with Val Heart. Our work started ever since and it’s been a wonderful experience.
In the past years since I started working in my mum’s tea and herbal business, I became doubtful, heavy, I was so tired, the business, this super busy and stressing and hard work and the long hours was exhausting me.
I suffered from migraine headaches, low energy. I was often fearful and I felt worried, anxious. I had trouble sleeping. I felt driven to try to help everyone else, even if it hurt me.
I would have these sort of “bloops”, these magic times were I would feel super connected to the horses and the earth, the nature, so grateful and happy. However, it was always by chance. I couldn’t do it whenever I wanted or needed to.
Now after doing the Soul Repair Program, I can get my mind still in awareness and connect whenever I wish. I’m aware of how I’m doing it. Which is I think the most precious gift ever.
Also when I started working with Val this hidden belief came up: my dad when I was a child told me “Never be too happy or happy for too long or the Gods will punish you”. I never got to this hidden belief which was definitely not helping me.
Being finally able to identify that hidden belief allowed me to process and clear it easily using techniques Val taught me. It still comes up sometimes but now I know how to detach from it quickly, thanks to Val.
I feel working with Val brought me back to the best side of myself. I was becoming more of what other people and society I felt expected me to be and had lost myself.
Then Val taught me to detach, to feel love, to connect and to know the difference between feeling and thinking. I feel how important it is to keep going with this every day, and I feel so good when I do.
King has got much much better too and my stallion Bonnie is always so fabulous of course. They have gotten back excitement, light in their eyes, you can see the difference in them. It makes me so happy!
If you listen to those around you, it’s all about pain, sickness, death and negative things. I see this society is driving people in that direction. I’m not sure why? Just think about COVID, wars and so on?
Like the vets telling me King was going to die? Also with Bonnie I had so many negative experiences with the vets telling me he would became lame, etc. Those things are not true, but before I didn’t know who to believe or what to do.
I know better now.
I feel alright now with myself. I feel so much more energy, no fear anymore.
And no more headaches! It took awhile for me to realize that I have not had any in awhile and I was like, Oh My God! It’s incredible!!
I’m not being doubtful trying to make myself agree to other people’s point of views.
This is why learning detachment is so important, recalling my power and health, and not giving my energy away, and knowing how to access the Truth and Higher Wisdom.
I think we owe it to the earth, to mother nature, to the animals, plants and all living beings. I owe to Bonnie and King who are my family to keep becoming a better being, to be more about love and prosperity than about wars and illnesses.
Also, I now have the confirmations to what I felt in the past. We can’t be separated. Our connection is our love which we can access only when our minds are still, and we are in our heart.
Thank you, Val, for confirming and teaching me about this. I’m eager to keep working with you. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll also be able to help people and animals on this. I always wanted to be a healer, this is why I studied herbs, etc.
I’m excited to keep working on it. So much to learn yet. Also, I see how easy it can be to let a moment of distraction to be where I was time ago and where I would prefer not to return to that dark and painful place.
I owe it to myself, my horses, and those around me to keep better, stronger focus, to be connected with Heaven and Earth, to be aligned and congruent within myself, to be strong in my Soul, and continue my healing journey.
Thank you again Val!
Sophie, Bonnie & King

Hi, I’m Janice Gannon, www.theridinginstructor.com. I have had counseling for my issues since I was a teenager from a very difficult childhood and abusive relationships. While it helped, I still found there was SOMETHING missing.
It felt like I was dragging an energetic ball-and-chain around.
Despite having acquired tremendous skills (I am a riding instructor with thirty years experience and an energy healer working with Shiatsu, Reiki, Bowen, color healing, etc), I still found myself hesitant to step forward and offer my services.
I had extreme resistance to doing what I knew I “should” do.
When I asked the Universe for some help, Val’s Soul Repair and Spirit Healing Program popped up. Even though it felt like a huge financial investment (20% more for me, being Canadian), I trusted that my guides were sending me to this.
As I worked through the Soul Repair and Spirit Healing exercises, I learned how much I have been invested in holding onto my anger associated with my stories!
When I released my supercilious self-righteousness, I discovered an incredible peacefulness.
To say I had some interesting experiences during the Program is an understatement. I remembered how I had shutdown my heart when I was a young child, as a reaction to the toxic relationships I saw around me. I equated love with anger, fights, manipulation.
Opening my heart again and not giving my power away has been life changing.
The biggest discovery was finding there were six entities attached to my soul!
What a relief to disengage them. I immediately felt more powerful.
After clearing a particularly painful incident from my past, I literally saw and felt a part of me return.
Blocks in my Chakras dissolved.
My extreme food allergies are going away.
My difficulty sleeping improved dramatically after just the very first session.
Many of my dreams supported my healing too.
My body aches and pains are improving.
I’m much more flexible now too. After the first session I was astonished to discover I could easily touch my toes with a greater reach by 4 inches!
At one point I was in terrible pain, like I had been knifed in the back.
In just one session with Val that pain was completely gone.
Val’s ability to tune in as I did the exercises was crucial. She could tell immediately when I was in my head and quickly steer me back to my heart.
All healing is done from the heart so learning how to access and use my heart energy to heal myself, knowing how it feels and what to do, how to do it, made a huge difference.
My confidence has expanded. I recognize the link between the anger I have been holding and my health issues. Now I know how to release it quickly and easily.
Even better, I now have the skills to solve my own issues and I am so much stronger than when I started, less than a month ago.
I told Val that if I got even half of what the Program promised I’d be delighted and I got so much more.
That huge weight I’d suffered with for so long is lifted off my heart and everything is changing for the better now. We covered so much that it will take a while to integrate all of it. I’m delighted!

Hi, I’m Nimueh Rephael. I work fundraising for several top-rated nonprofit organizations, and have done extensive grant writing as well. I’ve been fondly reading Val Heart’s animal communication emails for years. I’ve appreciated her insightful teaching, revealing deep ways I can create health and a more balanced life.
When I saw her email offering human healing through her Soul Repair & Spirit Healing 30 Day Intensive Program, and because I was having a health situation that needed to be addressed, I jumped at the chance to work with her.
I’d been struggling with what I’ve been told is likely breast cancer for over 2 years, but I refused biopsy. Instead, I have done a number of alternative therapies with some improvement although the sore was growing larger, and the lumps were still there. It was because of this primarily that I wanted Val’s help.
I was energized and opened from her instructions and the spiritual connections that she showed me. In fact, after the very first session, I felt so different! I was brighter, taller and more present. I told Val my experience was outrageous and wonderful, what spectacular results! I’d never felt anything like it with a healing session before.
With subsequent sessions, I found myself doing both “inner house cleaning” (the inner healing work as Val showed me), and afterward I happily found myself cleaning and organizing my house easily and without effort. It surprised me and I was so grateful.
At one point, my ankles and feet were bothering me with swelling and soreness, but after the next session, that pain was completely gone! The sore on my breast has improved, and the skin is closed now as well. My energy and stamina are better, and my ability to cope with various stresses is greatly improved.
I have consistently felt and noticed significant improvement in the health situation through the work she shared and which I continue through regularly completing my assignments throughout the month of our Program, to the best of my ability. And I continue to feel inspired doing them after the 30 Day Intensive, as well.
Now when knowledge, more energy, or Divine answers are needed, with a Soul shift and a little focus I am receiving the needed answers and understanding. That is so uplifting! Again, I am noticing improvement in health and wellbeing growing stronger, in more profound connection to Soul and Spirit.
Thank you, Val, for your profound work and service!

Dear Mr. Link, I want to let you know that this afternoon we received a call from a lady from the village we have searched last night for our lost dog. Her house is situated on the short street bellow the pinned street on your location map. We have left her a flier with the picture of Bebe and contact number.

In the Soul Repair and Spirit Healing Program, I learned how to do my own inner cleaning, reclaim my power and heal myself, and my dogs are behaving better too.
Hi I’m Sue Gayle, a business owner in Florida. I originally started off with Val, doing one Animal Problem Solving Session to see if we were a fit for each other. I had three dogs that were having aggression and guarding issues.
Shortly after, I signed up for the Gold VIP Animal Communication Intuitive Problem Solving Consulting Plan (6 hours). This program had a definite dog/owner tone with specific guidelines that needed to be done so we all would be a better pack. We worked through stabilizing the pack, communicating with my dogs, and she coached me in retraining and managing them better.
I kept having a pattern of something dark attaching to me, which in turn was affecting the pups. Val cleared me a couple times in the VIP Gold program and we both agreed that I needed to learn to clear myself going forward since we had a good idea where the dark energy was coming from.
One of the cool things that happened early on after one of Val’s clearings was that one of my dog’s eyes used to look almost grayish over her brown eyes, and now they are a beautiful brown with NO GREY!
From there, I signed up for the Soul Repair, Body and Spirit Healing, a 30 day intensive program. In this program, the focus was more on me personally and bringing in the pups at certain points. First, we had to clear out the heavy energies in my home, office and myself. Then the goal was to get clear, while realigning and then reconnecting us as a pack.
The first Soul Repair session was so different from the others I had been in. This program really forced me to participate on a different level and I guess intensive, really is a good word here. During the session, Val guided me through multiple tasks that I needed to do and learn so I would be prepared for the next session. It was hard to do in the beginning, I admit. Val had to smack me with a virtual ruler several times so I would focus more clearly.
In these sessions, I learned how I could do my own inner cleaning, reclaim my power and heal myself in a different way than I have ever done before. After the sessions I could feel differences in my body, such as tingling and pulsating.
Since then, the old junk in my trunk is being worked on as something pops up and triggers me. Now I know how to clear it. I am still a work in process, as life pops up and I need to continue to remind myself of everything I learned. I really like that I have recordings that I can go back to as helpful reminders to what I learned. That has been and is extremely helpful. Thanks, Val!
I was drawn to embark upon this soul-healing journey this summer after many many years of unresolved health and emotional issues that have plagued me since birth. I have been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder for the entirety of my adult life.
Physically I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type II diabetes, and the list goes on and gets longer the older I get.
My spiritual background is being born and raised Roman Catholic and then choosing to live a very committed life to that faith through college up through the past few years of my life. During that time I have been a healing prayer minister, praise and worship leader, Catholic school teacher, Catholic school principal, and supported my husband’s role as a Catholic youth minister and campus minister. We were married in the Catholic church and proceeded to live our lives dedicated to that lifestyle.
I have always been actively involved in spiritual activity and have a thirst for more. My life and spiritual journey took a turn several years ago and I found myself continuing my journey for more in ways I had been afraid to explore before.
I discovered Val’s website in March of 2020. In February of 2021, I had my first scheduled session with her regarding my two dogs.
It was a big step for me to be comfortable to reach out for spiritual help in this way, but it opened the door for more learning and growth.
After a couple more sessions, it became obvious that Val had more to offer than animal communication. As we worked through issues with the dogs, my own blocks and hangups presented themselves.
She was able to guide me through some of what my struggles were but suggested I consider doing the Elite Soul Repair program.
The Program Experience
My experience with this process has been amazing. It’s difficult to put into words all of the thoughts and feelings I have about what this program has done for me and why this program has made a lasting impact when the things I have tried in the past to address my issues were temporary or incomplete remedies.
In the sessions with Val, I experienced spiritual connectedness in a way that I had not before.
I learned to still my mind which is the first step to energetic healing.
I learned to feel my love, expand that love, and communicate that love.
I learned how to clear negative energy from my mind, soul, and body, and I learned how to protect myself from things that would drain my energy.
What set this program apart for me was that I was able to do this work with Val who is able to give feedback about how well I’m doing the work. One thing I struggle with is not knowing if I’m doing it right. Because Val is connected through this process, she can prompt me along the way if I’ve gone back into my head instead of doing the work vibrationally.
This is so important for me because I live in my head a lot. Learning how to feel things energetically and vibrationally was a big challenge. As I grow in my ability to do this, it does become easier, but it is so important to have that coach alongside me who can alert me when I fall into old patterns.
Another unique thing about this program is that it requires upfront full commitment from the participant. Taking responsibility for my own progress and healing is key to this being successful. I took the assignments seriously and was diligent about doing them.
What is amazing, and I didn’t think it would have been possible in 4 appointments, is that I progressed from being able to connect spiritually and being guided through exercises, to being able to accomplish the work on my own.
Val does a great job through the process so that by the last appointment, all the work that’s being done is by me. She was just there to observe and check to see if I had learned to do it on my own.
For me, this program was a big jump start into my current spiritual development. I am continuing this journey because I want more! However, I can walk away from this experience and take the tools I’ve learned, and expand upon this on my own if I desire. This program does not create a dependency upon Val at all.
She taught me how to connect with divine wisdom and to go directly to the source for my journey.
The program does what it says it’s going to do and I can say that it’s the best money and time I’ve ever spent on myself.
My experience is my own, and so my measurement of success will differ from others. I know that when I started the program I was living in a deep soul-sucking depression and I was hoping for death.
I did not see a point in living any longer as I felt I had nothing left to offer, I didn’t have any joy in my life, and I was in constant emotional and physical pain.
Since going through this journey with Val, I can no longer say I have no reason to live.
I have a renewed sense of purpose in life, I greet each day with hope and expectation.
I am no longer on medication for depression or anxiety.
I feel my feelings, but they don’t overwhelm my existence anymore. I am not numb to life around me.
Because of the exercises and tools I was given, I can now identify when things start draining my soul and I can do something about it rather than letting it spiral down to a point where I feel hopeless.
The things I learned with Val have given me a new lease on life because I can take responsibility for my entire life and reclaim my power, sovereignty, prosperity, and health.
Thank you, Val, for sharing your gift. I hope to pay it forward as I continue to heal and grow and be more of service to others in this lifetime.

Mohammed Satiss of the Satiss Academy shared what he felt and experienced after a Soul Repair healing. He said:

My 18 month old cat Sugar had been terribly ill since birth, with complete retinal detachments making her blind. Less than 2 years old, she was obese, couldn’t jump at all, never played and never left her safe space inside the house. She also didn’t navigate the house very well, so she tended to just stay in my bedroom.
After Val worked with her to repair her Soul and body, I found her outside, playing in the yard, hunting insects, leaping and prancing about.
Sugar started playing with her kitty companions, and actually climbed on the sofa to sit up high on the back.
Later, I looked outside and to my astonishment, I saw her fall into our swimming pool but before I could rush outside to get to her, Sugar swam over to the stairs and climbed out on her own. Then she continued her grand adventure exploring the back yard.
When Val asked her what was going on, she told us that she could SEE, for the first time in her life. She felt happy, joyful, and full of energy.
Miraculous recovery!

Jann Jeffrie’s miniature horse, Candyman, was foundering. He was so lame he could hardly stand anymore, his quality of life wasn’t good.
His mom loved him dearly and grieved that she might have to help him transition soon.
After one Soul Repair Healing session, his energy and mood improved dramatically. And the very next day he was discovered happily walking around his pasture, getting into mischief again!

Susan Talbott struggled her whole life with chronic pains, fatigue and deep depression stemming from childhood sexual abuse and neglect.
Her elderly kitty Sophie was very ill, refusing to eat, and was clearly in pain.
After her Soul was repaired and her vitality restored, Susan reported that she felt at peace for the first time in her entire life. She let the past go, learned to transform the old painful memories, and her heart healed.
She felt clear. Empowered. Happy!
And even better, Sophie recovered her strength, started eating, and her pains disappeared too.

“Hi, I am Dr Kira Schofield, retired general surgeon. I initially sought out Val’s help for my African Grey bird.
During our initial phone call Val quickly discerned that my own soul strength was severely depleted, that my bird was mirroring many of my own problems and that I needed to address my own healing first.
When I was ready the teacher appeared!
I received an email from Val offering her Soul Repair & Spirit Healing Program, and I felt like she was describing my situation and offering a custom made solution. I had no hesitation signing up for it and committing to doing daily practices.
There is no monetary value that can be placed on regaining my health, personal power, being able to re engage with life and my purpose and helping my little bird.
Val is a fantastic teacher, punctual, quickly responds to email correspondence and speaks truth with love and without judgement.
Most importantly, I started noticing changes after our first call and within a week of starting my soul repair techniques and practices.
I have been looking for solutions to my chronic pain, arthritis, fatigue, and treatment resistant depression for over ten years.
Many medications, therapies, self help, reading, going to alternative healing seminars and events. I was not able to find a solution and was frustrated, without hope or a future, living in apathy, dwelling on the past and grieving what can no longer be, unplugged, and, basically, laying around waiting to die.
I was struggling to understand why I could not engage any practices that I knew would help me.
Having gone through the Soul Repair program I feel that everything that happened over the last 20 some years served a purpose and was necessary for me to embrace and engage with this program which literally saved my life and, I got equipped to continue healing and reconnecting with all I once loved to do.
I was not able to get full benefit from other programs because my soul, my vital force were severely depleted and had to be restored first, and I was trying to find a solution on a cognitive level, to think my way out of my problems whereas healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually requires engaging my heart, something I did not know and was disconnected from before.
Now, a month and a half into these practices, having gone through the sessions, I have regained my energy, depression is gone, and I am quickly tapering off medications I have depended on for so long.
Fibromyalgia is gone, I am only rarely taking my anti inflammatory meds.
Most importantly, I have full confidence that I will have perfect health and completely different relationship with my body and the wisdom and power of my heart.
I have signed up for Soul Repair maintenance program and look forward to a lifelong mentoring and friendship with Val.
I believe that one has to be ready for this type of healing to take place, has to suspend any judgments and become teachable, and give up being a victim and expecting to “ be fixed”. That means taking full 100% responsibility for one’s life and health.
If one enters into these enjoyable practices with such attitude and commits to doing daily assignments, Val will deliver above and beyond any expectations.”

I set up a session with Val when my cat Abraham (Abie) deteriorated suddenly from what I assumed was the arthritis he had been diagnosed with a year earlier.
Almost overnight he was barely able to move and when he did he growled from pain. He would eat only when I brought his dishes of food and water to his mouth. (Fortunately, he somehow made it to his litter box.) In addition, he quickly developed the symptoms of a cold. I could tell he was in abject misery and I was concerned that he would be permanently incapacitated.
Val said she felt Abie was having a reaction to the routine vaccinations that he had received several months earlier and that his whole body was inflamed. Because of the arthritis, Val told me that Abie’s immune system was compromised and that he shouldn’t have received the vaccines.
Before the session was over, Val gently used BodyTalk to help bring some quick relief to Abie.
Two days after the session with Val, my husband called me at work and said he had found Abie sitting on our living room rug with our other cat Sylvia. Abie got up and walked from our bedroom into the living room to sit on his favorite wool rug by the couch. He would have had to walk a ways to get there. We’re amazed because the night before he was having a hard time even turning around.
A miraculous feat! I don’t really consider myself skeptical but I was shocked by the sudden turn of events. I realized it was a sign that he would heal completely — and he has. Ten weeks later Abie is doing wonderfully and back to his old self.
I am so grateful for Val and her gifts as a healer and a teacher. It has changed my life. I recommend her to anyone that has a pet. You’ll learn more than you could ever imagine. ~ Barbara Koonce
Dear Val, I want to say thank you because what you have taught and shared have helped enormously.I was in your recent animal communication class for senior dogs. Although I did not join the discussions, I have listened to the recordings. I have also gone through your beginning animal communication home study course.
I just want to tell you that your course and the senior dog class have helped me and in turn my dear girl, Jojo, a great deal in our most difficult time.
Jojo has been suffering from heart problems and liver as well as kidney problems for a few years but was managed satisfactorily until early September when suddenly things took the downward course quickly. With the help of the vet and energy healing, she still had some good days in the last month of her life.
With what I have learnt from you and others in the class, I trust I have done what Jojo has wanted to do, eg taking her to the Peak (we are in Hong Kong) for a walk in her stroller and taking her home on the day before the last day of her life on earth and having my mum holding her as much as possible (she said my mum is her grandma:-)). So I trust we have no regret and Jojo’s wishes fulfilled.
Thank you. Please keep up with your good work. I really think more people should know and believe in animal communication so please keep up with what you are doing, and please try to spread your knowledge to other parts of the world as much as possible.
My View: Our dog Page recently needed knee surgery. We adopted her about 18 months ago from an animal shelter. She had been turned over by her owners at 9 months of age and we adopted her 5 months later. We think this time spent in the shelter caused her to have a fear of new and/or different things in her life. We were very concerned about how she would handle the surgery process as well as the healing process afterward. Val had talked to our 3 previous dogs with very good results, so we decided to have Val discuss the upcoming surgery with Page. We knew the vet would be doing the surgery at his office and then we would take Page to the emergency clinic so that she could be monitored overnight. Val explained all this to Page. We were very pleasantly surprised when Page sailed through the entire process with no apparent fear or panic. She seemed to understand exactly what was happening and what she needed to do at each step in the process. When she went in 2 weeks after the surgery to have her staples removed, the vet said she was actually ahead of schedule in the healing process. We are very grateful to Val for her help in what could have been a traumatic situation for Page.
Page’s view: I recently had to have knee surgery. I am very unsure when new or different things happen in my life. My old family dropped me off at the animal shelter when I was just 9 months old. My new family did not rescue me until I was 14 months old. The stories told by the other dogs at the shelter can be very frightening. I am always afraid that I could lose my new family or that some of the bad things I heard about at the shelter could happen to me. Knowing what I was facing, my new family had Val talk to me and explain what would be happening. When the day of the surgery arrived, I knew what to expect. My one owner left me at the vet in the morning and then both my owners came and picked me up and took me to the emergency room so that they could monitor my pain over night. Because I knew what was happening, I was able to help with my recovery. Now I am doing very well and I am well on my way back to being my old self – a true puppy princess.
Val, I am so grateful to you for your insight on my dog’s condition. I thought she was dying and had been told to put her down, but just couldn’t bear the thought.
I was in agony about making this decision.
You gave me such emotional peace of mind about it, and your advice made such an impact that it has completely turned my attitude around. I cannot overstate this.
You gave me back my power, and the emotional freedom to enjoy my life, even with all the stresses of no job, unemployment denied, appeals in process, and my Lily fading away.
What a powerful gift! Thank You!
Here is a little success story of my own. Frankie, my young Springer Spaniel, occassionally needs to go potty in the night. I can’t hear him scratch at the door when I am sleeping. I told him that he could bark to wake me up. He replied that he didn’t want to wake up Daddy. So I told him to lick my face until I wake up and I will let him out. So that’s what he does! No more accidents!
We started working with Val for our minature schnauzer, Heidi. Heidi had severe anxiety during thunderstorms and more importantly serious biting problems. From a young age she snapped at strangers and occasionally us, and we were very worried about her attacking children. It was getting to the point of questioning whether we still wanted to keep her. This was very distressing, because we are very attached to her.Also, walking with Heidi had become a nightmare — extremely stressful for all of us until we dreaded taking her out! If she saw another person or dog, she’d go nuts and we were terrified she’d get in a bad fight. Now, our walks are uneventful — which means Good! After we worked with Val, we went out and encountered a daschund that day. Heidi ran about half way to her, then stopped and turned around to come back to us! So it went very well, just like we’d asked her to do.
Through Val communicating with Heidi and helping us communicate better with her, things have vastly improved. We have all been able to relax more. And, Heidi’s back and neck problems have also greatly improved. The best part is beginning to be able to love and accept her as an important part of our family again.
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my Forever Dog, Satin’s passing. I have successfully moved my clinic this summer. AND my health has received a Miracle! NO more cancer of the bone marrow! My dogs, Dutchess, Zoey and Zena are all doing fine. I cannot tell you how much you have changed my life and my dogs, and how I have become alpha once again. Thank You!
I was at my wits end, struggling with my dog’s out of control behavior. I’d tried everything I could think of, and since I am a dog trainer, and I compete with and show my dogs, that’s saying a LOT! But, nothing was working so I decided to give Val a call. I was so amazed!In one session, my dog’s behavior changed and I could tell we were working together as a team for the first time. It was like she understood me now where she hadn’t before. AND, I was so impressed, that I began working with Val for my own health problems. I am happy to say that I am so much better, life is easier, my relationship with myself and my husband has improved, my business is taking off…. I don’t know where I’d be without Val — don’t want to know!! She’s a remarkable resource and facilitator for me and my clients too. Thank You, Val!!!
I wanted to Thank You for the very beautiful and powerful session you conducted for my wife and her dog, Wendy.
You helped both of them clarify the course of the next few months, and in the process helped Nancy bring to the surface and deal with feelings she had been avoiding.
I know it was a truly healing experience for both of them.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping my family.
Dear Val,
Three and a half months ago I was devastated with the news that my sweet, loving little dog, Willy, had advanced liver disease. Armed with nothing but a prescription for antibiotics and a “wait to see what happens” from the vet I read everything I could get my hands on from the Internet and ordered in all probably $1,000 worth of supplements and ebooks. I found myself shopping for the best quality of anything I thought Willy might be able to eat and keep down.
After 45 days Willy seemed to be improving remarkably. I live in a heavily mosquito infested area and since Willy had already skipped one month of heart wormer, I gave him his dose and he crashed three days later. The vomiting, jaundice etc. were back and we were at square one again only the vet didn’t seem to think that the heart wormer was to blame.
Willy was begging for the worst kinds of food (cheese and ham) and he started to swell with ascites. He got so big and uncomfortable and I thought we were losing the battle. In my researching the Internet I saw your website and contacted you for an appointment.
At the time I was irritated at your fee and in the back of my mind thought about cancelling it. The following week in my work, the new clients I attracted seemed to want me to work for a lot less than I was worth so I recognized this as a message from the universe and started to open my mind about the price.
While waiting for your consultation appointment, Willy started having tremors and couldn’t walk and it was so heart breaking I decided upon rising one day to have him euthanized when I got home from work. I called you and left you a message telling you this and you called me back within an hour and asked me to consider waiting if I could until after your session which was only 4 days away.
When I got home, Willy greeted me with so much enthusiasm, I knew you were right. And I scheduled his ultrasound from an internal specialist for the next week.
Our session came and it was so beautiful and profound it is hard to put into words. You communicate with animals from the highest possible place… you touch the sacred place in beings and heal from this place.
Willy had allot to say about the purpose and reason for his illness and how i could heal him. Being able to communicate to him so precisely enabled me to see him as the high spiritual being he truly is and in thus doing he started to heal himself in the session. He said that the something that was twisting in his stomach was unwinding and that he was already feeling the pressure release.
During this session, you applied healing to every being in my household and gave a rating on what Willy was taking and eating as to what was most beneficial and least beneficial.
Just 36 hours later Willy’s fluid buildup was totally and completely gone. The doctor giving the ultra-sound 3 days later said there was NO fluid in his abdomen and that whatever was causing the disease was gone. The doctor even said that she would call it a miracle!
In retrospect, if someone I know is in trouble, before I do anything I will call you, for my animals, for my grandsons, for myself. I have recommended you to anyone I think might be open to listen. I will gladly pay your fee and gloat at the money I have saved on dangerous surgeries, medications etc. I am so thankful for your gifts and talents. I can verify that you are indeed a Master Healer.
Wow! I was blown away by how on target you were during our recent session. You answered questions I had not even thought to ask, and provided such wonderful insight about Finley’s overall health and wellbeing. I
went into our session with a healthy amount of skepticism, however, you proved to not only be the real deal….but much to my surprise, since our session last week, Finley’s whole demeanor has changed.
He has more energy, seems happier and more like the dog we knew before the stress of our recent relocation. You are a tremendous resource and I hope to have a chance to work with you again. Thanks for all your help!!!
On behalf of my daughter and myself we would like to say how incredibly impressed we were with Val’s God-given ability to communicate with our one year old puppy who died of mysterious causes. Clark had two bouts of very serious illness within a 5 week period that shut down his kidneys. After taking him to our beloved Vet and an Internist, they could not find the cause of his illness. He ended up in the Pet Emergency room and died hours later.
We were both saddened by this tragedy and what made it so much worse is that we didn’t know if it was something we could have prevented.While attending a church class, I was telling someone in the class about our dilemma.
It was then that Val’s name came up. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, we scheduled a reading with her. The reading we had was so incredibly powerful. Val was able to get in touch with our puppy and get some definitive answers even the autopsy didn’t show.
In addition to getting the health answer we were looking for, we received some very comforting information as well. Val is a very kind sweet lady with an amazing gift. I would recommend her services to anyone who has lost a pet or anyone who would like information about their existing pet. Her knowledge and insight are amazing.
I am so very grateful to know Val. I think the best thing I have learned from her is our animal friends have a purpose in their lives. Lessons we learn from them with open hearts give them joy and help both travel the journey of life in richness.
I first contacted Val when my dog, Mugsy was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. I wanted to make sure the road my dog and I were to travel was paved with the best decisions I could make.
My consultations with Val reassured me, gave me direction and such comfort when it was time for him to leave.
When we welcomed Bernice, my new puppy, into the family I again called Val. I wanted to make sure I was raising a well balanced dog and needed help with some behavior challenges.
And we are continuing to learn how to better communicate with each other. I also wanted to have our other older dog understand all the recent changes. Val helped us on SO many levels.
It’s not an animal thing, it’s not a human thing, it’s a ‘being’ thing with a deep understanding and feeling of peace and harmony without boundaries. I thank you Val.
Val, I am so appreciative of you. I feel like I have so much more control of myself. Thank you for helping me with my confidence.
We were talking about how good the puppies are now (they were driving us crazy before!) and how much you have helped me with them.
Their health has improved along with their behavior. I wish, I wish, I had known you when Alex and Bear Bear were alive. Their lives would have been much healthier and happier.
I wish I had known to talk to them like you’ve taught me to do with Honey. I get a look of true understanding from Honey and Katie now.
I used to dread going home – now, I can’t wait to get home to see them. I love them so.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
I’d been hot on Val’s trail and finally nailed her down to be interviewed on our radio show. It was the first interview ever where I forgot to go to commercial break because I was so engaged in what she was saying! Her information is so leading edge and compelling!
I loved it so much I immediately hired her to work with my dog!
After one session I totally changed MY behavior with my dog and a ton of stress melted off my shoulders. Val helped me with her eating and joint issues.
Val rocks the animal communication world and she has such great compassion while doing it!
Over the last four years in working with you, I have learned that in order to help my Shetland Sheepdog, Kati, I must first look within myself and heal the imbalances in my thinking, feeling, and physical self.
Kati was mostly a reflection or mirror of what was going on inside of me. If I was afraid or angry, Kati would react with barking and fear/aggression behaviors. If I was ambivalent or frustrated because I was unsure of my inner strength, Kati would test the limits.
With your help, Val, I was able to see what I was doing instead of thinking I needed to fix her. You gave me clear directions and encouraged me to experiment with different behaviors. You helped me balance my emotions, calming myself first so that Kati can be calm.
Our walks are more pleasant, she calms down when I ask her to, and she alerts me when it’s necessary.
My relationship with Kati has reached a level beyond simple obedience training. You’ve made it possible for us to experience a sweet cooperation that will only grow richer.
Thank you again.
Before my session with Val I was still filled with immeasurable grief experienced with the loss of my forever dog, Kalik. Even though it had been six months since his transition into spirit, I had trouble connecting with him and still was feeling empty and without purpose not having him beside me in physical form. I had lost all interest in moving forward in life, as he was my reason for being.
My search for answers, peace and closure led me on a journey that brought me in touch with Val and the wonderful world of animal communication.
During my session, Val helped me work though the grief, connect with my special dog and talk to him through her. She helped me to address my concerns and worries about him during his illness, and in the after life, and to know that he was happy and still with me in spirit.
Val helped me to learn how to further deepen my relationship with him.
With Val’s help I was able to remove the barriers that kept me from connecting with Kalik and to finally know and feel he is still with me. During the session, I could feel Kalik’s joyful energy and spirit surrounding me, and I was able to release the crippling grief that kept me from moving forward…my session with Val was truly life changing.
I still miss Kalik’s physical presence of course, but I now feel connected with him in spirit and I know he is there beside me guiding me on my path. I feel capable now of continuing on, knowing we have a spiritual journey together ahead of us.
Words cannot express how grateful I am for Val’s guidance and assistance. I would recommend Val’s work to anyone who is experiencing the enormous grief that engulfs us when it is time for our animal companions to continue on their spiritual journey.
I only wish I hadn’t taken so long to schedule my session with her because the agony I was going through could have been lessened by addressing things sooner. Val can really help!
I cannot even begin to enumerate the ways you have helped, guided and blessed me and my fur-babies over the last 14 years!! THANK YOU is an understatement.Because of my extensive work with animal rescue, 9 years ago I saved a little Chihuahua named Pepe from an abusive situation.
Because of the success of our work together in so many other cases like this one and with my other animals too, I immediately sought your council and healing work for him.
It hurts me that he had to lose an eye in order to find his way to me but I am SO very grateful that I did not miss the opportunity to experience this wonderful Spirit in the flesh.
As he settled in to the safety, love, companionship and good food of our home, his true self began to emerge. I started calling him Pepe Lama — because his precious Spirit reminded me of the Dalai Lama! Peaceful, wise, strong and loving.
When he was diagnosed with a heart murmur and slightly enlarged heart 3 1/2 years ago, I realized that he probably would not live to his potential life expectancy for a Chihuahua. And on Dec. 23, 2010, my precious Pepe went back to God.
I am without doubt that your BodyTalk healing sessions and communications with him extended his earthly life and helped him to understand what was going on.
I am also without doubt that he was not ready to leave us but his vessel just could not continue to sustain his earthly life any longer. I know this because over the years you have guided me and taught me to hone my communication skills.
To have him guide me through the burial of his earthly vessel and still be able to communicate with him and feel his presence are great comforts.
The one truth that has emerged is that LOVE IS ALL. I am forever changed because of Pepe’s presence in my life.
In great part because of YOU, I reached the point where the joy of love is greater than the pain of losing his earthly body. Thank You!
Our dogs were attacking our baby ducks and no amount of talking, telecommunicating, discipline, or reprimand was solving the problem. I have had a lifetime of dealing with animals, and many called me “Dr. O-Little” (riffing off my last name) or a pet shrink, but in fact I had a lot to learn.Val educated my husband and me, after chatting with our dogs, to the fact that we were not giving them enough to do. I had thought that letting them do what they pleased instead of conforming to my commands or requests for tricks was respecting their autonomy, as their work was to guard the property.
I had not understood that in fact they want to perform, to show off their intelligence and willingness to do what we ask. We also were allowing the alpha male to be disobedient on occasions we didn’t know how to deal with (e.g., not coming when called, on a large property where chasing him down is not feasible).
The guard dog, she also revealed, had severe anxieties about having been abandoned as a puppy (both are rescued animals), and was obsessively “over-mothering” the ducklings to the point of injuring or killing them.
After a few sessions, Val was able to get them –and us—to rethink their (and our) behaviors and approach with great success.
The improvement in their behavior has been significant… and no more dead ducklings! Many thanks for your efforts, Val!
Hi Val, I just have to brag about our dogs Roxie and Gypsy today.
As you’ll remember, when my husband and I first contacted you for help, it was because our dogs were becoming aggressively dangerous.
We’d tried a number of things to resolve the problems, but it was getting worse. We were worried we might have to put one of our dear dogs down if we couldn’t find the solution quick.
They’d go insane barking and trying to attack when anyone came over. That would escalate into bloody fights and bites, bloodying them and us when we tried to stop them.
Well, I am delighted to report that we had the UPS guy drop off a box on our front porch this afternoon. I asked Gypsy and then Roxie to go to their “place” and they both did (Roxie needed a bit of encouragement).
I then opened the door, brought in the box, and set it on the floor. In the mean time, they are both just sitting on their “place”.
I asked Gypsy to “come” to sniff the box, which she did and walked away.
I then asked Roxie to “come” to sniff the box, and she did. Without any barking or anxiety this whole time!!
I know it sounds like a small thing, but I was so proud of my little girls!
During the past few months I have been amazed – truly astounded – to learn how effective acupressure (AP) can be for my wonderful agility dog, Deli.
She has a history of multiple Grand Mal seizures, usually in clusters of 3, every few weeks. (Her breathing was once interrupted for so long I feared she would go into respiratory arrest!)
Deli’s holistic vet suggested I try applying acupressure, in hopes of helping her through the post-ictal drunken stupor. To my surprise and delight, it did seem that her post-ictal confusion was shortened, in fact, it almost disappeared. But that’s only the half of it!
I have now documented 14 seizures being offset by AP. Do I believe it possible for acupressure to stop a seizure? My answer has to be a resounding, “Yes!”
For me, final proof came thanks to an incredible event one night when a second seizure tried to follow a Grand Mal that had left her body only moments before. She was still unconscious – a second seizure would represent her first “cluster” event in over a year. I was frantic not wanting her to suffer the terrible cluster activity.
For 25 minutes I did AP, refusing to give up even when her head dropped and her neck muscles slowly contracted causing her head to begin an ugly twist to one side… I continued the AP, over, and over, and over…until, incredibly, and ever-so-slowly, the muscle spasm softened, then seeped away to nothing. No seizure occurred. How wonderful was that!
If I was once a skeptic, I’m not any longer. I think it is absolutely amazing. Even if your animal doesn’t have seizures like my Deli, this is such a wonderful, gentle tool we can all learn to use to help relieve stress, illness and pain.
It has been my pleasure to work with Val for almost 13 years. At first, I wanted help bringing a new puppy into the family. We already had one puppy, and I wanted to make sure that they would get along. Her “read” on their personalities was right on, and helped tremendously.Ten years later, I consulted her to help with grief over the loss of the same dog. He had died suddenly, and both our surviving dog and I needed healing. It was a wonderful session for both of us.
Having had such a wonderful experience with Val and her ability to reach out and beyond to find answers, I turned to her again for help in my own life. For the past several years, there have been quite a few major events in my life that have left me feeling overwhelmed, depressed and unable to cope with everyday life on a level that was necessary.
I have been amazed at her ability to show me what was needed and what I could do to improve myself and the situations. Her “coping” advice was/is invaluable. I am a much happier person now, and much better armed to handle what comes my way. All the bad stuff has not gone away, but I am now so much stronger.
Val’s sweet ways and personality help smooth the way, not to mention her sense of humor. Our sessions, while sometimes difficult for me, are so rewarding and helpful. I am brighter, happier, and stronger with Val’s spoonful of sugar and her great wisdom and talents. Her Body Talk for animals and people healing work has been so helpful. I just cannot say enough about how wonderful she is!
I started my journey with you a year ago because of the loss of my spirit dog, Kalik. I was devastated and my grief was incapacitating. I couldn’t imagine how I would go on. What intense powerful sessions… each so full of meaning and healing and “aha” moments! I have learned a great deal and always feel so refreshed, peaceful and inspired afterward. Your assistance, healing and support while I work with my own health issues has been profound, life changing and therapeutic, especially with your guidance and wisdom to bring clarity to it all.
I found what I learned from you during our sessions, and the healing process I go through is just what I needed. I feel a wonderful increase in my energy level and a profound sense of inner peace, calmness and acceptance, all precipitating a shift that is helping me to continue forward.
The work that you do to help us humans and our animals is extraordinary and of such merit. All that I have learned from you in our sessions together has made great sense to me and you have offered me the tools and support I have needed to process through this journey and restore myself.
It was so comforting to once again connect with my spirit dog Kalik and hear his thoughts and insights, and again be able to experience his humour! The work we did helped me even more to lift the residual sadness and, instead, feel greater joy and gratitude with having had him in my life.
It is very helpful to be able to connect with my other wonderful little dog, Zoe to find out what she is needing to help her along with her health.
I feel as though I am transiting into another chapter of my life that has so much more significance and depth. You have supported and guided me to see further into life’s mysteries and made it comprehensible.
Thank you so much. You truly do have a special gift in helping others.
Dear Val, I wanted to thank you so much for your help last week. When I first contacted you, I was terrified of losing my forever friend, Dusty. Others kept telling me to put her down but that didn’t feel right, so we were in desperate need of clarity and advice. I was so afraid I would fail my dear friend by making the wrong decision at the wrong time to end her life. I couldn’t stop crying.Our session with you was so amazing, and by the end, I felt lighthearted and at peace again. Dusty had perked up and was happily wagging her tail with a joyful, loving look on her face.Since then, Dusty and I have had a wonderful week. We have bonded and connected so strongly and when I look at her now, I just love her SO much and am so grateful that she is still here.
I have still cried a few times, but not long and deep, and am mostly at peace and feel grateful and thankful for the love we share.
Dusty has been mostly comfortable and even happy at times. Today she actually wanted to go in the car and we took the 3 min. drive down to the marina, and she even hopped out of the car and walked around for a little while – something she hasn’t done in a couple of weeks.
So, today is an extra good day and I am happy and full of love. Thanks so much for your help – it completely shifted the energy.
When I first contacted you, I was so worried about my furrkids, 1 senior dog Noah and 2 kitties. They all have health problems and I didn’t know how to best help them.
I was also considering getting a younger dog because of his age, but I didn’t want him to think I was trying to replace him! He is my first dog ever and there will never be another Noah, he is my best friend. I’ve had my own significant health challenges and found myself stuck in fear about a coming move, but I didn’t know why.
And while I knew about Noah’s major illnesses, I didn’t know about the nagging jaw pain and frequent headaches he was experiencing, until your communication with him. I was able to take that information to his doctors, who confirmed your findings and further addressed these issues. He’s much better now!
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and for guiding me with such kindness, acceptance and insight. We’ve truly enjoyed and benefited from our sessions with you. We’re so grateful for the opportunity to work with you and look forward to talking with you again!
My senior dog companion Casey was experiencing serious health issues. My family members, friends and our vet were pressuring me to put him down… but I felt that it wasn’t Casey’s time to go yet. Before I made the decision to end Casey’s life, I turned to Val for help.
She confirmed that Casey did still want to more time and Val was able to quickly and confidently get the information we needed to help treat Casey.
I had used other animal communicators before. Val is different in that not only did she tell me Casey’s health condition and how he felt, she also gave me advice on how to help Casey heal.
I like Val because of her ability to communicate with Casey but more so because she is a problem solver. She doesn’t just give me a report of what is wrong. Instead, she goes the distance to help the two of us heal and prepare for our journey ahead. I can sense Val’s love and compassion with animals during her session and I am really impressed by that.
In fact, I am so impressed that I signed up for the Animal Communication Made Easy System to learn to communicate with Casey myself.I have taken other animal communication courses before but didn’t get very far, so I gave up. However, the consultation session with Val re-ignited the passion that I have for animal communication.
My questions, concerns, doubts have been addressed, and I realize that I simply need to continue practicing and trust the process. I know that being able to communicate with animals will also help me with my Reiki work with animals.
Feeling hopeful, and encouraged, I immediately practiced what Val taught me and within two lessons we were on the road to recovery and to a new partnership.
I am amazed at how fast I can connect with Casey after only two classes! For instance, I was able to find out what caused the stress he was experiencing and where he had pain. It was an awesome experience. I have never felt more confident about my ability to communicate with all animals.
I highly recommend Val to anyone who is thinking of using an animal communicator because she can truly bridge the gap between people and their animal companions.
She not only tells you what the problem is, she also offers advice on how to overcome that so that you and you animal companion can start your healing journey together. With her insights, compassion and knowledge, Val introduces a whole new and better way to look at your life and the animals that share your life’s experience.
If you are interested in learning how to communicate with animals, I highly recommended Val’s Animal Communication Made Easy System.
I have been meditating for many years and I find the meditations Val included in this program to be very powerful. It will help you get to the quiet space where communion and communication takes place. The course is wonderful, well-researched and life changing.
I have used Animal Communicators reguarly over the years. With Val you are getting more than an Animal Communicator. You are also getting an Animal/Medical Intuitive.
As I have learned, when it comes to one’s body, animals are very much like humans. Some are very in touch with their bodies and can say what’s wrong while others can’t. As my (other) animal communicator says “my information is only as good as your pets convey.” However, with Val, she can also deeper by tuning into the organ and systems in question and intuit what’s wrong.
It is invaluable to have that input in addition to your Vet for both preventive measures as well as during a medical crisis. Val has been an amazing friend to me and my four legged Hans.
As an accountant and very much a “show me how this works” person, I was admittedly skeptical about working with an animal communicator. Then to find out you wouldn’t be meeting us in person where I could really SEE you actually communicating with Jake? I thought “This is crazy!
Fortunately for Jake, I was motivated enough to understand his pain and what was causing it, that I moved forward with working with you to get some answers. And that is exactly what we got!
You were able to connect to Jake telepathically and “talk” to him about the level of pain, where it was coming from, what activities were causing it and making it better or worse and then explain to him why he needed to change his behavior to avoid hurting himself. WHICH HE DID!!!
That’s when I knew this was really “working”! In addition, I found out that he was interested in getting a second dog and what he would like in a companion. Four weeks later, we had our perfect match and Jake & Jenny are like peas and carrots.
Had I not gotten Jake’s “input” to finding a second dog, we would have ended up with a very different situation. You have been incredibly helpful in helping me understand what was going on with Jake so we could take the right steps forward in healing his hips and back.
With a little “blind faith” and being open to something that doesn’t necessarily make logical sense, we found some great answers from my pets that will go a long way in understanding them. And enjoyed a few comical surprises along the way as well!
Spending time talking to Val about my dog, Stella, turned out to be very enlightening and more productive than the many trips to the vet have ever been.
I contacted Val because I was concerned about Stella’s chronic urinary tract infections and allergies and I needed to know if there was anything Stella wanted me to know about her health or general well being. Val provided me with so much insight on my dog, that I could not possibly list it all here.
For instance, she pin pointed specific problems with her food, and since switching her diet, we have noticed a significant decrease in the amount of yeast on her skin and a lot less scratching.
She’s also much happier and more vibrant, and her fur even looks cleaner. Val also sensed some back pain in Stella and advised she have a chiropractic alignment. With that, we no longer need the pain medication that the vet had prescribed for what they assumed was “spinal arthritis.”
In addition to all the health advice that was SO helpful, it was fun to hear what Val had to say about Stella’s emotional well being. She described Stella’s personality perfectly and when I asked if my kids bother her to much, it was fun to hear what Stella had to say: “it’s ok. I know they love me.”
I am certain that I will work with Val again in the future, and I would recommend her to anyone who has questions about their animals!
To be honest, I’d always been hesitant to work with animal communicators, but when I met Val in person at a business networking event I was impressed by her caring, confidence and professionalism. So when my maturing Newfoundland puppy, River, began to display serious fear aggression–a problem I’d never encountered before in a lifetime of living with dogs–I decided to ask Val for help.
I’d already tried training, socialization and desensitization. I’d been to an animal behaviorist and consulted all my savviest contacts in the dog world–trainers, veterinarians, breeders, friends. And still my dog was barking, growling and lunging at other dogs, and occasionally even people! It’s important to note also that River weighs well over a hundred pounds, most of it muscle. It was getting more and more difficult to control him.
Would I even be able to keep him? Should he be put down? I was devastated and out of options.
Because evidence indicated River’s issue was genetic, Val was honest with me that she couldn’t promise success, but she felt we definitely had a good chance of changing my troubled puppy’s behavior. Val first reminded me of pragmatic training principles I’d failed to enforce. Next, she helped River understand that his job is not to be constantly hypervigilant as he thought, but simply to make people happy.
I’m delighted to say that after only three sessions with Val, River is truly a different dog! Evidently, he enjoys his new assignment! He no longer barks wildly at new people; instead, he runs up to greet them smiling, his tail wagging. Just like a normal dog! And he meets most new dogs with playful rather than aggressive interest. We are still working through a few hiccups, which Val says is normal, but everyone who’s known River can see the huge difference in his demeanor and sweeter personality.
Best of all, Val helped me change my mindset toward this sweet boy and not hold his difficult past against him. Instead, as my trust in him rises, I’m learning to expect his best rather than fear the worst, which has freed us both to love and enjoy a special bond. I am truly grateful to Val for her compassion, insight, expertise and remarkable gift. And I’m sure River is, too!
Val Heart gave me such great advice and clarity for my life, helped me improve my health, and also made such a difference with my horse, Aries, that we swept into the dressage shows and won a whole pile of blue ribbons — in only 6 months! I can’t believe I was on the verge of selling Aries and giving up on him only a short while ago… now, we are excited to see each other and are winning almost every show we enter. We are both healthier, too, and that mystery lameness Aries had? Now I know where it’s coming from, what to do about it and what my contribution to the problem actually is. Awesome! Thanks, Val! I don’t want to know where we would be without you.
Val Heart changed the lives of our Therapy Horses. They now act so much more congruently and with a confidence they lacked until reassured that their creativity would be appreciated.
I am very pleased to report that my horse, Zoie, who had a serious case of EPM has made a full recovery! Her vet is writing her up as a Miracle! She just had a follow up with her chiropractor and he was completely pleased at her progress. He felt she had turned a significant corner, and said he thought he was observing a different horse! I am now riding her again.Thank you for all the great work you have done with her (and Me!). It has made a huge difference for us. My hormones seem to have stabilized, and my weight has gone back to balance since our last session too. Yea!!
This is probably the one of the biggest success stories in regards to me that we’ve had so far. It has been, what? 10 days since we spoke with my horse, Valentine, about not urinating on her hay! I’d tried everything I could think of, but nothing was working. Since our session, she has not peed on it OR spread it around her stall willy nilly, not even once! It is a Miracle! This is amazing! And will save me untold thousands in ruined hay!
Val has helped me multiple times with my horses Tequila and Duster. Having problems with Tequila, I gave her a call. Tequila had been from home to home and abused at times. He was very head strong and hard to handle. During our session, we learned he no long wanted to run barrels. I agreed that day to stop, and from that time on his personality and demeanor changed. We had a very special bond of trust with each other. Tequila was a great friend. He died at the age of 18. Once again, I called Val to help in this matter. Tequila knowing that I did everything possible to save him and that he was alright, helped me with the grieving process. He will be missed and always loved.
When I first met Val, I had been diagnosed with terminal multiple sclerosis and hadn’t much longer to live. I was looking for someone to help me find a home for my beloved Russian Arabian gelding, Ptailor Made, who I had raised and trained. Through Val’s assistance, I not only didn’t have to give him up, but I began recovering my health too. Also, I got to watch a remarkable friendship blossom between her and Tailor as he taught her many things. I’m grateful for the extra few years we had together, and for the loving care and support Val so freely provided.In December 2001, Tailor’s lifelong recurring colic episodes got the best of him, and he left us to go teach somewhere else for awhile. We love you Tailor. God speed — until we meet again.
I first met Val a number of years ago when my Arabian gelding, Tiger, was having some problems.
He wasn’t performing well at times, and was often experiencing mysterious lameness.I have been consistently impressed with
Val’s ability to pinpoint the issues and am very pleased with the results I experienced. I felt I had a partner to help me better understand my horses, and also made a good friend. I am glad for all that she’s taught me over the years, and glad she’s part of my team.
Your work with Slim has been fantastic. After a cross-country move I could tell she just wasn’t happy. I gave you a try because nothing else was helping. You were amazing and now she is so much happier, back to her normal self. And you helped address her ongoing lameness issues. I look forward to our talks like I would a dinner party or special holiday!After your great work with Slim – you helped me find a show horse for hunters. Since I am learning jumping – I needed a very good-minded horse. We “visited” with several horses before finding Cory. She was a surprise and has been a treasured gift.She wasn’t a sweet horse or suitable for beginners but your conversations with her made it a lot easier to give her a try. She keeps surprising everyone with her willingness to put up with my amateur mistakes and her depth of character – she tries her best and always gives me 100 %.People who see her now assume she was misunderstood, or that she likes us better, but in my heart I know this turnaround is due to you. She is such a snuggler now and loves attention. And we’re competing together, and doing really well!
Val Heart gave me such great advice and clarity for my life, helped me improve my health, and also made such a difference with my horse, Aries, that we swept into the dressage shows and won a whole pile of blue ribbons — in only 6 months! I can’t believe I was on the verge of selling Aries and giving up on him only a short while ago… now, we are excited to see each other and are winning almost every show we enter.
We are both healthier, too, and that mystery lameness Aries had? Now I know where it’s coming from, what to do about it and what my contribution to the problem actually is.
Awesome! Thanks, Val! I don’t want to know where we would be without you.
I can’t believe that only a year ago, my 20 year old Grand Prix Dressage horse, Libero, was terribly ill. Even though the vets couldn’t figure out what the problem was, he was so sick they wanted me to put him down. It was touch and go there for a while, and when I contacted you, I was a mess.
You helped us communicate with each other, and Libero told you how he was feeling, where the pain was coming from, and that he wasn’t ready to leave yet!
That gave me the hope I needed to keep going and not give up. The vets thought his career was over but Libero didn’t agree with them.
Thank God I listened to you. Now, against ALL odds, Libero and I are back in training, working towards completing our titles. We are actually showing again! I can’t thank you enough, Val.”
From Sarah, Feb 2008: “Hi Val! I have some new info. Libero was in a special ultrasound clinic this weekend as a test subject. Lets just say he was the talk of the clinic and not because the joint looked so perfect. They do not know why or how he is sound! His joint has so many problems.
I am about to leave for a horse show with my trainer telling me I am going to kick some ass! The vets only comment was that Libero loves what he does so much he is willing to work through the pain!
I can give you a more scientific account of this but I have to look in my notes for the correct words. I really feel like I have been through a magical experience with you and my horse! Love, Sarah
I finally got my dream horse – an 11 year old Grand Prix dressage Andalusian stallion – and from day 1 had problems! He arrived from across the country stressed and upset at his new environment and at leaving his prior trainers’. Then, he foundered as a result of gelding surgery a couple of weeks later and nothing we tried helped him heal.
Desperate to help my horse I turned to Val for the first time. I could not believe what happened in just one session! She was able to quickly and confidently get the information we needed to help treat him properly. Plus, we tapped into what he needed from me as his new partner.
Feeling hope for the first time I immediately practiced what Val taught me and within ONE session with him that same day we were on the road to recovery and to a new partnership. Since then, Val’s sessions have helped me learn how to ride passage, piaffe and to continue to create an amazing partnership with this extraordinary horse.
Val’s work has changed my life with this horse — and with ALL of my horses — forever! I continue to get regular sessions with her, as I’m eager to understand what my horses are trying to tell me. Thank you Val for saving my horse and for saving my relationship with him… my horses thank you, too!
I called Val when I was feeling I should give up on my scared, aggressive, rescued Haflinger horse, Gabe. After two years, he still nipped and bullied people and his four herd members.
Even though he was great to ride, he was a huge management problem, and soon I couldn’t even get him to stand still to be mounted. The whole “family” was fed up with him. I’d tried different trainers and would make great progress back home, then lose ground.
After only one phone session with Val, I could not believe his change! The very next morning!
No crowding me, soft eyes. I could lunge him without a halter or rope, and he would stand to let me get on bareback! All of the horses stared at me as if to say, what is going on?
At Val’s suggestion, we are addressing the whole herd differently, they are all four responding, and talking to us about it! Peace seems to reign.
I continue to work with Gabe on his ground manners. I have great hopes for us, and look forward to every day.
My thinking has changed in a fundamental way about my relationships with my horses and the world. And about the possibilities for real communication with animals, something I’ve worked on all my life. And I almost didn’t do this for myself! If you are thinking of calling Val, I would not hesitate to say Do It!
I have used Animal Communicators regularly over the years. With Val you are getting more than an Animal Communicator. You are also getting an Animal/Medical Intuitive.
As I have learned, when it comes to one’s body, animals are very much like humans. Some are very in touch with their bodies and can say what’s wrong while others can’t. As my (other) animal communicator says “my information is only as good as your pets convey.” However, with Val, she can also deeper by tuning into the organ and systems in question and intuit what’s wrong.
It is invaluable to have that input in addition to your Vet for both preventive measures as well as during a medical crisis. Val has been an amazing friend to me and my four legged Hans.
Before my session with Val, I was struggling, afraid and very concerned about my new American Saddlebred stallion “The Knight’s Image”. Image bit, kicked and tried to hurt people working around him. He was very dangerous and we couldn’t even clean his stall safely. I felt like Image would never calm down and allow me to handle him.
Val helped me find out why he was acting this way and what I could do to help him. Among other things, I found out that he did not want to hurt me and that he wanted out of his stall where he’d been confined for his bad behavior. We explained why he was being kept there and was not allowed to be turned out like the others.
Val talked to Image and told him that if he wanted to go outside to play, he would have to allow me to put on his new halter by lowering his head and calming down, acting respectful. Previously, he refused to lower his head for me or anyone including his trainer, so I was really skeptical that he would cooperate.
I was amazed! I stood at his stall and had his halter in my hand just like Val had coached us, and he lowered his head for me! He then calmly let me walk him to the indoor arena and when I asked him to park out, he did. Then I let him run and boy, did he! He had a great time, and when it was time to come back in, he also cooperated beautifully.
I am so happy to have worked with Val with this horse. I feel that now I understand him better and we can work together.
I would highly recommend working with Val if anyone should have a problem with their horses, dogs or cats. Val is very kind and caring and accurate! She really does talk to the animals!
I also think that when you do a session with Val that it demonstrates to your animals that you are trying to help them. It shows trust and caring on our parts to connect and communicate so we can help our animals be happy and healthy!
My husband and I first started using Val’s services to help us with our dogs, Heidi and Speedy. Heidi was aggressive and unpredictable, and Speedy was all over the place! We used to dread taking them on walks, and they barked at strangers and family alike. Heidi had bitten several people and I was a bit afraid of her. Their aggression seemed to be escalating and we didn’t know what to do. We never knew what would set them off, and lived in fear that they’d bite someone or get in a fight with another dog. She taught us so much in a short amount of time! They became really well behaved and reliable. We actually looked forward to going for a walk with them! That was amazing and something we never thought would happen! And as we learned to communicate with our dogs ourselves, things got easier and easier.
Then I got pregnant with our first child. Val’s healing work and gentle therapies helped me have an easy pregnancy and delivery. It was fascinating when the dogs told us things about the baby as it was growing inside me.
Since Heidi had never been comfortable around children, we were terribly afraid of what she might do when we brought our baby home. Val worked with us, helping us all build our confidence as we learned how to give Heidi good clear signals and support, and Speedy more direction about what we wanted her to do. It turned out that when we brought Luke home, it was a non-event! We’d never have believed it possible before.
I’m sad to say that Heidi’s difficult personality and chronic pain issues got the best of her, and we decided to do the compassionate and safe thing for all of us. With heavy hearts, we wound up putting her down last spring. We know we did the right thing by her and our growing family. And after talking with Heidi through Val, we know that Heidi is fine now too, and is happily watching out for us in spirit.
I also decided to work with Val on some personal issues and I’m thrilled to report what’s happened. We’ve worked through some marital issues and now my husband and I are closer than ever before! I’ve also suffered with a long time addiction to cake and sweets that began in college. And in our last session, Val helped me bust the addiction! Before, I couldn’t stop eating until it was all gone and I’d find myself taking frequent trips to the bakery for more. I even confess I had taken to hiding sweets and would “plot” how I could get seconds or thirds at a party and no one notice. I knew it was time to get help.
Now, things are going really well with limiting sweets. I was really proud of my self during the holidays as Steven and I split a piece of pie and it did not even taste that good! Thank you for all of your help and we hope you have a Happy Holidays!
You act as a sounding board. You offer encouragement. You help me address my fears. You help me deal with my issues and those of my cat family. When I get overwhelmed, depressed, discouraged, you help me see the truth of the situation. You listen. You give me techniques to deal with things. You’ve kept me going and kept me “sane” through lots of changes and ups and downs. You’re there for me when I have crises. You’ve been a great friend. So many, many thanks for all of that!
When I limped into Val’s office, I had to use a cane because my left knee hurt so badly I couldn’t put any weight on it. I’d tried many other doctors and therapists, with only marginal results. When my friend recommended I try Val and The BodyTalk System, I said, Ok,why not!? I’d tried everything else..
Well! When I got off her table less than an hour later, there was NO PAIN in my knee!!! I couldn’t believe it! I walked out of her office carrying my cane, and haven’t needed it since! I’m amazed! Thank You so much!
The changes have happened so rapidly! I’ve only been working with you for less than two months and I’ve processed so much. I started with deep depression, anxiety, obsessive behavior, chronic pain in my back and neck, and a chronic virus in my eye that had been there for over a year! I feel really, really different. My energy level is much better; I’m not worrying about my business; I’m not obsessing, crying or having dramatic emotional upheavals; and, the pain is gone! This is such a subtle, gentle process, I’m just amazed. Thank you so much!
I’ve spent a ton of money doing expensive tests and procedures, receiving frequent chiropractic adjustments, trying different counseling therapists, buying different products, seeing a host of health care practitioners… it’s been endless and still no real, lasting relief in sight. Nothing has helped me as much as working with Val. I’ve experienced dramatic changes in only a few sessions! I didn’t think it was possible to ever feel better but I’m so glad I found you! And for anyone considering doing this but are worried that you can’t afford it? You can’t afford NOT to do this!!!
The work that Val Heart and I have done together has been transformational. She has helped me uncover hidden emotions about events that I have worked on for decades. It was so freeing to arrive at “fresh air” after going in circles for so long. Val is so empathetic that I immediately felt comfortable working with difficult events and emotions. It’s as if she has the tiniest of hands that can reach right in and ever so gently touch the unseen, unfelt hurting parts and bring them up to consciousness for recognition and release.
Only a few months ago, I asked Val to work with my 8 year old grandson. He was acting out badly, was disruptive in school, uncooperative, angry, lashing out at everyone. He couldn’t seem to focus, and was easily sidetracked. In only a few sessions, he’s become the most cooperative, courteous, helpful little boy I’ve ever seen! His health has also improved a lot. I am so happy to see the changes. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
In working with you, I have a sense that you are guided from such a high spiritual plane, knowing and seeing the core of my dis-ease and oh my goodness…The Cures!!! Coming out of you like a bag of tricks that has no bottom! And the timing, building one assignment (reading a particular book for example) onto another, all in perfect sequence, getting me ready for deeper truths and healing.
I wake up in the morning now feeling good inside, instead of this constant negative talk. I appreciate my inner voice now and my actions and I yearn to nurture them and keep turning them into more light an opportunities. I am so excited about our next Body-Talk session, the growth, well being, cleansing and clarity that follows. Until then, God bless you and thank you Val.
Dear Val, I am writing to you today to express my gratitude for the wonderful and deep healing you have brought to me. You have guided me to both a wonderful and exciting place of beginning and a sense of returning home at last. I first contacted you out of desperation. My life-time of searching and trying many great healing techniques, spiritual philosophies and meditations left me feeling only more abandoned and hopeless because what I knew on the conscious level, I could not “click” it into my subconscious mind and body and my life around me.
In working with you, I have a sense that you are guided from such a high spiritual plane, knowing and seeing the core of my dis-ease and oh my goodness…The Cures!!! Coming out of you like a bag of tricks that has no bottom! And the timing, building one assignment (reading a particular book for example) onto another, all in perfect sequence, getting me ready for deeper truths and healing.
I wake up in the morning now feeling good inside, instead of this constant negative talk. I appreciate my inner voice now and my actions and I yearn to nurture them and keep turning them into more light an opportunities. I am so excited about our next Body-Talk session, the growth, well being, cleansing and clarity that follows. Until then, God bless you and thank you Val.
Dear Val,
What I find most valuable about our work together is:
You act as a sounding board. You offer encouragement. You help me address my fears. You help me deal with my issues and those of my cat family.
When I get overwhelmed, depressed, discouraged, you help me see the truth of the situation. You listen.
You give me techniques to deal with things. You’ve kept me going and kept me “sane” through lots of changes and ups and downs. You’re there for me when I have crises. You’ve been a great friend. So many, many thanks for all of that!
Dearest Val,
I personally value the way animals feel about me more than people. People are so fake and so fickle, and often even vicious, regardless of what they know of you or how you’ve been with them.
Animals see who we really are. Instantaneously. I believe it was Greta Garbo that once said, “I’m glad not everyone likes me. I would think less of myself if they did.” That’s how I feel about people.
I value how animals feel about me much more than how people do. Before I knew you, I had an ability to connect with cats, all cats, even those other people said wouldn’t come up to me or would run away. Cats know they can trust me.
You’ve taught me how to extend the love I feel for cats and how to connect with them to other animals, even ones I was previously afraid of.
You’ve helped me be able to walk around my neighborhood and interact with big scary dogs behind fences or on chains that bark crazily at other people, but who sit quietly and accept the love I have to offer them when I walk past their yard. I’ve been able to quietly and easily rescue the birds and other creatures my cats have brought in the house over the years.
My animal life has been so magnified by you.
I believe you might be one of the people who have had the greatest effect on my life. You’re a powerhouse! I love you.
It has been my pleasure to work with Val for almost 13 years. At first, I wanted help bringing a new puppy into the family. We already had one puppy, and I wanted to make sure that they would get along. Her “read” on their personalities was right on, and helped tremendously.
Ten years later, I consulted her to help with grief over the loss of the same dog. He had died suddenly, and both our surviving dog and I needed healing. It was a wonderful session for both of us.
Having had such a wonderful experience with Val and her ability to reach out and beyond to find answers, I turned to her again for help in my own life. For the past several years, there have been quite a few major events in my life that have left me feeling overwhelmed, depressed and unable to cope with everyday life on a level that was necessary.
I have been amazed at her ability to show me what was needed and what I could do to improve myself and the situations. Her “coping” advice was/is invaluable. I am a much happier person now, and much better armed to handle what comes my way. All the bad stuff has not gone away, but I am now so much stronger.
Val’s sweet ways and personality help smooth the way, not to mention her sense of humor. Our sessions, while sometimes difficult for me, are so rewarding and helpful. I am brighter, happier, and stronger with Val’s spoonful of sugar and her great wisdom and talents. Her Body Talk healing work has been so helpful. I just cannot say enough about how wonderful she is!
I started my journey with you a year ago because of the loss of my spirit dog, Kalik. I was devastated and my grief was incapacitating. I couldn’t imagine how I would go on.
What intense powerful sessions… each so full of meaning and healing and “aha” moments! I have learned a great deal and always feel so refreshed, peaceful and inspired afterward. Your assistance, healing and support while I work with my own health issues has been profound, life changing and therapeutic, especially with your guidance and wisdom to bring clarity to it all.
I found what I learned from you during our sessions, and the healing process I go through is just what I needed. I feel a wonderful increase in my energy level and a profound sense of inner peace, calmness and acceptance, all precipitating a shift that is helping me to continue forward.
The work that you do to help us humans and our animals is extraordinary and of such merit. All that I have learned from you in our sessions together has made great sense to me and you have offered me the tools and support I have needed to process through this journey and restore myself.
It was so comforting to once again connect with my spirit dog Kalik and hear his thoughts and insights, and again be able to experience his humour! The work we did helped me even more to lift the residual sadness and, instead, feel greater joy and gratitude with having had him in my life.
It is very helpful to be able to connect with my other wonderful little dog, Zoe to find out what she is needing to help her along with her health.
I feel as though I am transiting into another chapter of my life that has so much more significance and depth. You have supported and guided me to see further into life’s mysteries and made it comprehensible.
Thank you so much. You truly do have a special gift in helping others!
I have used Animal Communicators regularly over the years. With Val you are getting more than an Animal Communicator. You are also getting an Animal/Medical Intuitive.
As I have learned, when it comes to one’s body, animals are very much like humans. Some are very in touch with their bodies and can say what’s wrong while others can’t. As my (other) animal communicator says “my information is only as good as your pets convey.” However, with Val, she can also deeper by tuning into the organ and systems in question and intuit what’s wrong.
It is invaluable to have that input in addition to your Vet for both preventive measures as well as during a medical crisis. Val has been an amazing friend to me and my four legged Hans.
Val’s Quantum Leap sessions are amazing. In addition to animal communication and BodyTalk healing sessions, I decided to go for Val’s Quantum Leap sessions. I realized there was something buried within me that was causing my heart to fail (I’ve had 10 heart surgeries in the last 15 years), was making my relationships with my husband and son problematic, and was keeping me stuck in a job I’d come to hate. I wanted her help releasing old fears and energy that I knew was trapped inside but could not locate or clear with any of the other work I’d done.
She helped me overcome the death of my mother, trauma from a major motor vehicle accident, subsequent surgeries and gave me the courage to leave a job where I was unhappy and unsatisfied.
She taught me the beauty of laughter and allowed me to believe in myself once again. And, her long distance body talk sessions can’t be beat! While Val worked to help me clear my issues she opened new doors for my family and helped heal my animals who were also feeling my stress.
Her work is amazing and I am so thankful that she came into my life.
On asking Val Heart to help with my companion dog, Elsa.
Elsa is an extraordinarily perceptive, kind, co-operative and loving dog with a strong personality and a great sense of humor. She is great company and will do anything to try to help in our lives together. She is so gentle, I can take food out of her mouth without any protest.
This, however, was not our neighbors’ perception of her. They could only see and hear a loud, piercing and persistent bark and an intimidating, crazed dog. She barked at anyone walking by the house, delivery vans, cars, cats, birds, and above all the postman. If any visitors came to the house she would bark over them every time the spoke or moved around. If we needed a workman round, she would have to go to my mum’s. She never attacked or bit, but was always very vocal. People were annoyed and felt intimidated. I was upset because people couldn’t see her loving nature. The neighbors complained and relationships became fraught. In her training, diet, and exercise we had always been very conscientious. Nothing was more important to me than the health and happiness of this girl. I increased my efforts in training. People suggested all sorts: sound devices that would hurt her ears, electric collars etc. but I was not prepared to use any method that would hurt her or bully her. I knew that if Elsa understood a situation, she would do everything she could to contribute positively because that was her nature. So I signed up to Val’s beginning animal communication course. However, when she started to become aggressive towards other dogs in the neighborhood, I realized that swift and strong intervention was needed to avoid anyone getting hurt or worse. I signed up to Val’s 3-month behavior intervention plan.
This wasn’t like any doggy training I had done before! Val helped clear up misunderstandings around my ‘no bark command ‘ straight away and showed me how to successfully redirect her when barking. Elsa had thought we were playing a completely different game!
Val picked up on Elsa’s nervous energy and taught me some calming breathing techniques to do together. She immediately became generally calmer. Sometimes I thought I was imagining it, but my mother, who knows her well, confirmed my impressions.
Elsa was 2 kilos overweight and reducing her food intake, even more, seemed impossible, as did getting in more exercise daily. Val felt into Elsa’s body and following her advice, giving her a different kind of meat, she dropped the 2 kilos naturally.
Val communicated my concerns to Elsa about her behavior towards other dogs. The following day we came across her arch doggy enemy whose guardian suggested we let them sort out their differences in a controlled way. Synchronicity in action. We had never been able to speak before – the aggression and fighting had been so loud and immediate. This time, they snapped at each other a little, then sniffed bottoms, and carried on their way. I no longer had to worry about avoiding particular routes or times of day. She’s still happiest off the lead with other dogs, still a little wary of two in particular, but we haven’t had a horrible aggressive incident since.
Val taught me that animals mirror the deepest, most intimate parts of us – Elsa had been sensing my own anxiety around life and people and doing her darndest to protect me at all times! I had assumed this anxiety was just an immovable part of me. Val challenged this and showed me that if I wanted Elsa to become calm, sociable and happy, I had to become calm, sociable and happy. Val has helped me to start a journey of finding and healing my deepest fears– not quite effortlessly, but almost! Elsa continues to mirror my changes. I’m still working on this and Elsa mirrors my progress. Val has been the kindest, wisest and clearest help to both of us.
I was concerned about the financial investment initially – we don’t usually have money left over at the end of the month. I’ve been able to find some extra work to fund this and it has been worth every penny. Elsa is happier, healthier, relationships with neighbors are improving, and a whole new way of perceiving my life and the world is opening up. I am so relieved that aggressive incidents have not recurred, and we don’t have to move house to protect Elsa.
I’m also so happy to be able to work with Elsa rather than subdue or ‘tame’ her enthusiasm for life. I’m so glad that I followed my intuition telling me that harsh methods were just not the answer. Every conversation with Val is like nothing I could predict or expect! I feel I am in safe hands, learning so much about the nature of the universe and all the precious beings who are part of it.

Turning Fantasy’s WHOA into a GO
When I contacted Val, not quite two months ago, I had done all I knew to uncover the reasons behind my previously cooperative and sweet mare’s sour and balky behavior. You know the drill: veterinary workups, chiropractor/acupuncture consult, check teeth, saddle fit, evaluate turnout/buddies, review feed/supplements, and consult with trainer and riding instructor. This process took a lot of time and money, yet Fantasy’s underlying balkiness and irritability were still there.
In addition to her puzzling balkiness, Fantasy just didn’t look happy. It was as if she was just “going through the motions”. I felt like she wanted to tell me something, but that she had given up and was shutting down emotionally. We were in a vicious cycle of frustration with each other. This was NOT the kind of relationship I wanted with my horse. I felt like despite my best efforts, I was letting this horse, MY horse, down.
After one session with Val, I knew we were onto something. I felt cautiously optimistic and was SO determined to help Fantasy that I decided to go for the Silver Plan of three more sessions. WOW. The insights and tools I got from Val, are transforming my relationship with my horse. Since the sessions are recorded, I can review and practice as often as I need to (daily).
Within just a couple of weeks (seriously) my horse seemed happier, and I can now see that Fantasy’s determination to let me know “this is NOT working for me” has been a gift. Yesterday, we had the first willing upward transitions we’ve had in months!!! EVERY time there would have been a “NO” before, she gave me a relaxed “YES”. It has taken a leap of faith to abandon what was NOT working and to utilize the tools Val has given me, but the results have been the irrefutable proof that Fantasy and I are now on the right track.
Louise Texada, Shreveport, LA, USA
Ok folks just finished my communication and healing session with Val in regards to my beagle Snoopy who has had a chronic ongoing cough that has not been solved with meds or the vet hasn’t offered any solutions other than saying it’s just an old man cough… seriously?! I wish I could tell you what Val did but I have no idea other than something she calls BodyTalk for animals, which I’d not heard of. She said a bunch of big medical related words that I don’t get and she scanned his body medically saying more big words I don’t know, and the whole time my dog has STOPPED COUGHING!! Sitting here typing this and he is happily and peacefully sitting next to me NOT COUGHING. I don’t know what to say. Holy crap… how about that.
Whoo hoo! Thank you, Val!! — Gina Triay, LA

I had a delightful consultation with Val Heart. After completing a long journey through the Mayo Clinic Health System, I felt like I had been hit by a tsunami. My life look like a debris field. As a former executive director, I could not fathom what had happened. Slowly, I began to realize this “dark night of my soul” was a magnificent spiritual awakening. As my Authentic Self came forth, a clear vision was bestowed upon me. I surrendered to the infinite possibilities of this vision’s unfolding. Val completely understood my journey that led to our conversation. As a pioneer in the field of animal communication, her journey has not been a linear path either, Her experience have served to teach her incredibly valuable lessons. During our conversation, this wisdom was evident and solidified her capacity to serve as a business mentor and coach – a very wise investment! Thanks, Val!

Val’s Go Pro Animal Communicator Business Coaching Program has been so valuable in helping me to focus on what is important in the world of business marketing. Her background as a professional animal communicator is inspirational. I’ve been working professionally for 7 years and my business wasn’t growing very much. But now, I have seen my email contact list increase greatly and dramatically with a simple campaign that I developed with Val’s assistance. Val is also extremely encouraging and supportive. I felt so alone and isolated before I joined the Program and often didn’t know what to do or how to do it, I felt so discouraged. The classes, calls and Facebook group are great for connecting with other professional communicators, this is a wonderful community. Seeing what the other members are creating is motivating and also I find myself so excited to see my fellow coaching classmates succeed. I would highly recommend Val’s program if you are striving to increase (or start) your animal communication business. — Anne Angelo, professional animal communicator

Why do I recommend Val’s Go Pro Professional Animal Communicator Business Building Program? First of all, Val is just a wealth of information on marketing, advertising, setting up your online business and all of the many details that are involved in these enterprises. She also has endless ideas for each student, specifically, to help them create what they want for their business. And she will give you tips to improve what you are currently doing to make it better. Second, this Program is designed from the inside out and gives you the opportunity to look at where you might be blocking your own success. Val teaches you how to move through these blocks and have the right mindset to create a solid foundation for a successful business. And finally, its a safe place to try out your ideas, talk about your doubts, and fears, and just let yourself be vulnerable. It can be scary putting yourself out there to the world and this Program gives you a safety net to try things out first, fine tune and work out the kinks within a supportive and nurturing environment. So now I have a direction to take my business and I have a better understanding of how to market, advertise successfully, really engage people and bring them in. I’m so excited to move my business forward to the next level!!! ~ Debora Poynter, professional animal communicator

Why did I decide to work with Val? I have one word for you — SUCCESS! No sooner had I agreed to my commitment with Val Heart, Animal Communicator Coach & Business Mentor extraordinaire (lovingly laughing), I immediately received more client phone calls. The world often sees us as operating in a gray area of society and business although we may see ourselves walking in the LIGHT. We do it to ourselves by walking with one foot in the spiritual world and one foot in the physical world and not shining as brightly in the physical world as we truly are in our spiritual world. We might be really comfortable in the spiritual world and not so much in the physical one… THIS is where Val Heart comes in and shows her brilliance at helping, guiding and encouraging us to be solid and shining equally in both worlds. She is a lovely warm soul armed with pointy questions that encourage and allow you to develop into everything you choose to be. My advice to you: take your personal limitations off and reach for the moon with your business. If that is what you want, Val Heart will be right there with you to guide the way. ~ Stephanie L. Brown, PhD, professional animal communicator

In my business, I help so many people and pets with healing, it is difficult for me to know who to trust and let down the walls when I need help. You came into my life, dear Val to help on many levels and I’m so glad I have the good sense to work with you both for myself personally and for my business. The intense healing you helped me with was something I’ve been struggling to clear for years! It was truly so beautiful and I feel so happy that we are connected on the levels that we are in this remarkable Program. There is an intense depth and recognition of the true essence of our souls and the work that we do in this life, and so full of love, caring, guidance and sharing. ~ Philippa Kingsley, professional animal communicator

One of the reasons I quit my previous job (I was working as consultant of the World Wide Fund, the international NGO leading in wildlife conservation and endangered species) was to do this important work. What you have built in this Business Program is not only incredibly useful, it is inspiring and supporting our spiritual journey. I’m really grateful to my Spiritual Guides who made me meet you and I’m so happy I had the good sense to enroll. You guide me, I fully trust you and am grateful you are always so close, for your love, understanding and your healing energies! What interests me more than anything else is to help animals and people to understand each other so that harmony, love, respect and peace can flourish between them. And to do that I must be able to reach those who need me, and make a successful living to support myself. With this program and loving community of colleagues, I know I can do that. ~ Nicoletta Toniutti

I called Val to work with my horse who was acting strange and I was worried about him. When she asked him how he felt, he told her that he had a headache. She asked him to tell me more about that and he showed me an image of himself prancing and dancing around his 10 acre pasture with an orange construction cone clenched between his teeth. Which he totally does, all the time! Amazing.
He showed her that he enjoyed throwing the cones at his pasture mates (a mule, a paint horse, and 2 longhorns – none of whom found his antics funny in the least). He’d dunk them in his water trough, and hurl them into the neighbors field… All totally true. And one day, he said, it finally all come undone.
Apparently he’d gotten a little too vigorous tossing his head with it, because the rubber started tearing. And on that last big upswing it tore in half and the heavy end beaned him right in the middle of his forehead.
He told us it hit him so hard that he saw stars (like a cartoon!) and stood there dazed, with the remaining bit of orange rubber dangling from his mouth. And his head had hurt ever since. Mystery solved. I never would have known, but that makes complete sense. He asked for a head massage, and now is back to normal. – Bonnie Shriver, Boerne, TX
I called Val when I was feeling I should give up on my scared, aggressive, rescued Haflinger horse, Gabe. After two years, he still nipped and bullied people and his four herd members.
Even though he was great to ride, he was a huge management problem, and soon I couldn’t even get him to stand still to be mounted. The whole ‘family’ was fed up with him. I’d tried different trainers and would make great progress back home, then lose ground.
After only one phone session with Val, I could not believe his change! The very next morning!
No crowding me, soft eyes. I could lunge him without a halter or rope, and he would stand to let me get on bareback! All of the horses stared at me as if to say, what is going on?
At Val’s suggestion, we are addressing the whole herd differently, they are all four responding, and talking to us about it! Peace seems to reign.
I continue to work with Gabe on his ground manners. I have great hopes for us, and look forward to every day.
My thinking has changed in a fundamental way about my relationships with my horses and the world. And about the possibilities for real communication with animals, something I’ve worked on all my life. And I almost didn’t do this for myself! If you are thinking of calling Val, I would not hesitate to say Do It! ~ Lou Robinson, Cornell University
I have used Animal Communicators regularly over the years. I have to say, with Val you are getting a LOT more than an Animal Communicator. You are also getting an Animal/Medical Intuitive and an incredibly powerful healer, for both people and pets.
As I have learned, when it comes to one’s body, animals are very much like humans. Some are very in touch with their bodies and can say what’s wrong while others can’t. As my (other) animal communicator says “my information is only as good as your pets convey.” However, with Val, she can also deeper by tuning into the organ and systems in question and intuit what’s wrong.
It is invaluable to have that input in addition to your Vet for both preventive measures as well as during a medical crisis. Val has been an amazing friend to me and my four legged Hans.

Before my session with Val, I was struggling, afraid and very concerned about my new American Saddlebred stallion “The Knight’s Image”. Image bit, kicked and tried to hurt people working around him. He was very dangerous and we couldn’t even clean his stall safely. I felt like Image would never calm down and allow me to handle him.
Val helped me find out why he was acting this way and what I could do to help him. Among other things, I found out that he did not want to hurt me and that he wanted out of his stall where he’d been confined for his bad behavior. We explained why he was being kept there and was not allowed to be turned out like the others.
Val talked to Image and told him that if he wanted to go outside to play, he would have to allow me to put on his new halter by lowering his head and calming down, acting respectful. Previously, he refused to lower his head for me or anyone including his trainer, so I was really skeptical that he would cooperate.
I was amazed! I stood at his stall and had his halter in my hand just like Val had coached us, and he lowered his head for me! He then calmly let me walk him to the indoor arena and when I asked him to park out, he did. Then I let him run and boy, did he! He had a great time, and when it was time to come back in, he also cooperated beautifully.
I am so happy to have worked with Val with this horse. I feel that now I understand him better and we can work together.
I would highly recommend working with Val if anyone should have a problem with their horses, dogs or cats. Val is very kind and caring and accurate! She really does talk to the animals!
I also think that when you do a session with Val that it demonstrates to your animals that you are trying to help them. It shows trust and caring on our parts to connect and communicate so we can help our animals be happy and healthy! ~ Yvette Broussal, Nevada, Mine Geologist & Animal Lover
I set up a session with Val when my cat Abraham (Abie) deteriorated suddenly from what I assumed was the arthritis he had been diagnosed with a year earlier.
Almost overnight he was barely able to move and when he did he growled from pain. He would eat only when I brought his dishes of food and water to his mouth. (Fortunately, he somehow made it to his litter box.) In addition, he quickly developed the symptoms of a cold. I could tell he was in abject misery and I was concerned that he would be permanently incapacitated.
Val said she felt Abie was having a reaction to the routine vaccinations that he had received several months earlier and that his whole body was inflamed. Because of the arthritis, Val told me that Abie’s immune system was compromised and that he shouldn’t have received the vaccines.
Before the session was over, Val gently used BodyTalk to help bring some quick relief to Abie.
Two days after the session with Val, my husband called me at work and said he had found Abie sitting on our living room rug with our other cat Sylvia. Abie got up and walked from our bedroom into the living room to sit on his favorite wool rug by the couch. He would have had to walk a ways to get there. We’re amazed because the night before he was having a hard time even turning around.
A miraculous feat! I don’t really consider myself skeptical but I was shocked by the sudden turn of events. I realized it was a sign that he would heal completely — and he has. Ten weeks later Abie is doing wonderfully and back to his old self.
I am so grateful for Val and her gifts as a healer and a teacher. It has changed my life. I recommend her to anyone that has a pet. You’ll learn more than you could ever imagine.

Spending time talking to Val about my dog, Stella, turned out to be very enlightening, fun and more productive than the many trips to the vet have ever been.
I contacted Val because I was concerned about Stella’s chronic urinary tract infections and allergies and I needed to know if there was anything Stella wanted me to know about her health or general well being. Val provided me with so much insight on my dog, that I could not possibly list it all here.
For instance, she pin pointed specific problems with her food, and since switching her diet, we have noticed a significant decrease in the amount of yeast on her skin and a lot less scratching.
She’s also much happier and more vibrant, and her fur even looks cleaner. Val also sensed some back pain in Stella and advised she have a chiropractic alignment. With that, we no longer need the pain medication that the vet had prescribed for what they assumed was “spinal arthritis.”
In addition to all the health advice that was SO helpful, it was fun to hear what Val had to say about Stella’s emotional well being. She described Stella’s personality perfectly and when I asked if my kids bother her to much, it was fun to hear what Stella had to say: “it’s ok. I know they love me.”
I am certain that I will work with Val again in the future, and I would recommend her to anyone who has questions about their animals! ~ JoAnn Finger, Stella’s Mom

Delighted to report that Animal Communicator and Author Tim Link based in Atlanta, GA helped the founder of Brazoria County Humane Society in Alvin, TX find her lost dog — a 2 lb, 18 year-old, blind Yorkie! Thank you, Tim! You’re a life saver.

Our Bengal Cat Made it Home!
My dad was visiting me from out of town, and had brought his best friend, Pique a Boo, a beautiful Bengal cat. Pique, who is not at all used to the outdoors or my neighborhood, escaped from my house. We searched the neighborhood high and low, put fliers everywhere we could think of, talked to everyone who lived nearby, but a full 24 hours later, he was still missing. My dad was distraught and I have never felt so helpless. It finally occurred to me to ask Val Heart if she could help. She put me in touch with Tim, who had answers for me in a short time.
Tim told me that he had communicated with Pique, and that the cat told him that he was calm and comfortable, and had showed him a pool, a creek that was close to a school, and an area with scrap metal. Tim asked Pique a Boo to return to my home. Tim recommended that I set a humane trap towards the back of my yard.
Right around this time, my neighbor called to tell me that he had spotted the cat in the middle of the night, but couldn’t catch him! I immediately went to borrow a trap and my dad returned to my house. As soon as my dad pulled up, Pique a Boo casually walked up to my front door! After a full 24 hours of searching, calling him, he just calmly returned!
He also told me that Pique was calm and comfortable- that was the last thing any of us had expected to hear. The cat went absolutely wild when he escaped a few times from my father’s house. I honestly thought Tim might have been off on that point, but he was completely correct!
Thank you, Tim!
Liz Parker, Editor of Austin Pets Directory and Magazine

“I want to let you know the update on my cat, Kitty. You may remember our session a few months ago. The subject was Kitty’s aggressive and inappropriate behavior.
Well, since this session, Kitty has changed quite a bit. Now she always comes and politely asks for permit to jump on my lap and when I tell her, I’m not ready yet, but I will let her know when it’s ok, she will lay down and wait.
Not once has she made a surprise attack spilling my tea or whatever I was eating or drinking. As soon as I call her and tell her it’s ok now to come, she runs towards me, jumps on my lap and straight onto my chest wrapping her paws around my neck and pushing her head under my chin. When she had enough attention, she still starts her “war howl”, but she stopped biting and scratching. She simply howls and jumps down.
It makes really a big difference, if you can eat and drink in peace and quiet without constantly being on the watch, if this little monster plans one of her “jump-and-hit” attacks.” ~ Klaudia Schmidt, Cyprus
Support in Times of Transition
Val, I am so grateful to you for your insight on my dog’s condition. I thought she was dying and had been told to put her down, but just couldn’t bear the thought. I was in agony about making this decision.
You gave me such emotional peace of mind about it, and your advice made such an impact that it has completely turned my attitude around. I cannot overstate this.
You gave me back my power, and the emotional freedom to enjoy my life, even with all the stresses of no job, unemployment denied, appeals in process, and my Lily fading away. What a powerful gift! Thank You!
Cats Are Natural Healers
“After reading your article on how cats are natural healers I was thinking back when I was sick or hurt and how a cat would sometimes be around. I can’t actually remember how the cat positioned itself and such to help me heal, but still a good message. I’ll pay more attention next time.
Val is something special. Her perspectives and insight seem so distant from our everyday lives. It kind of reminds me of my youth when I was so more open to such things rather than working my tail off.”
Dog Easily Resolves Nighttime “Potty” Problem
“Here is a little success story of my own. Frankie, my young Springer Spaniel occassionally needs to go potty in the night. I can’t hear him scratch at the door when I am sleeping. I told him that he could bark to wake me up. He replied that he didn’t want to wake up Daddy. So I told him to lick my face until I wake up and I will let him out. So that’s what he does! No more accidents!
You act as a sounding board. You offer encouragement. You help me address my fears. You help me deal with my issues and those of my cat family. When I get overwhelmed, depressed, discouraged, you help me see the truth of the situation. You listen. You give me techniques to deal with things. You’ve kept me going and kept me “sane” through lots of changes and ups and downs. You’re there for me when I have crises. You’ve been a great friend. So many, many thanks for all of that!”
Helping Cat With Emotional Upset Over Owner’s Travels
“When I met Val, we were both at a New York Publicity Summit and had signed up to be roommates. We both knew we weren’t meeting by chance alone. I loved that her last name was Heart and soon found out she was all that. Although we became friends, we also used each others services. One of my beloved cats was troubled and having a hard time with my leaving when I went on trips. Val did a session for him with me over the phone and I literally saw him transform during the session while we were on the phone together. It was positively uncanny how she helped him release a pocket of worry. I witnessed something definitely transpiring. In a way I’d never seen him act before, it was like he got rid of an emotional hairball then he acted as silly and loving as a young kitten without a care in the world. It was astounding to see this happen at the exact time she was doing her work. I’ve known a lot of psychics and readers and healers in my time and Val is the real deal. He became so much more carefree after that. She has a gift as big as her “Heart.”
I didn’t think anything could help and I was at the end of my rope, ready to give my cat away. I just couldn’t take it anymore.
In just one session, Val changed my relationship with my cat from one of long standing frustration, constant upset, love-hate — to one of effortless joy! Val listened to my grief and frustration with my life and my pet. She spoke loving truth, taught me new behaviors and skills, practiced them with me, and what happened next was utterly miraculous! Everything we practiced came to pass. My sleepless nights are over! I now have a cat who loves and adores me, and whom I love and adore.
We are working together now, enjoying ourselves. I can’t wait to experience what Val will do with my life in human relationships. She really can hear the heart and soul of relationships. She hears the deep message of the heart and responds to it with love and peace, understanding and compassion, and for me has transformed my pain and frustration to joy and loveliness. Miracles really can happen!” Janice Dean, Actress and Acting Coach, San Antonio, Texas
“Val Heart changed the lives of our Therapy Horses. They now act so much more congruently and with a confidence they lacked until reassured that their creativity would be appreciated.” Dr Frederick Peace, Peacehawk Ranch, Therapeutic Riding Centers, Malibu, CA
Literally after a thirty minute conversation with you, my entire life changed. In giving my cats a voice during their physical and emotional challenges, you shed a powerful light on my own situation. You gave me the precise information I needed to experience a dramatic shift in consciousness that has promoted healing on all levels for me and my cats. I cannot believe how much you have impacted my life in just two brief sessions!” ~ Stacie Williams, San Antonio, TX
We started working with Val for our miniature schnauzer, Heidi. Heidi had severe anxiety during thunderstorms and more importantly serious biting problems. From a young age she snapped at strangers and occasionally us, and we were very worried about her attacking children. It was getting to the point of questioning whether we still wanted to keep her. This was very distressing, because we are very attached to her.
Also, walking with Heidi had become a nightmare — extremely stressful for all of us until we dreaded taking her out! If she saw another person or dog, she’d go nuts and we were terrified she’d get in a bad fight. Now, our walks are uneventful — which means Good! After we worked with Val, we went out and encountered a daschund that day. Heidi ran about half way to her, then stopped and turned around to come back to us! So it went very well, just like we’d asked her to do.
Through Val communicating with Heidi and helping us communicate better with her, things have vastly improved. We have all been able to relax more. And, Heidi’s back and neck problems have also greatly improved. The best part is beginning to be able to love and accept her as an important part of our family again.” ~ Steven and Bridgett Huser, LaGrange, TX
“I am very pleased to report that my horse, Zoie, who had a serious case of EPM has made a full recovery! Her vet is writing her up as a Miracle! She just had a follow up with her chiropracter and he was completely pleased at her progress. He felt she had turned a significant corner, and said he thought he was observing a different horse! I am now riding her again.
Thank you for all the great work you have done with her (and Me!). It has made a huge difference for us. My hormones seem to have stabilized, and my weight has gone back to balance since our last session too. Yea!!” ~ Lynne Silver, Austin, TX
“This is probably the one of the biggest success stories in regards to me that we’ve had so far. It has been, what? 10 days since we spoke with my dressage horse, Valentine, about not urinating on her hay! I’d tried everything I could think of, but nothing was working. Since our session, she has not peed on it OR spread it around her stall willy nilly, not even once! It is a Miracle! This is amazing! And will save me untold thousands in ruined hay!” ~ Kay S., Austin, TX
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my Forever Dog, Satin’s passing. I have successfully moved my clinic this summer.
AND my health has received a Miracle! NO more cancer of the bone marrow!
My dogs, Dutchess, Zoey and Zena are all doing fine. I cannot tell you how much you have changed my life and my dogs, and how I have become alpha once again. Thank You!
“I was at my wits end, struggling with my dog’s out of control behavior. I’d tried everything I could think of, and since I am a dog trainer and compete with my dogs, that’s saying a LOT! But, nothing was working so I decided to give Val a call. I was so amazed!
In one session, my dog’s behavior changed and I could tell we were working together as a team for the first time. It was like she understood me now where she hadn’t before. AND, I was so impressed, that I began working with Val for my own health problems. I am happy to say that I am so much better, life is easier, my relationship with myself and my husband has improved, my business is taking off…. I don’t know where I’d be without Val — don’t want to know!! She’s a remarkable resource and facilitator for me and my clients too. Thank You!” ~ Patty M, Montana, breeder, trainer and dog show competitor
“I have raised buffalo for the last 15 years. I was having a bad run of luck with newborn calves getting infected with blackleg disease, and dying within the first 2 or 3 months of their lives. It is a disease that isn’t supposed to affect buffalo, only beef cattle, and they vaccinate their new-born to prevent death. Not being able to vaccinate my calves, (can’t catch them, and the herd is very protective), I was at a loss as to what to do.
A friend of mine recommended I contact Val, to see if, maybe, she could help. So I did, and Val worked with me, and the new-born calf, who is now seventeen months old, and doing just fine.
After protecting the calf, Val told me that I had some health problems that should be looked at, as well. After her success with the calf, I decided to give it a try, and it has been well worth it. I am in much better health now, than I was when I first contacted Val, and as I’ve already said, the calf is the first to survive and is now a young heifer, and has promise of a long and healthy life… (me too, I hope).
Val is the “real deal”, no hype, no hocus pocus. A true empath, healer and psychic, as proven by her results.” –Hecetu Yelo, (“It is true”)
~ J.D. Kotrla-Chipps, The Buffalo Man, Round Rock, Texas
Dear Val, I want to say thank you because what you have taught and shared have helped enormously.
I was in your recent animal communication class for senior dogs. Although I did not join the discussions, I have listened to the recordings. I have also gone through your beginning animal communication home study course.
I just want to tell you that your course and the senior dog class have helped me and in turn my dear girl, Jojo, a great deal in our most difficult time.
Jojo has been suffering from heart problems and liver as well as kidney problems for a few years but was managed satisfactorily until early September when suddenly things took the downward course quickly. With the help of the vet and energy healing, she still had some good days in the last month of her life.
With what I have learnt from you and others in the class, I trust I have done what Jojo has wanted to do, eg taking her to the Peak (we are in Hong Kong) for a walk in her stroller and taking her home on the day before the last day of her life on earth and having my mum holding her as much as possible (she said my mum is her grandma:-)). So I trust we have no regret and Jojo’s wishes fulfilled.
Thank you. Please keep up with your good work. I really think more people should know and believe in animal communication so please keep up with what you are doing, and please try to spread your knowledge to other parts of the world as much as possible.

Words cannot express how eternally grateful we are for your assistance during the transition of our 16 year old cat, Punkin. My only regret is that I did not contact you sooner!
Before our session I was struggling with many unanswered questions and concerns about his well being. I felt helpless as I watched him decline so quickly. He had become increasingly vocal in the recent months and I could sense that there was something important that he was trying to tell us that I just could not gain clarity on. At times he also seemed confused and lost as if he could not see or sense his environment.
The insight that I gained from our session and the synchronicity that followed was life changing for me.
He also had Kitty Alzheimers or dementia, and you gave us very useful advice on how to help him with that. His entire body relaxed. He perked up and was very lovey. He didn’t cry all night.
One of my main concerns is that I did not want him to suffer. You told me in the session that he would give me a sign when he was getting ready to go. He amazed me by managing to climb into our hammock all by himself, I have no idea how he did that, but as I cuddled him, it felt like this was his sign.
In the morning we went to the Vet with just a little fear….(mostly mine) . He went into his carrier with very little resistance and he talked to me the entire time. I kept reminding him of your conversation with him and he calmed.
Our Vet was amazing. She did an exam and confirmed that it looked like kidney/liver failure. She talked us through the process of euthanasia just as you had and put my mind at ease.
He drifted off to sleep. We talked with him, stroked him and when he took his 2 last breaths she leaned down and whispered to him “There’s the Rainbow Bridge, be free!”. It was so peaceful. I felt his spirit float out like a feather on the wind.
I am releasing a ton of emotion today. Mostly gratitude and joy for a life well lived. I thank you with every cell in by being for the work you do. Your gift enabled us to have a weekend of communication, closure and peace instead of uncertainty, guilt and fear.
Your intuitive insights were real, clear and practical. They all made perfect sense! You not only confirmed my gut feelings but added very powerful and common sense approaches that helped my formulate a plan of care for what turned out to be our final days together.
I feel like now I have more peace and closure about many unanswered questions. Thank you Val, from the bottom of my heart!

“I wanted to Thank You for the very beautiful and powerful session you conducted for my wife and her dog, Wendy. You helped both of them clarify the course of the next few months, and in the process helped Nancy bring to the surface and deal with feelings she had been avoiding.
I know it was a truly healing experience for both of them. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping my family.”

Cosmo was as close to a soul mate as a cat could possibly be. We bonded deeply in the months after I rescued him as we worked together to get him off insulin. We were successful after 9 months. Cosmo was eight years old (best guess) when he died and I had him for almost 7 years. His death was sudden, violent and he was missing for 9 days before my neighbor told me he found his body. I never saw Cosmo after he died, as my neighbor had already buried him before telling me, but from the description, it sounded like a raccoon killed him. He wasn’t allowed outside at night, so this tragedy occurred when it was still daylight. The circumstances of his death were about as traumatic as they could possibly be, and not seeing him after he died made closure even more difficult.
The closure session I did with Val and Cosmo was such an important healing experience and it really helped me cope with his loss. One of the things I liked about it was saying goodbye to both the good and bad things. As much as I loved Cosmo, he did have some bad habits. It helped to deal with the complete picture, instead of whitewashing things and turning him into a kitty saint. The process of preparing for the session was important too, because I really thought about Cosmo and reviewed our time together. Even though I talked to Cosmo frequently when he was alive, and always told him how much I loved him, it was important to be able to say that one more time.
Even if I had been with Cosmo at the time of his death, I couldn’t have said all the things to him that I got to say during the closure session. Yes, it was painful, but it was healing and I am grateful for the whole experience.”

As an accountant and very much a “show me how this works” person, I was admittedly skeptical about working with an animal communicator. Then to find out she wouldn’t be meeting us in person where I could really SEE her communicating with Jake, I thought “This is crazy!”.
Fortunately for Jake, I was motivated enough to understand his pain and what was causing it, that I moved forward with working with Val to get some answers. And that is exactly what we got!
Val was able to connect to Jake telepathically and “talk” to him about the level of pain, where it was coming from, what activities were causing it and making it better or worse and then explain to him why he needed to change his behavior to avoid hurting himself.
WHICH HE DID!!! That’s when I knew this was really “working”!
In addition, I found out that he was interested in getting a second dog and what he would like in a companion. Four weeks later, we had our perfect match and Jake & Jenny are like peas and carrots.
Had I not gotten Jake’s “input” to finding a second dog, we would have ended up with a very different situation. Val has been incredibly helpful in helping me understand what was going on with Jake so we could take the right steps forward in healing his hips & back. With a little “blind faith” and being open to something that doesn’t necessarily make logical sense, you’ll be find some great answers from your pet that will go a long way in understanding them. And a few comical surprises along the way as well!

Three and a half months ago I was devastated with the news that my sweet, loving little dog had advanced liver disease. Armed with nothing but a prescription for antibiotics and medication Denisile and a “wait to see what happens” from the vet, I started reading everything i could get my hands on from the Internet and ordered in all probably $1,000 worth of supplements, ebooks, and more. I found my self shopping for the best quality of anything I thought Willy might be able to eat and keep down.
After 45 days Willy seemed to be improving remarkably. I live in a heavily mosquito infested area and since Willy had already skipped one month of heart wormer, I gave him his dose and he crashed three days later. The vomiting, jaundice etc. were back and we were at square one again only the vet didn’t seem to think that the heart wormer was to blame.
Willy was begging for the worst kinds of food (cheese and ham) and he started to swell with ascites. He got so big and uncomfortable and i thought we were losing the battle. In my researching the Internet i saw Val Heart’s site and contacted her for an appointment.
At the time I was irritated at her fee and in the back of my mind thought about cancelling it. The following week in my work, the new clients I attracted seemed to want me to work for a lot less than I was worth so I recognized this as a message from the universe and started to open my mind about the price.
While waiting for her consultation my little dog started having tremors and couldn’t walk and it was so heart breaking I decided upon rising one day to have him euthanized when I got home from work. I called Val and left her a message telling her this and she called me back within an hour and asked me to consider waiting if I could until after her session which was 4 days away. When I got home, Willy greeted me with so much enthusiasm, I knew Val was right and we scheduled an ultrasound from an internal specialist for the next week.
Our session came and it was so beautiful and profound it is hard to put into words. Val communicates with animals from the highest possible place… she touches the sacred place in beings and heals from this place. Willy had allot to say about the purpose and reason for his illness and how I could heal him.
Being able to communicate to him so precisely enabled me to see him as the high spiritual being he truly is and in thus doing he started to heal himself in the session. He said that the something that was twisting in his stomach was unwinding and that he was already feeling the pressure release.
During this session, Val applied healing to every being in my household and gave a rating on what Willy was taking and eating as to what was most beneficial and least beneficial.
Just 36 hours later Willy’s fluid build up was totally and completely gone. The Dr. giving the ultra-sound (3 days later) said there was NO fluid in his abdomen and that what ever was causing the disease was gone. She said that she would even call it a miracle.
In retrospect, if someone I know is in trouble, before I do anything I will call Val, for my animals, for my Grandsons, for myself. I have recommended her to anyone I think might be open to listen.
I will gladly pay her fee and gloat at the money I have saved on dangerous surgeries, medications etc. I am so thankful for Val Hearts gifts and talents and I can contest that she is indeed a Master Healer.

Wow! I was blown away by how on target you were during our recent session. You answered questions I had not even thought to ask, and provided such wonderful insight about Finley’s overall health and wellbeing.
I went into our session with a healthy amount of skepticism, however, you proved to not only be the real deal…. but much to my surprise, since our session last week, Finley’s whole demeanor has changed.
He has more energy, seems happier and more like the dog we knew before the stress of our recent relocation. You are a tremendous resource and I hope to have a chance to work with you again. Thanks again for all your help!!!

On behalf of my daughter and myself we would like to say how incredibly impressed we were with Val’s God-given ability to communicate with our one year old puppy who died of mysterious causes.
Clark had two bouts of very serious illness within a 5 week period that shut down his kidneys. After taking him to our beloved Vet and an Internist, they could not find the cause of his illness. He ended up in the Pet Emergency room and died hours later. We were both saddened by this tragedy and what made it so much worse is that we didn’t know if it was something we could have prevented.
While attending a church class, I was telling someone in the class about our dilemma. It was then that Val’s name came up.
With nothing to lose and everything to gain, we scheduled a reading with her. The reading we had was so incredibly powerful. Val was able to get in touch with our puppy and get some definitive answers even the autopsy didn’t show.
In addition to getting the health answer we were looking for, we received some very comforting information as well. Val is a very kind sweet lady with an amazing gift. I would recommend her services to anyone who has lost a pet or anyone who would like information about their existing pet. Her knowledge and insight are amazing.

I am so very grateful to know Val. I think the best thing I have learned from her is our animal friends have a purpose in their lives. Lessons we learn from them with open hearts give them joy and help both travel the journey of life in richness.
I first contacted Val when my dog, Mugsy was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. I wanted to make sure the road my dog and I were to travel was paved with the best decisions I could make. My consultations with Val reassured me, gave me direction and such comfort when it was time for him to leave.
When we welcomed Bernice, my new puppy, into the family I again called Val. I wanted to make sure I was raising a well balanced dog and needed help with some behavior challenges. And we are continuing to learn how to better communicate with each other. I also wanted to have our other older dog understand all the recent changes. Val helped us on so many levels.
It’s not an animal thing, it’s not a human thing, it’s a ‘being’ thing with a deep understanding and feeling of peace and harmony without boundaries. I thank you Val.

Val has helped me multiple times with my horses Tequila and Duster. Having problems with Tequila, I gave her a call. Tequila had been from home to home and abused at times. He was very head strong and hard to handle.
During our session, we learned he no long wanted to run barrels. I agreed that day to stop, and from that time on his personality and demeanor changed.
We enjoyed a very special bond of trust with each other. Tequila was a great friend. He died at the age of 18.
Once again, I called Val to help in this matter. Tequila knowing that I did everything possible to save him and that he was alright, helped me with the grieving process. He will be missed and always loved.

Over the last four years in working with you, I have learned that in order to help my Shetland Sheepdog, Kati, I must first look within myself and heal the imbalances in my thinking, feeling, and physical self.
Kati acted as a reflection or mirror of what was going on inside of me. If I was afraid or angry, Kati would react with barking and fear/aggression behaviors. If I was ambivalent or frustrated because I was unsure of my inner strength, Kati would test the limits.
With your help I was able to see what I was doing instead of thinking I needed to fix her. You gave me clear directions and encouraged me to experiment with different behaviors. You helped me balance my emotions, calming myself first so that Kati can be calm. Our walks are more pleasant, she calms down when I ask her to, and she alerts me when it’s necessary.
My relationship with Kati has reached a level beyond simple obedience training. You’ve made it possible for us to experience a sweet cooperation that will only grow richer. Thank you again.

When I first met Val, I had been diagnosed with terminal multiple sclerosis and hadn’t much longer to live. I was looking for someone to help me find a home for my beloved Russian Arabian gelding, Tailor Made, who I had raised and trained.
Through Val’s assistance, I not only didn’t have to give him up, but I began recovering my health too. Also, I got to watch a remarkable friendship blossom between her and Tailor as he taught her many things. I’m grateful for the extra few years we had together, and for the loving care and support Val so freely provided.
In December 2001, Tailor’s lifelong recurring colic episodes got the best of him, and he left us to go teach somewhere else for awhile. We love you Tailor. God speed — until we meet again.

“I am so appreciative of you. I feel like I have so much more control of myself. Thank you for helping me with my confidence. We were talking about how good the puppies are now (they were driving us crazy before!) and how much you have helped me with them. Their health has improved along with their behavior. I wish, I wish, I had known you when Alex and Bear Bear were alive. Their lives would have been much healthier and happier. I wish I had known to talk to them like you’ve taught me to do with Honey. I get a look of true understanding from Honey and Katie now. I used to dread going home; now, I can’t wait to get home to see them. I love them so. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!” – Angela S, San Antonio, TX
After Angela had been working with me for a few more months this is what she had to say:
“Just wanted to send you some new pictures of my girls. Honey’s gray stripe that was down the middle of her back is gone. She still has gray but more dispersed and a little more concentrated under her chin, but look at those ears! I think they are beautiful. Kathie has always looked good to me. She has a beautifully muscled body. Thank you for all of your help. Angela,”
Angela S, San Antonio, TX

“What an eye opener it was to read the 10 Most Serious Mistakes!! I found it very informative & helpful in ways I had never thought about before. Wow, I thought I knew a lot about animals!! Have I got a lot to learn & now I believe I’m on the right path. I’m blessed to have found you & I can’t wait to learn as much as possible!
I have always wanted to study animal behavior & learn how to communicate with them & have several times searched the internet, asked my Vet, & other animal people “in the know” but have never got the answers I was looking for. Then all of a sudden I search the web again & there you were!
Maybe I just wasn’t ready when I asked before. Well, I’m ready now! And I’m confident that you are the person I want to work with. I can see a change in my cat, Mick, already! This is Amazing!”
Karen M, Bear Island, NB, Canada

“I’d been hot on Val’s trail and finally nailed her down to be interviewed on our radio show. It was the first interview ever where I forgot to go to commercial break because I was so engaged in what she was saying! Her information is so leading edge and compelling! I loved it so much I immediately hired her to work with my dog! After one session I totally changed MY behavior with my dog and a ton of stress melted off my shoulders. Val helped me with her eating and joint issues. Val rocks the animal world and she has great compassion while doing i!
Jeanna G.

LeTigre, National Show Jumper Champion
I first met Val a number of years ago when my Arabian gelding, Tiger, was having some problems. He wasn’t performing well at times, and was often experiencing mysterious lameness.
I have been consistently impressed with Val’s ability to pinpoint the issues and am very pleased with the results I experienced.
I felt I had a partner to help me better understand my horses, and also made a good friend. I am glad for all that she’s taught me over the years, and glad she’s part of my team.
J. Leatherwood, Austin, TX

“Val, I just wanted you to know that after you had that one session with Chico, he stopped urinating indoors. I must admit that every once in a while he slips, but there was a major change after your session. My little female Chihuahua had turned into the Tasmanian Devil after a visit from another female puppy. Her angry behavior continued after the female puppy left. However, once you communicated with her, she became the beautiful little docile girl she once was.
Gina M., San Antonio, TX

From Sarah G, SKG Dressage, Aug 2007:
“I can’t believe that only a year ago, my 20 year old Grand Prix Dressage horse, Libero, was terribly ill. Even though the vets couldn’t figure out what the problem was, he was so sick they wanted me to put him down. It was touch and go there for a while, and when I contacted you, I was a mess. You helped us communicate with each other, and Libero told you how he was feeling, where the pain was coming from, and that he wasn’t ready to leave yet! That gave me the hope I needed to keep going and not give up. The vets thought his career was over but Libero didn’t agree with them. Thank God I listened to you. Now, against ALL odds, Libero and I are back in training, working towards completing our titles. We are actually showing again! I can’t thank you enough, Val.”
From Sarah, Feb 2008: “Hi Val! I have some new info. Libero was in a special ultrasound clinic this weekend as a test subject. Lets just say he was the talk of the clinic and not because the joint looked so perfect. They do not know why or how he is sound! His joint has so many problems. But I am about to leave for a horse show with my trainer telling me I am going to kick some ass! The vets only comment was that Libero loves what he does so much he is willing to work through the pain! I can give you a more scientific account of this but I have to look in my notes for the correct words. I really feel like I have been through a magical experience with you and my horse!
Sarah G, Dallas, Tx

“My husband and I first started using Val’s services to help us with our dogs, Heidi and Speedy. Heidi was aggressive and unpredictable, and Speedy was all over the place! We used to dread taking them on walks, and they barked at strangers and family alike. Heidi had bitten several people and I was a bit afraid of her. Their aggression seemed to be escalating and we didn’t know what to do. We never knew what would set them off, and lived in fear that they’d bite someone or get in a fight with another dog. Val taught us so much in a short amount of time! They became really well behaved and reliable. We actually looked forward to going for a walk with them! That was amazing and something we never thought would happen! And as we learned to communicate with our dogs ourselves, things got easier and easier.
Then I got pregnant with our first child. Val’s healing work and gentle therapies helped me have an easy pregnancy and delivery. It was fascinating when the dogs told us things about the baby as it was growing inside me.
Since Heidi had never been comfortable around children, we were terribly afraid of what she might do when we brought our baby home. Val worked with us, helping us all build our confidence as we learned how to give Heidi good clear signals and support, and Speedy more direction about what we wanted her to do. It turned out that when we brought Luke home, it was a non-event! We’d never have believed it possible before.
I’m sad to say that Heidi’s difficult personality and chronic pain issues got the best of her, and we decided to do the compassionate and safe thing for all of us. With heavy hearts, we wound up putting her down last spring. We know we did the right thing by her and our growing family. And after talking with Heidi through Val, we know that Heidi is fine now too, and is happily watching out for us in spirit.
I also decided to work with Val on some personal issues and I’m thrilled to report what’s happened. We’ve worked through some marital issues and now my husband and I are closer than ever before! I’ve also suffered with a long time addiction to cake and sweets that began in college. And in our last session, Val helped me bust the addiction! Before, I couldn’t stop eating until it was all gone and I’d find myself taking frequent trips to the bakery for more. I even confess I had taken to hiding sweets and would “plot” how I could get seconds or thirds at a party and no one notice. I knew it was time to get help.
Now, things are going really well with limiting sweets. I was really proud of my self during the holidays as Steven and I split a piece of pie and it did not even taste that good! Thank you for all of your help and we hope you have a Happy Holidays!”
Bridgett & Steven H, La Grange, TX

“Val Heart gave me such great advice and clarity for my life, helped me improve my health, and also made such a difference with my horse, Aries, that we swept into the dressage shows and won a whole pile of blue ribbons — in only 6 months! I can’t believe I was on the verge of selling Aries and giving up on him only a short while ago… now, we are excited to see each other and are winning almost every show we enter. We are both healthier, too, and that mystery lameness Aries had? Now I know where it’s coming from, what to do about it and what my contribution to the problem actually is. Awesome! Thanks, Val! I don’t want to know where we would be without you.” — Tracy B. and Aries, 6 year old warmblood gelding, Fenton, MI
From Tracy B., January 7, 2009 – “I wanted to give you an update: Belle is doing so much better, she is now acting like a very happy puppy! She loves to play ball and is happy to go for rides in the car, she is very well mannered and is such a delight. When my Dad got her from that breeder in Texas and sent her to me, she was in such bad shape. She could not seem to learn anything. It was like she was in her own little world and I could not connect with her at all. I am so glad I hung in there. She is a real treat now.
I also wanted to share with you our final overall for this past year. Aires and I ended up getting the following:
UNITED STATES DRESSAGE FEDERATION: bronze medal, all breeds award- Adult Amateur 3rd level – reserve champion
UNITED STATES EQUESTRIAN FEDERATION: Leading breeder- Adult Amateur 3rd level champion
Performance Horse: National- Adult Amateur 3rd Level champion
AMERICAN WARMBLOOD SOCIETY: 3rd level Adult Amateur – reserve champion
MIDWEST DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION: Adult Amateur 3rd level year end- 3rd place
WATERLOO DRESSAGE SERIES: Adult Amateur 3rd level champion
Aries is doing well and much better, not sure if we are gonna move up to fourth level this year or not. I prefer to wait until he has developed the strength. He is still struggling some with a few movements, so we may just do 3rd again this year, which is fine for me. I am just so happy to have him and get to enjoy him. Lots of Love!”
Tracy, Aries & Belle, Fenton, MI, USA

Your work with Slim has been fantastic. After a cross-country move I could tell she just wasn’t happy. I gave you a try because nothing else was helping. You were amazing and now she is so much happier, back to her normal self. And you helped address her ongoing lameness issues. I look forward to our talks like I would a dinner party or special holiday!
After your great work with Slim – you helped me find a show horse for hunters. Since I am learning jumping – I needed a very good-minded horse. We “visited” with several horses before finding Cory. She was a surprise and has been a treasured gift.
She wasn’t a sweet horse or suitable for beginners but your conversations with her made it a lot easier to give her a try. She keeps surprising everyone with her willingness to put up with my amateur mistakes and her depth of character – she tries her best and always gives me 100 %.
People who see her now assume she was misunderstood, or that she likes us better, but in my heart I know this turnaround is due to you. She is such a snuggler now and loves attention. And we’re competing together, and doing really well!”
Lina W.

You started me on a new path and a week later my formerly fractious pack is sitting here around me calmly. No one is fighting, they are not growling at each other constantly, they do not bark all the time anymore, and they are happy to listen to and obey me. It seems like a miracle but it is not, just the results of listening to someone who really knows what she is talking about and can communicate that effectively to others. Communicating with understanding really is the key.
It is interesting to note that all I have to do now is think about us all sitting here talking to you and they calm right down LOL! They are responding very very well. The changes you suggested are proving very effective and their behavior and manners have changed dramatically and quickly.
Given what they told us about throwing up and how they were feeling, I changed their food immediately. Lou is much better and has not thrown up since. They even act like the new remedies and foods are a Huge Treat! LOL Think that I am saving money with their new diet too but have not done the cost analysis yet!
Winch is MUCH better. I treated him for pain like we talked about, and the next morning he woke up DIFFERENT. His eyes were bright and wide, I never noticed that the poor thing was squinting in pain because it came on gradually! Feel bad, but it is fixed now. He is totally changed and romps and plays some now, much perkier. THANK YOU.
Val, it was really great working with you. I think it was a great value, and cost effective considering all the input I got and how well they’re responding now. Thanks again for everything, and please take care.
Love & hugs.”
Barbara B., Loneview, WA

Thank you so very very much for our private session last week. After losing Oso, my big giant bear of a dog a month ago, I needed to “talk” to him. Not only did I get to talk to him on the phone with you that day AND reconnect with him, which was wonderfully healing, but the night after our call, I had the most remarkable dream.
In my dream, a great big Tibetan Mastiff (TM) visited me. He looked a lot like Oso but wasn’t so I asked him who he was. He replied that he was the grandfather soul of Oso and all of the other TM’s. He was so very ancient and wise. He said he was checking on me. He wanted me to know Oso was off on his adventures far away exploring his new home and would be back. It was a lovely dream with a most magnificent grand dog spirit visiting me.
I felt touched and blessed and finally at peace. I am so grateful for your communication with animals and that you can share that with me. What a gift. Big hugs!
Wendy M
I finally got my dream horse – an 11 year old Grand Prix dressage Andalusian stallion – and from day 1 I had problems! He arrived from across the country stressed and upset at his new environment and at leaving his prior trainers’. Then, he foundered as a result of gelding surgery a couple of weeks later and nothing we tried helped him heal.
Desperate to help my horse I turned to Val for the first time. I could not believe what happened in just one session! She was able to quickly and confidently get the information we needed to help treat him properly. Plus, we tapped into what he needed from me as his new partner.
Feeling hope for the first time I immediately practiced what Val taught me and within ONE session with him that same day we were on the road to recovery and to a new partnership. Since then, Val’s sessions have helped me learn how to ride passage, piaffe and to continue to create an amazing partnership with this extraordinary horse.
Val’s work has changed my life with this horse — and with ALL of my horses — forever! I continue to get regular sessions with her, as I’m eager to understand what my horses are trying to tell me. Thank you Val for saving my horse and for saving my relationship with him… my horses thank you, too
Kendall S. Tucson, AZ, USA