Want to know what the heck is going on with your dog? Wondering what your cat's purpose is (beyond driving you crazy)? Worried about why your horse is resistant to training, acts badly or is suffering from mystery health issues?
Then it's time to experience how the power of HEART style animal communication, problem solving and intuitive guidance can change your life.
Even if your relationship with your pet feels like it's on the rocks…
Even if your pet is very ill...
Even if your pet is completely out of control, don't panic.
There's a lot we can do to turn things around quickly.
Your Pet Is Trying To Tell You Something But You Aren't Getting Their Message!
Help is on the way. In working with me, not only will you have a customized plan to save your relationship, you'll know what to do every day to enjoy a happy, healthy, well behaved pet you can take pride and pleasure in!
Feel the love? Let's get started and find out what they are desperately trying to tell you.
Can you work with me even if you don't have a pet?
What about emergency work?
I am not available for emergency work because my schedule is typically booked up for weeks or more in advance. It's best to get your sessions now and get on my schedule, then ask to be added to my waiting list in case something opens up sooner.
Choose from One of the Following Consulting Plans and Transform Your and/or Your Pet's Behavior, Health & Well-Being Now
Animal Communication, Problem Solving, Coaching & Done For You Healing (Gold Consulting Plan 6 hours)
Here's how I resolve behavior or health problems using my HEART Wisdom System 5 step proprietary process.
Working with me you'll experience a loving container of support, coaching and intuitive guidance to help you through a cycle of growth, healing and evolution.
1. First we talk.
It is important to understand you (and/or your pet's) viewpoint, understand why they do what they do, what they need or want, address their concerns and answer their questions, and find out how they feel.
This will help us identify what's really going wrong so we understand the underlying issues and can get to the root of the problem(s), including identifying any hidden elements keeping you out of sync and in conflict, in pain, or out of balance.
2. Next, we evaluate what else is contributing to the problems.
Is your training wrong for them? Is their diet bad for them? Are they in pain or discomfort? Is there something or someone in their environment that is causing trouble that they are reacting to? Is the problem coming from a past life or earlier life experience that hurt them?
If their diet is a problem I can help you find something better suited to their needs to improve their health, including what NOT to feed them.
For pain issues, I'll use medical intuitive scanning to find where it's coming from, identify deeper body mind and spirit dysfunctions. And can advise you on what to do, what not to do, what's helpful, what's not helpful.
3. You'll receive assignments to do between sessions based on what we've learned so far.
They will be specific to you and your pets unique needs.
If their bad behavior is the problem then you'll receive expert coaching and intuitive guidance customized for you and your pet so you know what to do, when and why to do it for the best possible results and so your pet is happy to do what you ask.
If it's their health, then you'll receive expert insight into where the real problem(s) are coming from, what caused this, what makes it worse and what helps make it better.
With intuitive medical scanning I can pinpoint where the source of the problems are, AND, given enough time can offer intensive 12th Dimensional Soul Repair, Body and Spirit healing for you both.
4. Healing for you both!
Your pet can mirror you, your stress, inner wounds, and imbalances, and they can even carry your illnesses and pain in their own body.
I call that the Human Animal BodyMind Connection phenomenon, and until we identify and sort that out, it will complicate things between you.
Many times their behavior or health improves dramatically once we clear and heal at the Soul level.
With deep intensive Heart Wisdom healing for you and your pet, you will both feel better and your stress won't negatively affect your pet.
Sometimes the Soul is under attack from dark energies or psychic disturbances and the animal is reacting badly to that. That must be cleared but not just any healer can do that properly. You need a high level expert 12D healer to be effective.
We may use any combination of a wide variety of healing therapies and techniques, including BodyTalk Healing for Pets and People, Quantum Leap Processes, Soul Repair Healing, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and so many others depending on what's needed to effect healing for you both.
I work by order of priority, choosing the optimal approaches that are best that work the fastest to help you both feel better quickly.
Healing is not a once and done kind of thing.
Your Soul's Journey together. your soul contract together, karma, and the nature of healing is a lifelong process of discovery.
5. Each session will build on the last, until the problems are gone, your relationship is improved, and you understand and can trust each other.
Or until your Soul's journey together is complete and it's time to transition. In which case, I'll help you both be properly prepared, you'll know when it's time, and what your pet needs and wants to experience a peaceful passing.
And yes, we can communicate with them on the other side because their Spirit continues. We can even find them when they reincarnate if that's your heart's desire.
Your Gold Consulting Plan (6 hours) includes:
Quickstart Session (1 hour) to dive into our journey together, open the conversation, choose our priorities and begin the process
5 Breakthrough Sessions (1 hour each) to balance, heal, refocus and retrain you and your pet so you can connect, understand each other, and become the best version of yourselves possible. For behavior problems, schedule your sessions every two weeks. For health problems they can be scheduled every week.
On the Spot Animal Communication and Intuitive Development Coaching so you can better understand and communicate with each other 24/7
Email support for when you need the answers to your most burning questions now between sessions.
Session Recordings (digital) included
This Program is designed to be used with one or two animals, although often improvements can be seen in more animals too. Choose the pet(s) you most want help with and we'll start there as our primary focus.
NOTE: If you have an unruly large pack or multiple animals with significant problems, plan on it taking a bit longer to get the results you want.
No pet? No problem! If you don't have an animal but want Val's help for yourself...
This works great for you too! We simply shift our focus to work on whatever you most need guidance and/or healing with.
Note that 6 hours may or may not be enough time to fully resolve the issues you're struggling with. It's hard to know how much time you will actually need until we work together.
At the end, we'll recheck and see what you still need help with if anything.
Animal Communication, Problem Solving, Life Coaching & Done For You Healing (Silver Consulting Plan 3 hours)
The Silver Consulting Plan (3 hours) includes:
Quickstart Session (1 hour) to dive into our journey together, open the conversation, choose our priorities and begin the process
2 Breakthrough Sessions (1 hour each) to balance, heal, refocus and retrain you and your pet so you can connect, understand each other, and become the best version of yourselves possible. For behavior problems, schedule your sessions every two weeks. For health problems they can be scheduled every week.
On the Spot Animal Communication and Intuitive Development Coaching so you can better understand and communicate with each other 24/7/365.
Email support for when you need the answers to your most burning questions now between sessions.
Session Recordings (digital) included
If you have an unruly large pack or multiple animals with significant behavior problems, or chronic health issues, it's best to get the Gold Plan.
Note that 3 hours may or may not be enough time to fully resolve the issues you're struggling with. It's hard to know how much time you need until we work together.
At the end of your sessions, we'll recheck and see what you still need help with, if anything.
If you don't have an animal but want Val's help for yourself...
We will shift our focus to work on whatever you most want guidance and/or healing with.
The Silver Plan is a good choice for working toward solving less serious pet problems, for shorter term guidance for your own issues, doing several healing sessions to improve your health, for life coaching.
It's also perfect for intuition development coaching and animal communication mentoring.
Is Working with Val a Good Fit For You? It is if…
- You are spiritual, open minded, and understand that animals are sentient, intelligent, feeling beings.
- You want to enhance your intuition, enjoy more meaningful experiences, state of the art healing and a deeper level of communication and bonding with your pet
- You're tired of trying to figure things out on your own, wasting time chasing your tail on expensive guesswork praying something works.
- You are ready for a customized plan and expert guidance, so you can enjoy a happy, healthy, well behaved pet you can take pride and pleasure in!
Val's work will improve ALL the relationships in your life, including the one with yourself.