Meet Val Heart, The Real Dr Doolittle, Animal Whisperer, Elite Master Healer and Problem Solver for Pets and People
Val Heart, The Real Dr Doolittle, Expert Animal Communicator, Master Healer for Pets and People, Founder of The HEART System for Solving Problems with Pets® and The Heart School of Animal Communication®
Val got her start in animal communication in 1993 when an injured mare spontaneously told her why the wound on her hip wouldn’t heal. Through the conversation, Val and the owner were astonished as the wound simply disappeared right before their eyes.
Profoundly moved by the experience, Val immediately knew that this was her life’s work, and she wanted to be the best animal communicator.
It is her destiny and life’s purpose to help people who were struggling with their animals.
Her mission and passion is to reach and teach One Million Animal Lovers around the world. improve the lives of animals the world over by helping humans learn how to speak their language, understand their viewpoints, and heal.
After all, it’s our love of animals that helps us learn how to be better humans, and the more balanced and healthy we are, the more balanced and healthy they can be too.
Can you imagine how great your life and relationship with your animals will be when you know how they feel, what they think, what they know and what they need to be healthy and happy?
Let Val show you how easy it is to hear your animal’s voice and access their wisdom.
Highly trained in advanced, state-of-the-art alternative healing and life-changing coaching modalities, Val helps animals and the people who love them rebalance in body, mind & spirit.
Early on, Val discovered that much of what goes wrong with animals is a reflection of, or a reaction to their caretaker’s imbalances. Val helps you with not only your animals, but also your life. She takes you deeper into your own personal best – a space of well-being, peace, balance, clarity and greater consciousness awareness.
After a lifetime of struggling with poor social confidence in talking with people, she decided early on that she preferred to just work with the animals. But then she discovered how profoundly animals often mirror their people, in the phenomenon that she calls the Human Animal BodyMind Connection.
Learning intensive healing modalities, therapies and counseling techniques as a way to help herself grow, heal and evolve, she ultimately developed her considerable talents and intuitive skills in healing people too!
Being a lifetime student, she continues to learn new methods of healing, performance enhancement, training and bodywork for humans and animals.
Studying with many master teachers, learning how to facilitate healing and return to wellness, she’s certified through the world-renowned animal communicator Penelope Smith to teach the Basic Workshop on How To Communicate With Animals, and is listed in her International Directory of Accredited Telepathic Communicators.
A Lionheart Institute certified counselor (from the Barbara Brennan School), she’s also studied with Linda Tellington-Jones learning the T-Touch methods. She’s apprenticed with Charlene Doyle, learning her amazing and proprietary method of neuromuscular and cranio-sacral bodywork for humans and animals.
Today she is one of only a few worldwide who have learned The Fernandez BodyMind Assessment™ Method considered the missing link in our healthcare system today.
She is also a top practitioner in The BodyTalk™ System for people and pets, certified at the PaRama level.
Certified as a Healing Genius Master, Val trained with Ed Strachar learning how to perform miracles of healing for people and pets.
She is one of only about 30 healers on the planet who can work successfully at the Twelfth Dimension, and the only Healing Genius Master healer who also communicates with animals, specializing in solving pet problems.
These qualifications combined make Val the best animal communicator you'll find anywhere in the world.
Multi-dimensional and all-encompassing, Val is deeply dedicated to offering truly holistic, remarkably powerful healing and coaching modalities for humans and animals alike.
She graduated the prestigious mind and life mastery series of university level coursework with Dr Dov Baron through the Baron Mastery Institute.
Thanks to these and other modalities, she’s regained her health after many long years of suffering with chronic pain and trauma from many injuries, accidents and illnesses, Lyme Disease, multiple neuromuscular and musculo-skeletal problems, arthritis, allergies, congenital heart problems, and chronic fatigue.
Taking all that she’s learned and weaving them together, she created her own unique proprietary approach to wellness and balance that is remarkably effective. More than 95% of her clients see extraordinary changes in only three sessions, many in only one!
Val solves problems with pets and is a master healer for people and pets, a Quantum Leap mentor/teacher and motivational speaker.
If you want to learn how to create a magical bond between you and your animal and get at the root of what is really going on in their life, you won’t go wrong working with Val.
Not the typical animal communicator or teacher, her specialty is healing and solving problems with pets through a uniquely powerful spiritual journey. Students and clients find her coaching to be life changing and profound.
If you want to learn how to talk to animals yourself, and you don’t want to waste a lot of time, energy and money chasing your tail on expensive onsite coursework, then Val can help! The Heart School Method of teaching animal communication is designed to give you exactly what you need to open, explore and master the telepathic energetic communication channels between you and animals.
Val developed her animal communication education program into what it has now become: a place for animal lovers all over the world to explore their relationships with their pets and all animals, grow their intuitive abilities to communicate themselves while also helping themselves heal, evolve and grow personally and spiritually.
If you need help with:
- Sick and dying animals so they can either recover their health, or ease their transition and then reconnect in the afterlife
- Underachieving show horses to improve their performance and accelerate their training (see more about her work with horses – click here!)
- Mystery lameness and health problems through communication, healing modalities and intuitive medical scanning
- Badly behaved pets needing a pet intervention and makeover
- Help for a haunting, possessed animal problem
- Intuitive guidance to help you live your best life
Today, Val is internationally recognized as one of the best animal communicators around!
A motivational and keynote speaker and bestselling author, she’s also the Founder of the HEART System, a 5 step program solving healing, training, behavior and performance issues with horses, dogs and cats. She is also the bestselling author of “Don’t Screw Up Your Dog,” which was #1 in its category, and has been a featured expert on ABC, NBC and Fox News, as well as in People Magazine, My S.A., and Great Day S.A.
Featured on the cover of the Spirited Women’s Magazine, she also won the Million Dollar Pet Pix award. She has been a regular columnist for the Enjoy Whole Health Magazine, and a contributing writer to Saddle and Bridle, Today’s Horse Owner Magazine, Natural Awakenings, Species Link Journal and Austin Pets Directory.
She is the founder of the HEART System, a 5-step program for solving problems with pets. One of her specialties is working with horses to help them achieve their full potential. If you’ve ever wished you could just put a microphone into your pet’s heads so you could know what they’re thinking, then get ready to transform your relationship with your pets forever.
If you want better, faster results with your animals and don’t want to waste a lot of time, energy and money chasing your tail on expensive guesswork, then you want the best animal communicator!
There may be LOTS of reasons why your pet needs help… but you won’t know what they are thinking until you talk to them. And for that, Val is the best animal communicator and healer (for pets and people) for the job.
Are You Ready For a Transformation with Your Pet? Click Here