For Beginning to Advanced and Professional Animal Communicators Struggling to Connect, Receiving Hit or Miss Answers, or Feeling Blocked, Walled Off, or Stuck When They Try to Communicate:
Here's How to Improve Your Accuracy, Proficiency, and Confidence So You Can Enjoy Fabulous Conversations With Animals, Anywhere, Anytime!
Elaine said: "I want to communicate with animals because they are my passion and want to work with animals that need healing."
Renee said: "I want to talk to animals because I volunteer at a rescue and sometimes feel such emotion from them (mainly sadness/fear) and I want to help. Want to understand where they came from and to let them know they are safe now."
Cheryl said: "I want to communicate more deeply with animals (I've already been studying for several years with a couple of different teachers) because I have always felt a very strong kinship with them - right from childhood. I can't imagine my life without dogs, especially - but I love all creatures; furred, feathered, finned. I know they have much to teach and share, and I am eager to hear their messages more clearly. I love every avenue to learning more - especially when it comes to clearing "blocks" with my own animals. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!"
Kay said: "The main reason is to understand their perplexing behaviors and be able to "hear and see" their communication. To make a two way bridge/pathway of communication that is clear."
Kyra said: "I feel I am meant to help animals…it is my calling in life."
Why do you want to improve your communication skills?
Val's Intuitive Animal Communication Mentoring Sessions are unlike those of other animal coaches.
Val begins each session in much the same way she approaches a communication, healing or performance session, only in this type of session, she'll be focused on what you most need to develop your telepathic gifts, to break through any blocks or stuck spots.
If you want expert guidance, coaching and healing to help you grow, heal and evolve your intuitive abilities so you can master your skills talking with animals, then this is for you.

Val can work in partnership with you and various animals to help you discover how to solve behavior issues, health problems, relationship problems and more. She is always listening to the Spirit of the animal and to intuitive guidance to discover why that animal is showing up as a teacher, healer, guide or angel for YOU, what the underlying lessons are, what he/she is here to help you learn, and what is needed to create the best life experience for both of you.
Val's unique intuitive work and healing skills incorporates all levels of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Working by order of priority, the most exciting part of every session is that both you and your pet can experience amazing changes in your relationship, and that those changes will reflect into other areas of your life.
If you are coming to Val for a session like this, be prepared to heal, evolve and grow because animals often spend their entire lifetimes trying to break through your barriers. Together you can evolve into advanced states of love, self expression and embrace an empowered spiritual connection with a deep profound level of understanding of yourself and the world around you.
Albert Einstein said, "The only really valuable thing is intuition," and he acknowledged that his intuition was the source of many of his scientific studies that were later verified through scientific methods. These adages, listen to your gut, listen to your heart, listen to your animals. There's a whole lot of possibility for deep connection going on here!
This is a spiritual journey designed to help you become the person you are meant to be, the best version of yourself possible. Animals are Teachers, Healers, Guides and Angels. Talking with them will change your life.
Val works with domesticated and wild animals, and animals alive physically as well as those who have transitioned. She can work with one or many animals in groups. You do not have to be in the same location or touching each other for her to work her magic.
Who is this for?
You are spiritually-oriented, and want to be a better animal communicator and healer.
You are learning animal communication and can be at any level, a beginner, intermediate, advanced or professional.
You want to gain more clarity, confidence, improve your accuracy & telepathic ability to communicate with any animal, anytime.
You want expert guidance advancing and mastering your skills and don't want to waste time making mistakes, or, you know you're making mistakes and want to learn how to avoid them.
- You have taken or are taking at least a beginning course. If not, you can get started now with the 6 Months to Mastery aka FastTrack Package (below) or click here Beginning Core Foundations and Other Student Courses)
6 Months to Mastery Animal Communication Program, aka, Student FastTrack Program
Are you a GO FOR IT ALL kind of student? Then THIS is the perfect way to go because it has everything you need and nothing you don't to grow your intuitive abilities and communicate with animals in just 6 months or less. The Heart Style Animal Talk Student Mentoring FastTrack Program includes:
- How to Talk to Animals Beginning Core Foundations Self Study Course (reg $497)
- Awaken Your Inner Guidance System Course (reg $97)
- Advanced Animal Talk Mastery Topics Self Study Courses (reg $497)
- The Heart of the Conversation 7 Step Blueprint for Successful Conversations with Animals
- Animal Lovers Toolkit for Savvy Pet Parents (regularly $779)
- Elite Platinum Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Membership - 6 months free! (reg $97/month)
- PLUS: Personal Mentoring with Val designed to help you master the material, get answers to any questions you might have, receive support if you get stuck or feel blocked, and help diving deeper into the magical world of animals. Four 30 minute private consulting sessions and the digital recordings (regularly $870).
Find out more about the FastTrack 6 Months to Mastery Animal Communication Program - click the button below
We accept the following payment methods:

Animal Talk Student Mentoring, Healing & Intuition Development Sessions
Have you already taken a beginning and/or an advanced course and just want help improving your skills? Then THIS is the perfect way to go. The Heart Style Animal Talk Student Mentoring, Healing & Intuition Development Sessions will help you gain clarity, confidence, improve your accuracy & telepathic ability to communicate with any animal, anytime. Includes 3 private mentor consulting hours plus digital recordings.
Once your payment has been received, you will receive immediate access to Val's schedule with instructions on how to best prepare for your sessions. Schedule them whenever you need them from the available times on Val's schedule.
NOTE: If you choose a payment plan, then we'll schedule your sessions so you have completed all your payments prior to receiving your last private session.
Click the Invest Now Link and choose your Payment Option on the next page. Pay in full $1,500 (best deal), or, make 2 monthly payments of $785 or, 3 monthly payments of $550
We accept the following payment methods:

Deep Block Break Through Package
The Breakthrough Package is the BEST place to ramp up and advance your skills. We'll be working together to help you gain more clarity and confidence, to improve your accuracy & telepathic ability to communicate with any animal, anytime. It allows us adequate time together to address and clear the hidden factors that contribute to the problems you've been experiencing in connecting and communicating confidently with animals. And yes, that includes helping you heal your inner wounds to improve your accuracy and confidence as well as feel better on all levels.
It includes:
- 6 total private consulting hours (via phone)
- All sessions are designed to start with animal communication mentoring and may also include BodyTalk healing, Quantum Leap BodyMind Balancing, Soul Repair Healing, management review, performance evaluation, training & coaching, working with multiple animals, personal intuitive coaching and more depending on what's needed
- All calls recorded digitally (value $90 audio digital link, included at no charge, provided within 24 - 48 hours after your session)
- Email support available between sessions and for up to 10 days after your last session for quick questions, resources and feedback.
Once your payment has been received, you will receive immediate access to Val's schedule with instructions on how to best prepare for your sessions. Schedule them whenever you need them from the available times on Val's schedule.
NOTE: If you choose a payment plan, then we'll schedule your sessions so you have completed all your payments prior to receiving your last private session.
Click the Invest Now Link and choose your Payment Option on the next page. Pay in full $3,000 (best deal), or, make 2 monthly payments of $1,550 or, 3 monthly payments of $1,050
We accept the following payment methods: