Personal Note from Val: Cat Reincarnation, reconnecting with loved ones in the afterlife, and the mysteries of Spirit are all fascinating topics near and dear to my heart.  When I found my colleague and author, Dr Laurie Moore’s work on this subject, I knew I wanted to talk to her.  Her story will inspire you […]
Heart Wisdom Animal Talk Blog
Dedicated to improved health, behavior and wellness for pets and the people who love them.
How Snails and a Corral Started My Mission to Change the World…
The Snail That Got Away – my 1st Entrepreneurial Venture This article was previously published February 27, 2014 and was updated on September 10, 2023 Not many people know this, but my first entrepreneurial business when I was 28 years old was as a snail farmer! I was so excited! I joined the Snail Farmers […]
Helping Pets with Depression and Anxiety
Helping Pets with Depression and Anxiety Any responsible pet owner will know that their pet can experience as wide a range of emotions as humans. Love, joy, stress and depression are all mental states that can be found in cats, dogs, horses and even fish and mice. Unfortunately, this is still met with skepticism by […]
Herd in Iceland
“Herd in Iceland” I bet you don’t think of horses when you think of Iceland.  I didn’t either until I saw this remarkable story/video. Herd in Iceland is a documentary about the annual round-up of the Icelandic horse, isolated for centuries by the country’s oceanic borders. “Herd In Iceland” began filming in the fall of 2010, […]
Do you make any of these 7 deadly mistakes with your pet?
Don’t make these mistakes with your pet! You know that the animals in your life are there for a reason. They have a purpose. They are spiritual teachers, healers, angels and guides. When you learn to recognize, respect and revere them for who they truly are… you become a better human fulfilling your purpose here. […]
Deworming the Reluctant Horse
What horse enjoys deworming time? It’s hard to blame a horse for failing to enjoy his deworming paste; it doesn’t exactly look like good eats. Although deworming companies have put great effort into making the medicine more palatable, some horses simply haven’t read the memo and refuse to have anything to do with dewormers. A […]