Do you know how to calm down a dog in the event of fireworks or storms? How about a dog that is filled with fear and panic? If you have a dog that is afraid of fireworks, knowing how to calm down a dog is an essential skill that not everyone knows how to do. […]
Heart Wisdom Animal Talk Blog
Dedicated to improved health, behavior and wellness for pets and the people who love them.
Five Benefits of Animal Communication
Animals are brought into our lives for a reason. They are our teachers, healers, angels, and guides, showing us the way and helping us be the best people we can be. Through the benefits of animal communication, we can learn to tap into this amazing resource of wisdom in the form of our animal companions. […]
Exploring Animal Consciousness: Time Travel to Heal Past Wounds
Have you ever thought about the concept of animal consciousness? Did you know that, just like us, our pets have thoughts, feelings, memories, and traumas that they carry with them throughout their lives? As years go by and these experiences are not healed or expressed, animals can develop anxieties and poor behaviors as a way […]
The Cat’s Reincarnation Author, Dr. Laurie Moore on The Real Dr. Doolittle Show™
Personal Note from Val: Cat Reincarnation, reconnecting with loved ones in the afterlife, and the mysteries of Spirit are all fascinating topics near and dear to my heart. When I found my colleague and author, Dr Laurie Moore’s work on this subject, I knew I wanted to talk to her. Her story will inspire you […]
Paddocks and Pastures: Creating A Healthy Space For Your Horse
Paddocks and Pastures: Creating A Healthy Space For Your Horse While horses may be an alternative to a gas-guzzling vehicle, they can’t be “garaged” like a car. If you are one of the many Americans involved in the equine industry, you know that horses use paddocks and pastures for grazing, relaxing and playing. You’ll also […]