Can animal communication help rescued dogs with destructive behaviors? Because if you’ve ever tried to help rescued dogs, you know they have their own unique set of needs, problems, issues and more. This actually breaks down into three separate questions. Does animal communication work with rescued dogs? If so, how could it help specifically? Is […]
Heart Wisdom Animal Talk Blog
Dedicated to improved health, behavior and wellness for pets and the people who love them.
Your Ability to Communicate With Animals Depends on 2 Things
Wish you could communicate with animals better? Trust me: YOU CAN. If you have difficulty receiving and/or interpreting animals’ messages, thinking and reasoning through that difficulty isn’t likely to make it any easier. The stuck spot resides in your intuition system and that’s where it needs to be addressed. Let me explain… Receiving and interpreting […]
Avoid Vague Messaging – 2 Issues Affecting Clarity in Animal Communication
We all probably know that vague messaging is a major reason why it can be hard to communicate. And when it comes to animal communication, that’s especially true. Most people, though, don’t realize that there are two separate and distinct reasons for vague messaging: 1) You’re sending a vague message. That is natural. Everyone starts […]
You CAN Talk To Animals! Your Invitation To Learn Animal Communication
If you love and care about animals, then you need to do this! If you love animals and want to know what they think, how they feel, solve behavior and training problems, relieve pain and improve health, ease transition, reconnect with them in the afterlife, and find them when they reincarnate, then learning how to […]
4 Reasons Why an Animal’s Aura is a Powerful Tool in Animal Communication
Today let’s answer another great question from an animal communication student. Patricia asked, “When we do our group practice communications, you always instruct us to notice the animal’s aura, their energy, what color, and how big the aura is. What does it mean when we get different colors, and what does this have to do […]
Do You Have a Stubborn Dog? You Are Missing a Vital Piece of the Puzzle!
Do you have a stubborn dog who is difficult to deal with? You throw the ball, but he can’t find it. Then he never looks back at you for help, instead searching endlessly without success on his own, ignoring your calls. Overly sensitive to touch, skittish, fearful… Not like the other dogs, he seems disconnected […]