Do you have a stubborn dog who is difficult to deal with?
You throw the ball, but he can’t find it. Then he never looks back at you for help, instead searching endlessly without success on his own, ignoring your calls.
Overly sensitive to touch, skittish, fearful…
Not like the other dogs, he seems disconnected and not bonded with you, in a world of his own…
If you could only talk to him, and find out why he behaves that way… sigh
But… Wait!! What’s that? You CAN communicate with your pet??
If you could talk with him, mind to mind, heart to heart, then you’d know exactly why he does those odd things he does.
You’d know how he feels, whether he is in pain.
What is he afraid of?
He could tell you, so you don’t have to guess about it any longer.
Imagine being able to talk to your dog!
One of my students tells her story about how she discovered something the vet, the trainer, the doggy day care/kennel people and his owner all missed completely – the surprising, vital piece to the puzzle – and how that changed this wonderful dog’s life forever, for the better.
This student said: “My favorite clairsentient experience happened one year ago when I was working at a dog kennel.
While overseeing the energy and behaviors of 15 dogs in an outdoor yard, I gathered information from a coworker in an adjacent yard on a few dogs I had never met before, one of which was a sweet, 18-month-old, large, white male mix.
She mentioned that he was a very stubborn dog and she had trouble dealing with him. This piqued my curiosity.
I began by observing him and then playing with him by throwing a ball. I saw why she used those words, but I felt strongly that I was missing a vital piece of the puzzle.
Throughout our play, I noticed that he jumped and let out a small yelp when I touched him from behind. I have met dogs who were overly sensitive to touch before, but I saw it as a possible piece to the puzzle.
Additionally, he never looked back at me for help when he didn’t see the direction of the ball when launched; instead, he searched endlessly on his own for it without success, ignoring my calls to offer him guidance.
Within less than 12 minutes of engaging with him, I KNEW why.
I refer to these experiences as downloads from Source because they come to me in a flash… I threw both arms up in the air and verbalized out loud what I KNEW to be true:
“You’re deaf!”
I tested it by dropping an empty metal bowl on concrete at the opposite end of the yard so that I didn’t overly startle all the dogs. He was the only dog that didn’t react to or look in the direction of the noise.
I told the owner of the kennel, and she confirmed his deafness for herself and then passed the information onto the humans when they picked up the dog at the end of the day.
They were in disbelief. They had no idea.
They said their vet had no idea.
And, worst of all, their dog trainer had no idea and had been using a shock collar on the poor dear, which explained his jump and yelp in response to unexpected physical stimulation.
I’m most happy about instantly changing the kennel staff’s response to this dog from frustration to deep compassion, that the shock collar was out of the picture for good, and that new training techniques would be used.
This is why animal communication has been my passion throughout my life.
I want to help humans understand their animals better and, as a result, improve as many animals’ lives as possible before I leave this earth.
As a pet sitter, I see the manifestation of so many animals’ behavioral issues and I would love to communicate with every animal so I can bring light, understanding, and healing into human and animal connections.
To that end, I have been practicing Val’s guided meditations from her wonderful courses and in the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club (compassion, gratitude, and curiosity seem to be powerful tools for me) before working with each animal.
To my surprise, while writing this, I realized that because I’m asking them questions (auditory mode), I have been assuming that their answers will come to me via clairaudience, but I’ve had zero success so far.
So, I’m curious and hoping to get some insights to this question…Is there one particular “clair” communication pathway that the majority of animals tend to use when communicating with humans?
Going forward, I will open myself to all modes, but it would be helpful to know if there is one mode that animals favor.”
OMG!! This literally brings tears to my eyes, well done!
The 4 “Clairs”: Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognizance and Clairaudience
My answer: I believe the ‘clair’ that sparked for you with the deaf dog (NOT stubborn dog!) is claircognizance. That’s an immediate understanding of a situation, which is what happened.
Clairsentience is more when you have a visceral gut knowing, closely related to an empathic response where you feel it in your own body.
They are so very close, it’s sometimes hard to distinguish the 2 ‘clairs’ from each other, which is why in the Beginning course I lump them together for simplicity’s sake when I teach about awakening and using ALL your primary 4 ‘clair’ intuitive abilities.
You’ve been assuming your primary ability is clairaudience but given your experience with it I’d say it’s not your primary ability.
Clairsentience/claircognizance is.
Because you speak to them in one way doesn’t mean they have to respond in the same way even if they understand your words or thoughts.
They’ll respond in whatever way is easiest for them.
Your job is to meet them where they are.
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Dogs – just click on the picture below!
They are all individuals, so there is no one way they all communicate.
Again, that’s why I teach you to open and use/access ALL your intuitive abilities (taught in the Beginning Core Foundations Course). Otherwise, you’ll miss things.
So, if they are clairsentient, then you won’t hear words or see images. You will feel their answers, easy to do once you shift into feeling mode and get out of your head.
If they are clairaudient, then yes, you’ll hear words and their voice, or thoughts or concepts.
If they are clairvoyant, then they’ll send images.
You can also ask them to do one or the other to help you understand them.
“Show me a picture, what did you see when that happened? Where were you? What was around you at the time?” or “How does that feel when that happens?” or something like that…
Anyone else want to learn how to communicate with animals and improve your skills and intuitive abilities?
We are all born with natural intuitive abilities – often you don’t even realize when you are using them.
Just think how much more effectively you could communicate with animals if you could consciously harness those abilities.
In addition to benefitting pet owners, animal caretakers – zookeepers, veterinarians, shelter workers, trainers, pet sitters and walkers, wildlife rescuers (the list goes on and on) – could find their jobs so much easier and more rewarding if they learned to communicate with animals.
After all, animals are intelligent, sentient, feeling beings who have good reasons who have good reasons for behaving the way they do. How will you be able to help them if you can’t understand them?
Our job is to find out what those reasons are, what they’re thinking, how they’re feeling, and to know how to communicate clearly in a two way, heart to heart, mind to mind conversation.
Starting with a love connection, then knowing the right questions to ask in the right way and timing for best results.
These are the complex issues that my clients and students work on. (and this is what I help them with and teach).
Awesome and life changing, for people and the animals we love! 🙂
I can teach you!
The thought processes I’ve described in this post are the kind that I take my clients and animal talk students through in The Heart School of Animal Communication® courses, in the BEST Online Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club’s Live Monthly Group Q&A Calls, and the Heart Wisdom Masterclasses.
I recommend starting at the beginning with the complete Beginning Core Foundations Course.
Hands down, THIS is the secret sauce behind successful training, and well behaved, happy, healthy animals.
Continue your educational journey to find out what you don’t know how to do yet.
I explain more about how this works HERE
Your animal needs you to be able to speak their language because they have important things to tell you every day…
And to do that, you must be open and clear enough to hear them and respond appropriately.You could even save their life one day… or they could save yours.
Thank you for loving and caring about – and talking to – animals, AND trees and plants and all living sentient beings who share our world.
Together we help make the world a better, happier, healthier place for all of us.
Interested? Comment below with your questions and we’ll see if it’s a good fit for you.
Imagine how your life will change when you have peace, clarity, confidence and a clear connection with animals and you could communicate with animals anytime you wish.
Be sure to leave your comment below!
Enjoy this article? Here are three more of my most popular articles about animal communication:
Why Interspecies Communication is so Important Personally & Globally
How Visualizing Can Improve Animal Communication
Animals As Teachers: What Animals Can Teach Us – Val Heart with JJ Flizanes
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