Animals are angels, teachers, guides and healers.
When we learn how to talk to animals, we discover how to recognize, respect and revere them for who they really are. The profound process is a spiritual journey because learning how to talk to animals helps humans become better people.
It’s an extraordinary, life changing experience because animals have a lot to say.
For instance, consider this incredibly true story of how I talked to a komodo dragon, and how that changed my life.
Every month, my Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club students (graduates of the How to Talk to Animals Beginning Core Foundations course as well as Advanced Animal Talk Mastery course), gathers to practice talking with animals so they can improve their intuitive skills and confidence.
That sunny day in June, we went on a fieldtrip to the San Antonio Zoo.
The students’ assignment was to wander through the zoo, find and talk to animals who were willing to talk to them.
What were their stories?
Where did they come from?
How did they get where they are now?
Tell us about their family life, their experience living in a zoo?
We were humbled to discover so very many wonderful wise ones (defined as master teachers, gurus, healers, guides and angels disguised as animals), all there waiting for us to talk at the zoo.
Some students felt confident that they could be of service to the animals by simply taking the time to connect and communicate. They’ve learned that often deep healing, growth and evolvement comes from the simple act of attentive listening, acknowledging and respecting others’ experiences, insights and truth.
Eagerly they set off on their mission.
But other highly sensitive, empathic animal talk students lingered, worrying about talking to these zoo animals. They feared they would hear terrible, heart wrenchiing stories of abuse, trauma, loneliness, depression, sadness and anger.
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
In tears, they asked for my advice about how to handle the painful emotional stories they they would hear.
I told them to not be afraid. Instead, choose to be courageous and fully present, to listen carefully with their heart to what the animal had to say. Then, be sure to ask the right questions in the right way and in the right time so the animal felt safe and understood.
Feel what the animal expresses as they choose to say what’s on their mind and heart. Respect themselves and the animals by allowing their emotions and reactions to surface exactly as they will.
Take time to honor that. Finally, offer compassion, acknowledgment, and appreciation for being able to hear the animal’s voice.
In this way, they would serve the animals by letting them know that a human truly cared about what happened to them.
Many times healing occurs just through the art of listening and heartfelt conversation.
Nothing more is needed.
Bravely we all stepped forward, following our hearts and intuitive guidance to take us where we were needed most.
For me, as I entered the Zoo, I felt bombarded by the cacophony of sights, sounds and smells. So I tuned in and asked for guidance as to which of the zoo residents I should communicate with.
Of all the wonderful animals there, I immediately felt myself being drawn toward the komodo dragons.
Fascinated I tuned in and connected. The dragon on the right had no use for humans or the crowd outside the enclosure, and was clearly not interested in talking to me. However, as I focused on the second of the two komodo dragons, I felt our heart connection quicken and deepen.
Astonished and pleased, I realized that this huge lizard in his powerful, ponderous yet deceptively fast body was a “Wise One.”
Delighted that I had noticed him, he turned to look straight at me standing some distance away across the enclosure behind the glass retainer wall.
I had no idea how this conversation would go or how profound the opportunity being presented to me was, but I felt thrilled to commune with him. Was he interested in sharing his experiences, or dispensing advice or enlightenment for a human woman?
After we greeted each other properly, I told him who I was and what I was doing there.
Tears sprang to my eyes as his compassion, spirit and big heart touched me deeply.
He asked, “What do you need child? How may I help you today?”
I’d been divorced recently. After living with my husband of almost 18 years, I found myself struggling with issues around personal safety.
I was feeling trapped by an intense fear of being alone at home with no one to protect me.
I felt restless, anxious, depressed and skittish, jumping at every little noise. Taking what seemed at the time like appropriate measures to protect myself, I had fearfully withdrawn into my shell rarely venturing out of my house.
I was miserable and unhappy, and didn’t know how to recover my mojo again…
So I decided to ask for his advice.
He immediately informed me that I was experiencing such fear because I was identifying myself as a prey animal and had taken on the mindset of the hunted, not the hunter.
He told me that I must identify myself with predator energy and take my power and self-respect back.
Predators respect other predators and usually give space and back off. I must choose to defend myself on all levels, to set proper boundaries. It may not be necessary to actually fight, but it is my right and responsibility to respect myself and my space.
Holding my eye, he then began walking deliberately, confidently, proudly around his enclosure saying,
“See me. Walk this way, choose your path consciously, deliberately, with focused intent and purpose. Use clear sight, stay grounded, and move with confidence. Own the space around you. In doing so, you will achieve whatever you need or desire.”
His message had the impact of a sonic boom on my Spirit!
He was exactly right. His message was so surprising, I had never considered things from that perspective before.
But now?
I realized that by embracing and embodying my fear, I had been energetically attracting negative unwanted dangerous attention.
A fundamental Universal Truth is that what we focus on expands. The Law of Attraction says that what we believe and focus toward is projected magnetized into our lives.
In other words, if we let what we fear run our lives, the very thing we’re most afraid of will often come to pass because we are drawing it to us.
With relief, my shoulders straightened as I smiled with joy, and I felt myself grow taller, with confidence, standing proud in my own skin.
I was no longer afraid of my own shadow. I realized that I am a strong, powerful, confident woman, a leader in my field.
From that moment on, my life changed for the better.
I’ll always remember and be grateful for the komodo dragon’s words of wisdom.
When we talk to animals, we discover that some of the best teaching and advice comes from them.
They all have something wonderful to teach us.
Learning how to talk to animals is about sharing information energetically and telepathically.
The ability to share life experiences with other beings, no matter what body they are wearing, is a priceless gift and opportunity. Through the process of connection and communication, it allows us to better understand and KNOW that we are not alone.
We are connected with other sentient intelligent beings. And, that we can help each other.
Animals of all kinds and species, from the littlest to the biggest, have a lot to say when we know how to talk to them. Like us, they want to be heard on all levels of their life.
Knowing what animals think, feel and experience can change everything in the way you take care of your pet, and is THE foundation for a great relationship!
Ready to learn how to talk to animals yourself?
Start at The Heart Wisdom School of Animal Communication with your copy of my free ebook: Hidden Secrets to Communicating With Pets
View the complete How To Talk To Animals list of online classes, special topics courses and the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club here
Bio: Val Heart, The Real Dr Doolittle™, empathic animal behaviorist, speaker, bestselling co-author, master healer, medical intuitive. Val specializes in healing chronic pain, illness, trauma, training, behavior, performance, euthanasia. Founder of The Heart School of Animal Communication®, host of the BEST Online Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club. Val also created the H.E.A.R.T. System, 5 steps for solving problems with pets.
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Are You Highly Sensitive and/or Empathic?
Interesting post. It is of paramount importance to understand your pets behaviour, helping you give them the best care.
Hi Skye, yes you’re exactly right. Talking with them helps you understand their unique perspective and point of view, what is needed and what is not helping.
This story addressed my fears of being overwhelmed by messages of animal despair. Although I’m not ready now because of life circumstances, this is the most ready I have ever been. We met in 2000 when I was getting ready to move away from San Antonio. The last animal you worked with was Dundee. He died peacefully in 2013 at age 17 yrs. and 4 mos.
Hi Barb, I remember you and Dundee and your extraordinary gang of puppy dogs! What a wonderful guy Dundee was (and still is in Spirit form). I’m truly sorry to hear of his passing. And I know you had a good life together, you did right by him. I’m also glad this article helped you with your fears. Please don’t ever be afraid to talk to an animal and hear openly and honestly what they have to say. They know more than we do and need to be heard, and when we do that, we are all healed as we evolve and grow into our best self. Sending much love and comfort, Val