Why Highly Sensitive People and Empaths Have Unique Gifts
Do you feel things very intensely?
Are you one of the highly sensitive people who can sense when others are experiencing extreme emotional turmoil or joy…but aren’t talking about it?
Perhaps, like me, you’re a Highly Sensitive Empath.
The sheer volume of energy, emotion and information received can feel overwhelming, exhausting and confusing. But once you understand how to navigate your heightened sense of intuitive awareness of the emotions, thoughts and events around you, it can lead to wonderful experiences.
Unlike non-sensitives, you can discover and enjoy the richness of the unspoken energetic dialogues the people, pets and world around you are having every day.
It’s okay to be an empath.
I knew very early in my childhood that I was one of the highly sensitive people who are often labeled as empaths.
Unfortunately, we’re also labeled at best as aberrant… at worst as flawed. Those who do not understand or feel what we feel can subject us to ridicule and criticism. They don’t know what we know, and don’t have the challenges we have.
Well, at least I was.
Growing up, people around me confused the heck out of me because I knew when they were lying. I also knew when they were attacking me energetically. I knew when things weren’t nearly as safe or harmonious as everyone was pretending they were…it was unnerving to say the least.
My family dismissed my intuition, denied and invalidated me at every turn. I had highly intelligent, wonderful parents, but they didn’t have room in their heads or hearts to acknowledge that I was given a gift of deep knowledge. I was forced to conform, as they had, to maintain the superficial veneer of polite society at large.
What ensued was a frustrating journey – seeking a place to put all my knowledge, seeking a Faith that gave me peace – that ultimately led to manic depression and thoughts of suicide. And I was just a teenager.
In my 20’s I met a psychic counselor who taught me that it was okay to be an empath. I learned to meditate, and began to feel validated and respected for the first time in my life.
And so my wonderful journey began.
And yours can, too…
Learn to use your highly sensitive empathic gifts for the greatest good – for yourself and others
Highly sensitive people and empaths have an amazing opportunity in their lives. The gift of empathic ability is a remarkable strength and a way to connect with others at such a deep, profound level… when you know how to use it well and wisely.
You will learn the techniques to harness your abilities in my classes. Like me you could even become an animal communicator or pet psychic yourself.
In the meantime, here is a brief explanation of two important tools you’ll need on your journey. They will help you navigate daily life with greater peace and contentment.
Every so often I end up working with someone who seems determined to deny and undermine the Truths I’m speaking.
For instance, this can happen when I communicate the messages their pet is trying to share with them, and they’ll reject the messages out of hand.
This can feel deflating, exhausting and tiring… IF I let them attack me.
Why do they do that?
Here’s the thing: Animals don’t lie, and energy never lies.
But, people often do.
For many reasons. Perhaps they fear being vulnerable, appearing weak, or having their secrets known. They could also just be out of touch with themselves. Perhaps they never questioned their thinking or feelings beyond the most superficial of understandings.
They don’t have a clue about what makes them tick, they feel more comfortable with appearances, preferring shallow interactions. They wear social identity masks like at a costume party, afraid to have anyone see them for who they truly are. They have developed no real depth or self confidence in their true nature and character.
They can feel resistant, angry, afraid. Sometimes they lash out as a form of self defense.
Like when in the Wizard of Oz when the Wizard calls out to Dorothy when she discovers the truth about who the Wizard actually is, “Don’t look at that man behind the curtain! Ignore him!!”
That’s when it’s best to compartmentalize the experience.
I acknowledge it – sometimes to myself, sometimes out loud – and then I place it on the back burner. I remain in my place of calm, centeredness and connection. I resist the urge to implode and collapse into a space of self-doubt and self-recrimination, or to try to defend myself.
The highly sensitive person’s job is to hold the space for truth to be known and understood from a non-judgmental, non-arrogant, peaceful place of knowing.
As an animal communicator, part of the job is to be the voice for the animals. To offer their truth in peace with the intention for the highest good for all concerned.
The truth is the truth.
We each of us get to choose what to do with it when we hear and receive it. Accept, grow, heal, and evolve…? Or deny, prefabricate, defend, pretend… in which case, I can promise you that you’ll circle back around to this later when you’re ready to be more honest with yourself.
For me, I renew my efforts to maintain a true, deep, positive connection with the animal, to keep that sacred link between us unencumbered by outside influences.
When I do, I feel lighter. I’m better able to focus on the task at hand: listening intently to the messages the horse, dog, cat, bird or chameleon is trying to share with we the people.
Energetic shielding
Highly sensitive people and empaths must have a highly fortified energetic shield – the protective outer rim or edge of your energy field. It’s most often on autopilot, but we can programmed it to fulfill specific needs.
Here’s what I mean…
Years ago I had an extremely unsettling experience with a woman who had made it a personal mission to rescue as many animals as possible. I had agreed to communicate with them, but she rejected all my communication efforts as inadequate. The woman made it clear that I was not telling her what she really wanted to know even though I answered her spoken questions each and every one.
Confused and frustrated, I asked that she tell me what it was that she really wanted to know, and to be clearer.
On my next – and last – visit at her farm she presented me with a written list of over 100 questions she wanted me to ask the animals.
She wanted me to explore their understanding of her religious, dogmatic Christian Faith…and ultimately persuade the animals that her beliefs were right. She had no room or consideration for the animal’s beliefs, philosophies or wisdom. And she had no respect for what they knew that she didn’t.
I made an effort to again answer her questions as honestly and truthfully as I could, but eventually I gave up. There was no point in continuing the exercise on her terms…it wasn’t going to get her, or the animals, anywhere.
Animals have their own set of beliefs
You can’t force them to believe someone else’s, especially if they don’t agree with the ideology.
I ended the session as peacefully and truthfully as I could, and left.
Shortly afterward, I started to notice that my energy field was under attack. I felt drained, anxious. I had a dark cloud of negativity hovering over me…I even started to feel physical pain.
An exploration of my psychic space revealed that this woman was actively attacking me with angry, harmful curses and hexes.
I also noticed how wounded I felt, how rejected and misunderstood and disrespected. My energy shield was in tatters.
During this inner exploration, I realized that many of my old childhood wounds had been triggered. I went to work making peace with the past and forgiving myself…and her. And I felt gratitude for how she was helping me heal, evolve, and grow.
Finally, because I felt at the time that she really needed a wake-up call – a dose of compassion, an extra measure of Divine Grace and love, and a whole lot of help – I mirrored the outer surface of my shield so it reflected back whatever she threw at me… tenfold.
It wasn’t long before I started to feel much better, lighter, no longer under attack. I had successfully repaired my shield and healed another layer within.
Highly sensitive people and empaths have a highly valuable gift
If you sense that you’re empathic like me, you have a golden opportunity to channel your energies and help yourself, as well as the people and pets around you, live a fulfilling, happy, healthy life.
Exploring the depths and range of emotions, feelings, and experiences…especially with animals, who are so often misunderstood and ignored is a powerful healing gift. All animals are sentient spiritual beings with thoughts and feelings of their own.
You can learn many ways to communicate with them with my online courses, and give them the voice they deserve.
If you would like help healing, evolving and growing into your best self, then I highly recommend working with me so I can help you do exactly that.
Enjoyed this article? Here are three more to help you:
Are You Highly Sensitive and/or Empathic?
Being A Dog Whisperer Comes In Handy!
How Animal Connection Can Heal Our Own Wounds and Trauma
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