Table of Contents
Why you should not practice communicating with your own pet when you are first learning animal communication.
I was absolutely flabbergasted, confounded, shocked and dismayed when I heard what Nita said after our Live Q&A Coaching Class:
“…The usual enriching and awesome live call… my main takeaway, simple and basic as it sounds, is to practice with unknown pets with feedback.
I’ve heard a couple of well known communicators saying that one should practice with one’s own pets, as it’s the same and even easier. I could never understand why….
So Val’s advice is so reassuring and motivates me to work with our animal teachers more regularly.
Val’s conversation with specific pets is almost surreal! To reach her level of expertise and ease will probably take me a few more lifetimes!
The healing during {the Heart Wisdom Love Connection} meditation worked better than any other time, with a palpable difference this morning and the water certainly tasted even better than it has earlier too. Thanks for everything, Val!”
You’re welcome, Nita!
I am so grateful for your feedback and sharing what you got from class. Well done!!
Here’s what shocked me about what Nita said.
I had no clue other teachers were misleading students, telling them to practice communicating with their own pets, that it was the “same and even easier” . 😲
I completely disagree, because after teaching students how to communicate with animals since 1996, I’ve learned a few things that work, and what doesn’t work.
Practicing communicating with your own pet – especially as a beginner – doesn’t work.
It’s not the same, and it’s not even close to being easier.
In fact, it’s exactly the wrong way to practice especially as a beginner!!
Here’s why practicing communicating with your own animals when you’re first learning to use your intuitive telepathic abilities doesn’t help you improve your skills.
You are very close to your pets.
You reflect and mirror each other (that’s the Human Animal Body Mind Connection at work, but we’ll save exploring that topic for another day).
Their life energy and yours are so connected it’s hard to know where your energy ends and theirs begins, hard to separate out whose thoughts and feelings are whose.
They may be having behavior or health problems, which can stir up your “gotta fix this problem” agendas, feelings of fear or inadequacy or guilt or grief or…
All that gets in your way.
Your purpose and life lessons are shared.
That means you are so close to the forest you can’t see the trees.
Like water to the fish, it’s much harder to distinguish their thoughts from yours, their feelings from yours.
And, you’re so immersed together energetically, with shared history and experiences, it’s doubly difficult to get your mind, your ego, your own thoughts and feelings out of your way so you can enjoy crystal clear communications.
To know and interpret what you get with confidence.
To be 100% certain that you’re not just making things up based on your own thinking, imagination, and emotions.
While I’m at it, this last week someone asked another question that got me all stirred up:
“Do you learn to hear the animals or is it just words that come to your head? I did a short course quite a while ago and it just seemed too easy of you just thinking it if that makes sense.”
No, that’s not right either. ☹️
True intuitive telepathic communication with animals is NOT just imagining words in your mind.
The Heart Wisdom Method is about using and developing ALL your intuitive senses properly to go way beyond your imagination and mental projections.
This is about you being able to hear their voice, feel their feelings, see what they see, know what they know and talk about it heart to heart, mind to mind.
But I digress…
So what’s the right, BEST way to practice and get good at communicating with animals, including your own pets?
One of the MAIN reasons I created the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club in the first place is to provide a safe community for students to practice with other people’s animals so you get proper guidance and feedback to grow your skills.
You become confident by talking with OTHER PEOPLE’S ANIMALS, not your own.
Because you don’t know other people’s animals. You don’t have shared history together, and you can explore meeting and greeting and getting to know them from a clean slate, no pesky expectations to get in your way, no personal “fix this now” kind of agenda’s to block or stop you.
And because when you get feedback from that pet’s person, you’ll know if you got it “right”, or if you got some of it right but not all of it, or if you missed the mark entirely.
By the way, we learn best from our mistakes along the way. They are our greatest teachers.
And of course, you’ll have questions come up as you practice which is what the Live Q&A Coaching Calls are all about, so you can get answers and expert guidance.
Knowing you nailed the communication by having it verified, validated and confirmed?
OMG! That’s a game changer for sure.
It is the ONLY way to improve your skills and intuitive, telepathic abilities (beyond learning the steps, techniques, and how to do it of course). 😉
Once you’ve experienced how it feels when you’re accurate (or going off track), and develop and master ALL your “clairs”, senses and intuitive abilities, you’ll be able to talk with your own pet.
Communicating with your own animals confidently, proficiently, and competently is a more advanced skill, not where you start.
Can you see that now?
Beyond this incredibly important step to becoming competent and proficient, is doing your inner healing work so you don’t interpret or filter their messages through your wounds.
THIS is why the Heart Wisdom Method is so powerful and why my approach to teaching communication is so different from other teachers. You get the techniques and tips and tried and true steps AND we also focus on healing too. ]
AND, the Coaching Club is designed to be a robust training program providing a wide variety of training with opportunities to practice and grow your skills.
These are the things I coach my clients and students on, and teach in my courses too.
Imagine that. 😊
Learning through online courses and classes at the Heart School of Animal Communication®
The point of the Heart School of Animal Communication® including the BEST Online Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club is for you to practice communicating with animals and receive proper feedback to grow your skills and abilities.
Start with your copy of our free ebook: Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals.
Soon, you’ll be able to talk with your own animals.
Ready to take the next step in your animal communication journey?
Find a fabulous animal you don’t know and enjoy getting to know them.
In the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club, you can practice communicating with any of the well over 300 pets on the Animal Teacher’s page, or, have a heart to heart chat with our Featured Animal Teacher of the Month who is eager and delighted to talk with you.
Be cool, stay in School:
This level of Heart Wisdom training isn’t available anywhere else.
Together we help make the world a better, happier place for all species.
Enjoyed this article about practicing communicating so you can become more proficient? Here are three more to help you:
Who’s your spirit animal? The truth may surprise you
Clairaudience and 7 Ways to Grow Your Intuition
Exploring animal telepathy: How to send a powerful message in 3 easy steps
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