Today’s guest on the Real Dr Doolittle Show™ is Kelly Preston
From Val: Kelly Preston and Mr MacGoo are remarkable co-authors in this delightfully entertaining and informative book about living and working with special needs animals.
You’ll laugh and cry along with us while we talk about Betty Boop’s amazing life, Gizmo’s life lessons, and Mr MacGoo’s approach to things. The real question becomes, who’s teaching whom? Enjoy!
Kelly Preston is first and foremost, an animal lover.
Raised on a ten-acre property in a small town in Pennsylvania, she grew up with horses, rabbits, and – of course – dogs. When she left home after college, she acquired Gizmo, an irresistible Lhasa Apso that started a journey full of joys and sorrows, hopes and tribulations, frustrations, endless lessons in patience, and above all else, love.
All of this has come at the hands (more precisely the paws) of Gizmo, Betty Boop, Buffy, Carla Mae, and the inimitable Mr. MaGoo.
Mr. MaGoo is a nine-year-old Lhasa Apso and the book’s co-creator and co-writer. He is, in his own words, “the alpha and omega of all dogs – in the cutest and sparkiest, most fun-loving package ever.”
Ignoring Kelly’s persistent eye-rolling, Mr. MaGoo has forged ahead with this project in an attempt to, as he puts it, “present the facts from a dog’s perspective. In other words, the correct, most accurate, most interesting, only-one-that-matters perspective,” to which he adds, simply, “Woof!”
Kelly Answers Some Hard Hitting Questions:
- What motivated you to make your dog, Mr MaGoo, the co-author of your book
- What do you believe are the life lessons and rewards you’ve received from having so many special needs animals in your life?
- Did you plan on having four special need dogs?
- Why do you believe that these events prepared you to become a better person today?
- What advice do you have for people with special needs animals?
Only for The Dr Doolittle Show listeners, you can get a copy of the book, “Real Dogs Don’t Whisper”, with free shipping – Kelly and Mr Goo’s treat for you. Go to:
To contact Kelly and learn more about what she does visit her at:
Ready to learn how to talk to animals yourself? Get your Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Pets free ebook at and find out how now!
This article was previously published June 21, 2012 and was updated on December 12, 2022
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