Clearing your mind is no easy task, especially if you’re the type of busy minded person who tends to ruminate and overthink things.
And when it comes to animal communication, an unclear mind can severely hinder your ability to communicate with them.
Did you know that as many as 90% of the thoughts you think are “reruns” of thoughts you’ve already had before?
When you try to communicate with animals, you are making the effort to hear their thoughts, feel their feelings, tap into their experiences.
One of your goals is to experience a quiet, peaceful, open, attuned mind so you can receive the information accurately.
But a quiet still mind can seem impossible to achieve at times. Here’s why, and what to do about it.
Why You Struggle With Clearing Your Mind
If you are overly full of your thoughts, then other beings’ thoughts can’t get in easily. You are suffering from mental clutter, confusion and the dreaded affliction of the Busy Mind Syndrome.
But there is a way to easily and heartfully watch the changing images and listen to the endless flow of inner voices without becoming involved with them.
Here’s one of the most important things you should know when it comes to clearing your mind: Thoughts have little power over you unless you give it to them.
Your real source of balance and clarity lies in remembering that you are more than the chatter you hear in your head.
You Are Not Your Thoughts
When you realize you are more than just the thoughts in your head, you also start to realize that you are also the presence of mind that knows these thoughts and the space of awareness in which all these many thoughts coalesce and dissolve.
When we hold our thoughts lightly like wispy cloud formations dancing in the deep clear sky of mind, we can see through them to the creative intelligence that underlies and sustains them.
With mindfulness and a compassionate, gentle, patient smile, you can choose which thoughts or voices to follow and which to let pass by.
IMPORTANT: Don’t take any of your inner monkey mind chatter voices too seriously. Don’t try too hard, you’ll only block yourself. And, don’t be judgmental of your efforts. You are learning, mistakes are normal and how you discover what works and what doesn’t.
Learning How to Clear Your Mind
Learn to sit quietly in the babbling brook of your mind, resting like a rock in the stream. Do not try to stop your thinking. The harder you try, the worse it will get, and then you’ll be off chasing thoughts again.
Let them stop by themselves.
If something comes into your mind, let it go in and let it go out. It will not stay long if you don’t engage with it. It’s like observing an ever evolving kaleidoscope of changing mental scenery.
When you try to stop your thinking, it means it bothers you. Do not be bothered by anything. Just notice what comes up, observe and witness your thoughts but don’t hook onto them or feed them.
It may appear that a thought came from outside your mind, but actually, it is only the waves of your mind. If they don’t bother you, gradually they will become calmer and calmer.
Many sensations will come and go, many thoughts and images arise, but they are just waves from your mind.
If you leave your mind as it is, it will become calm. This mind is called the Big Mind.
Got it? Let’s give this a go so you can experience it.
Practice Clearing Your Mind By Using This Exercise
Begin by sitting quietly. Focus your attention with mindful breathing.
Build the strength and continuity of your attention by breathing your mindful awareness into this moment. Let it continue as an unbroken stream of awareness into this next moment and the next.
Each moment and each breath, stay fully focused and mindfully present. Focus on the stream of your thoughts. Notice when a thought is a memory of the past.
Notice when a thought is a fantasy of the future. Then return your attention to the flow of breath.
Notice when a thought is the present. Be Aware: Don’t hitch a ride on any of your thoughts!
Notice the excursions of your mind into memories and future fantasies. View your thoughts as clouds floating through the sky of your mind, or maybe different taxicabs racing here and there in the city of the mind.
Let them come and go as a neutral witness observer.
After a few minutes, reflect to yourself: has my attention been drawn more to memories of the past, to fantasies or plans for the future, or balanced more in the present?
The KEY is to become fully present with the desire to learn, to BE without judgment or criticism, and to notice the world within and around you.
Practice this daily, and you’ll discover your powers of mindfulness will grow, and you’ll gain more insight into how your mind and beingness works.
Understanding Your Thought Patterns Opens Up Your Mind for Animal Communication
Understanding more about your patterns of attention opens up new areas of connection in both the micro and macro worlds around you.
Knowing more about what’s yours and what’s not yours is the critical piece in knowing when you’re receiving communication from other beings. Clearing your mind allows you to know and understand who you are, which opens the path for you to communicate with animals.
You are a spiritual being having a human experience, exactly as are the animals and other beings spiritual beings having animal (or other embodied) experiences.
How do you feel now?
Comment below and let me know what just changed for you.
Need Help Clearing Your Mind?
Let me help you clear your mind so that you can communicate with animals, hear their thoughts, feel their feelings, tap into their experiences and grow a closer soul connection with your companion.
I am called the Real Dr. Doolittle, Founder of The Heart School of Animal Communication® & the BEST Online Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club.
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
If you’d prefer personal coaching: Choose the consulting plan that fits your needs – animal communication, problem-solving, healing, or intuitive guidance.
For more helpful tips on focusing and clearing your mind, click here.
Enjoy this article? Here are three more of my most popular articles about healing and animal communication:
Is My Dog Happy? Here’s How to Know For Sure
How I Use Animal Communication to Heal Back Injuries in Dogs
How Animal Communication Helped a Doctor Heal
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