Animal behavior problems can be frustrating. Beyond the embarrassment of having a dog that jumps on every guest at the door, or a cat that uses your living room carpet as a litter box when you have the neighbors over for dinner, bad pet behavior can cause serious harm. A dog that obsessively chews shoes […]
Heart Wisdom Animal Talk Blog
Dedicated to improved health, behavior and wellness for pets and the people who love them.
Do You Know How to Identify Dog Seizure Symptoms?
Would you know if your dog was about to have, or was having a seizure? It’s so important to your dog’s health to be able to recognize dog seizure symptoms. They may or may not be cured or prevented, but if you see the signs and understand what your dog is going through, you’ll be […]
The Extraordinary Soul Connection I call The Human Animal BodyMind Connection
“That’s just spooky!” That’s what a client told me when I pointed out that both she and her dog had a problem in the exact same vertebrae in their backs. I assured her that this happens all the time, and that it has to do with The Human Animal BodyMind Connection. What is the Human […]
Horse Whispering: Animal Communication That Gets Results With Your Horse, Dog or Cat
What is horse whispering? Although horse whispering has been around for ages, it most recently became a worldwide phenomenon in the mid 1990’s with the bestselling book and block buster movie with Robert Redford called The Horse Whisperer. The term is a colloquial for natural horsemanship. That is, it’s a collective term used to describe […]
Paddocks and Pastures: Creating A Healthy Space For Your Horse
Paddocks and Pastures: Creating A Healthy Space For Your Horse While horses may be an alternative to a gas-guzzling vehicle, they can’t be “garaged” like a car. If you are one of the many Americans involved in the equine industry, you know that horses use paddocks and pastures for grazing, relaxing and playing. You’ll also […]