Today’s topic is meditation – with your dog! James Jacobson is not a dog whisperer or an animal behaviorist. He’s not an over-barking, highfalutin, woo-woo kind of guy. He’s a real person, who has meditated most of his life—the past twelve years with his dog, Maui. For more than a decade, he has taught classes […]
Heart Wisdom Animal Talk Blog
Dedicated to improved health, behavior and wellness for pets and the people who love them.
How Spirit Healing and Soul Repair Saved Oscar: Amazing Dog Story
Never underestimate the power of animal communication, soul repair and spirit healing! Check out what happened for Oscar, an older pit bull. He was found in his kennel with a hugely swollen hind leg, unable to stand or walk. When I communicated with him, it was clear he’d been bitten by a venomous snake, and […]
How I Use Animal Communication to Heal Back Injuries in Dogs
How I Used Animal Communication to Heal Teddy the Dog’s Injuries Back injuries in dogs can make us feel sad, emotional, and even helpless. If you’ve ever witnessed your dog suffering through an injury like this, you know what I’m talking about. In fact, it’s darned painful to see a pet go through any kind […]