Is your pup trying to send you a message? Are they sick, worried, bored, angry, frustrated, grieving, sad, confused…? We don’t always pay attention to dog signals… and it can be very frustrating for your pet. “Hey you! I’m talking here…!” Worse yet, it can wind up costing your dog their life if you don’t […]
Heart Wisdom Animal Talk Blog
Dedicated to improved health, behavior and wellness for pets and the people who love them.
Animal Communication and Telepathy: Mental Video Technique to Communicate With Animals
Telepathy and animal communication go together like birds of a feather! Have you ever wished you were telepathic? You might have been told that telepathy doesn’t exist except in stories, but that’s not true. In fact, you were born with the intuitive ability to communicate with others telepathically. You may have forgotten how, most of […]
TV for Dogs: Does Your Dog Even Care?
Have you ever wondered about TV for dogs, and whether or not it is actually beneficial for your furrkid companions? Whether you’re cheering on your favorite football team or binge-watching the latest crime drama or laughing at the funny bits or crying with the tear jerkers, every dog guardian knows that often their dog comes […]
8 Fascinating Dog Facts You Need To Know
guest post courtesy of Booksandbudgetsbookkeeping. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and do not necessarily represent the views of Val Heart & Heart Communications Enterprises Inc. Having pets can make your life more interesting. Just think of all the fun dog facts you can learn about your new […]