What horse enjoys deworming time? It’s hard to blame a horse for failing to enjoy his deworming paste; it doesn’t exactly look like good eats. Although deworming companies have put great effort into making the medicine more palatable, some horses simply haven’t read the memo and refuse to have anything to do with dewormers. A […]
Heart Wisdom Animal Talk Blog
Dedicated to improved health, behavior and wellness for pets and the people who love them.
The Truth about Colic in Horses
Any horse owner hates the thought of colic in horses. As you shake the grain bucket to call your horse in for dinner, he lifts his head in acknowledgement. Slowly, he ambles toward you, then he abruptly stops, looks at his side and proceeds to lie down. Not only is he not interested in eating, […]
First-Aid for Laminitis
This article was previously published January 17, 2014, and was updated on July 28, 2022 First Aid for Laminitis in Horses If you suspect that laminitis (or founder, as it is known in layman’s terms) is to blame for your horse’s sudden lameness, call your veterinarian immediately. Then, follow this first-aid protocol while waiting for […]
3 Exercises to Master the Halt
This article was previously published December 3, 2013, and was updated on July 8, 2022. Working to achieve the Square Halt Although it’s sometimes sought like the holy grail by dressage riders, a square halt is not to be valued as an end in itself, but for what it tells you about your horse’s development. […]
Do’s and Don’ts for Throwing the Perfect Pet Party
This article was previously published March 21, 2014, and was updated on June 23, 2022. Pet party perfection – the Do’s and Don’ts! Decades ago, dog birthday parties were not the norm. Today’s pet parents celebrate with gusto. In fact, party supplies are just one contributor to the total amount spent on dogs, cats and […]
How to Give a Dog a Pill: Conversation vs. Command
Have you noticed that your dog has a mind of their own? Or thought “I need to give my dog this pill, it’s for his own good, why won’t he just take it?” Your next thought might be “But I’m not sure how to give a dog a pill!” Then even when you decide on […]