Are You Communicating With Animals As Clearly As You Think You Are?
Are you struggling with to communicate with animals?
I’ve been thinking about animal communication a lot lately and help students improve their intuitive skills and abilities.
Often, new animal lovers come into our community by starting with my free ebook, Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Pets.
It’s a great book teaching the 3 Fundamental Principles at the core of ALL animal communication and how to SEND messages to animals in 3 easy steps.
Then they discover that communicating with animals is a bit more complicated and nuanced to master if they want to enjoy heart warming, two-way conversations, so they need to learn more and advance their skills.
To which they sometimes respond with annoyance, “What? I don’t know it all yet? Do you want me to spend money on my education? I just want more free stuff. Why can’t you help me for free?”
To which I respond, “Would you like some cheese with your whine?!” ​
It’s sort of like a beginning medical student thinking they should be operating on patients in their first semester of college.
That got me thinking about times when I used to get so annoyed that the wrong people would get on a consultation call with me or ask about working with me.
I realized that I needed more clarity in what I was trying to say so I could communicate better.
When the wrong people used to ask to work with me, it would frustrate me because I’d been very clear about who should apply and who shouldn’t.
I wonder how they could have thought that they met the criteria, which led to my thinking about other, unrelated times when I became annoyed with others for not doing what I expected or told them to do.
Like people not following my instructions, doing the opposite of what I said, and then being upset when they didn’t get the results they wanted.
Like when clients come to me and say they worked with another professional communicator and didn’t get the answers they needed because “the animal didn’t want to talk about ‘that‘.”
Say what? That’s ridiculous. That just means the communicator didn’t know the right questions to ask in the right ways to encourage the animal to talk about it.
I’d internally rage about how incompetent I thought they were.
But I finally realized that I played a massive part in who I was attracting and how the people in my charge performed.
It took having the shoe be on the other foot a few times for me to realize this and connect the dots.
Like when people got angry at ME for doing things that I had no idea were against rules or boundaries.
Like when folks got upset with ME for asking a question they didn’t want to answer or had already explained when I wasn’t paying attention.
Or when someone would correct me for “mistakes” that I made because the leadership had been weak.
(Like in partner dance, following a lead’s move improperly when I never learned how to do that.)
What I want to communicate here is that you don’t communicate as clearly as you think you do.
None of us do.
Communicating clearly and precisely with people is incredibly challenging.
And it’s especially true when you’re communicating with animals, which is an intuitive telepathic art form.
And to communicate with animals, you need an expert coach to guide you, help you focus your mind, mediate between you and your pet, and lovingly correct your efforts to understand each other.
Everything changes.
Here’s why you’re struggling to communicate with animals.
If you’re struggling to understand and communicate with your pet (or any animal), something you’re saying or doing is causing that to happen.
Because animals are not stupid or clueless, they’re just as smart as you are. They’re responding to:
- What you’re giving them to work with
- How you’re connecting or blocking them (how clear and aligned or misaligned you are with your message, which gets very confusing on multiple levels.)
- What energy (emotions and thoughts) you’re sending to them
- How able you are to feel your heart and your emotions (vs. being limited to your head trash and blind spots)
- How open (or not open) you are to what they have to tell you
- How active your four main intuitive abilities are so you can meet them where they are
- Your confidence and experience engaging in the two-way conversation so that there is a back and forth dialogue
- Knowing which questions to ask in the right way
- Understanding how to properly interpret the subtle nuances of what they send back to you
And yes, there’s way more to animal communication than you might imagine.
So if you’re getting crickets when you try to communicate with animals, it’s either because you’re not connected at all (oops, kinda like butt dialing your phone and they on the other end are saying hello? hello? but you don’t hear them because your phone is still in your pants pocket or purse…)…
Or you are just plain communicating wrong – which means you’re missing something, and it’s important.
With a bit of expert guidance to help you get unstuck, everything gets easier and better and so much more effective.
The experience of miscommunicating does NOT mean you are incapable of communicating or that you should stop trying or not take the next step in your education to discover what you don’t know yet!
It means that if you’re going in the wrong direction, more speed won’t help.
I can help improve your communication with animals.
You know the coaching, mentoring, and healing work that I do with paying students and clients goes way beyond the surface level. That’s why they pay me the big bucks!
To do this right, we have to address the real reasons why people struggle communicating with animals consistently, what’s in the way of your growing your confidence and accuracy.
And that’s where the heart of my genius zone really is.
Our Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club’s monthly Live Q&A Coaching Calls and the Heart Wisdom Masterclasses go deep into these topics.
These experiences are where people can start to understand that I have an ocean of knowledge and insight in my brain that is worth the money.
There are deeper reasons why people don’t take these seemingly simple actions to free up their intuitive abilities with animals.
It’s like they’re terrified of letting go of control, getting into their heart, and feeling deeply.
Or they’re experiencing anxiety that’s not allowing them to calm their nervous system and honor their OWN intended needs.
It might be that they can’t assess or decide the relative importance of the animal’s message, so they end up ignoring and glossing over what they’re getting (and being stuck in their head, unable to move beyond the initial impressions).
Those are some of the complex issues that I coach people on.
And they’re the things they should be going deep into in their communications.
I’ve realized it is critical that my students and clients have experience *in spiritual and healing matters* because that understanding is what we draw on to clear the internal rubble and get you into the right space where communicating with animals is magical, effortless, and flowing.
Imagine that.
Got it?
Not sure yet how to communicate at this level?
Continue your educational journey to find out what your next step is at The Heart School of Animal Communication® curriculum. HERE
Join the Club and you can speak up and post your question for the next Live Q&A Coaching Call the second Saturday of every month so I can coach you personally (for Gold and Platinum Club Members Only).
Thank you for loving and caring about – and talking to – animals, AND trees and plants, and all living sentient beings who share our world.
Together we help make the world a better, happier, healthier place for all of us.
See you on the Heart School Campus!
.Be sure to leave your comment below!
Enjoy this article? Here are three more of my most popular articles about animal communication:
Why Interspecies Communication is so Important Personally & Globally
How Visualizing Can Improve Animal Communication
Animals As Teachers: What Animals Can Teach Us – Val Heart with JJ Flizanes
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