“When I connect with an animal to communicate, and my cat is lying next to me, can she jump into the conversation?”
Great question! Before I answer this, consider for a moment what’s possible when you can enjoy animal conversations using the Heart Wisdom Methods.
Imagine you are walking along enjoying the day, or glance out a window and see an animal (or fish or bird or…), or your own pet comes up to you asking for attention.
You connect instantly, fire off a greeting, and next thing you know you’re in a fascinating conversation with them, easily understanding their wisdom, feeling their love, receiving and discussing their unique viewpoints about life, relationships, health and so much more.
When you are consciously aware, connected heart to heart, with all your intuitive senses working properly, you can recognize, respect and revere animals for who they truly are.
You’ll discover that they are angels, guides, healers and teachers, soulmates and guardians.
They are God’s gifts on loan to us.
That’s what is possible once you know how to talk with animals, and are competent and well trained.
Ultimately, the Heart Wisdom Method of animal communication is a spiritual journey to heal, evolve and grow into your best self. Together we make the world a better place for all species.
Today I’ll answer an animal talk question from a student.
“When I connect with an animal to communicate with them, and my cat is lying next to me, can she jump into the conversation?”
Before I answer, did you know our Live Q&A Coaching Club Calls are scheduled for the second Saturday of each month?
Because you may have questions about animal communication and developing your intuitive abilities too.
The best way to get answers (and help with your own pet) is as an Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club® member.
And now’s a great time to join us!
See below for details or if you’re in a hurry, go HERE
Now back to answering the question: Can other pets jump into your animal conversation?
Short answer is, YES!
If your cat is paying attention to what you’re doing and wants to jump in and turn your conversation into a group chat, then yes, she can add her commentary, input, suggestions, offer her guidance or advice and unique viewpoint.
She may want to discuss what you’re talking about.
It doesn’t matter if the original animal you are focusing on talking with is physically present with you, or if it’s a long distance conversation with a “picture animal“.
Can they do that? Yes, but only if your pet finds the topic interesting and worthy of her time and effort. Otherwise they may well tune you out and ignore the conversation. 😊
That’s true of any animal in the vicinity too, whether they are with you physically in person, or with a picture of the animal you’re focusing on intuitively and telepathically, wherever they are.
Sometimes for you as the animal communicator it can feel confusing to hear different voices or receive impressions that aren’t coming from the animal you’re focusing on.
Like being in a crowded room with a bunch of people talking, you have to discern who is who, who wants to talk, who isn’t interested, or who’s just listening.
To do this well (aka, “competently and proficiently”) requires advanced training, fine tuning and developing ALL your intuitive abilities, and acquiring more practical experience because it’s a bit complicated for a newbie or beginner to sort out at first.
Facilitating a multiple “group chat” with more than one animal all at once is a more advanced animal communication skill.
I teach about communicating with groups of animals in the Advanced Animal Talk Topics Mastery Courseâ„¢ because it’s different than just talking with an individual animal.
You need to first seek out the matriarch (leader of the pack) or patriarch, or the “spokesperson” for the group. You can also with their permission communicate with the individual animals if needed, but there is a hierarchy in the group so be conscious about that before you start.
To get really good at communicating with individuals and groups, so you can become competent and proficient with this special telepathic intuitive ability, we go much deeper in the Heart Wisdom Masterclasses offered in the BEST online Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club® for Platinum Advanced and Professional members.
More questions?
Bring them to the next Live Q&A Coaching Call for Gold Members (Beginning to Intermediate to Advanced students) & Platinum Advanced & Professional Club Members.
Live Q&A Coaching Calls for members are the second Saturday of each month, starting at 8:30 am Pacific / 10:30 am Central / 11:30 am Eastern.
How can you improve to become a better animal communicator?
Use what you know now and investigate, explore, observe and discover how it feels when you communicate with one animal at a time. Then shift to include another animal too and notice what’s different.
Give yourself permission and give it a go, or you’ll never know what you can or cannot do, or how it feels.
If nothing changes or you get confused or off track, then you’re missing something.
Keep practicing with animals you don’t know so you can get the proper feedback to be more confident and accurate.
In the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club® you’ll have offer a wide variety of animal teachers and their caretakers to help you with this.
Get expert guidance and coaching when you need it to fine tune and grow your abilities.
Discover what you’re missing, and avoid making mistakes, learning from your “failures”.
Do your inner healing so you don’t misinterpret their messages through the filter of your own wounds.
Celebrate and get excited when you discover how easy it is to communicate when you stop blocking yourself.
My goal is for my students to be incredibly well trained so you can be AMAZING, proficient, confident, and capable of handling anything that comes your way, using expanded abilities and experiences for the best possible results, for the rest of your life.
The roadmap to successful communication in The Heart School of Animal Communication® through self study courses and programs, live classes, 24/7 community and Club memberships is spelled out for you RIGHT HERE
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
After studying Heart Wisdom Methods of animal communication and healing, you will discover that there is no ceiling to your development as a proficient, competent communicator.
Wait… Do I need to be psychic to communicate with animals?
Not at all.
Training using the Heart Wisdom Methods consists of practical, guided step by step, tried and true techniques any animal lover can learn.
You’ll be learning how to access and develop many intuitive abilities, gifts you were born with.
It only requires your passion, love and enthusiasm for animals to make a difference, to connect, and (using the right techniques) to get the best results from your practice conversations.
Ultimately, you want to be able to help animals with whatever they need help with, whether it’s healing or easing pain, preparing for transition, solving behavior problems, or working with the paranormal, finding pets if they get lost, or helping them recover from abuse or accidents or trauma, and so much more.
Together we are changing the world for ALL species to live in harmony and enjoy crystal clear communications.
See you soon on the Heart School campus!
Enjoy this article about animal conversations? Here are three more of my most popular articles:
Why Interspecies Communication is so Important Personally & Globally
How Visualizing Can Improve Animal Communication
Animals As Teachers: What Animals Can Teach Us – Val Heart with JJ Flizanes
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