This article “Moonglow the Race Horse and the Collective Herd Consciousness , Part 4” was previously published August 16, 2017, and was updated on April 18, 2022 Once upon a time there was a race horse named Moonglow… This is part four of her story! In Part One, I told you how Moonglow went from […]
Heart Wisdom Animal Talk Blog
Dedicated to improved health, behavior and wellness for pets and the people who love them.
Moonglow’s Games, Part 3 of Moonglow’s Amazing Story
Once upon a time there was a race horse named Moonglow… This is part three of her story! In Part One, I told you how Moonglow went from a super depressed, miserable two year old Appendix filly doing very badly in training, to a successful racehorse who loved the game and found a great deal […]