Developing intuition takes a willingness to be still What is intuition… …and how does ‘listening to your gut’ lead you to the truth? Developing your intuition is complex… and yet simple at the same time. Over the years I’ve learned to listen carefully to the animals in my life. They’ve taught me invaluable lessons because […]
Heart Wisdom Animal Talk Blog
Dedicated to improved health, behavior and wellness for pets and the people who love them.
Discovering the Joy of Visualization and Intuition
How can you use visualization to expand your clairvoyant intuitive abilities? Clairvoyance is one of the main four Signature Intuitive Styles as taught in The Heart School of Animal Communication®. It might be your primary intuitive skill, your “go-to” ability for receiving and processing information from the world around you. Clairvoyants are able to visualize […]
5 Short Cuts to Improving Your Intuition from an Expert Animal Communicator
How to improve your intuition A client asked: “I’ve been a Christian for all my life, but recently realized that my beliefs are changing about the divinity of the universe, earth energies, reincarnation, Wicca, and other beliefs and philosophies. But I’m confused about what the real Truth is because there are so many opinions out […]