Healing trauma: How do you handle grief when tragic events occur? When tragic events happen, how do you handle the grief (and trauma and shock and anger and sense of helplessness…) so you can heal and move on with your life? If you’ve been working on healing from tragic events but can’t seem to let […]
Heart Wisdom Animal Talk Blog
Dedicated to improved health, behavior and wellness for pets and the people who love them.
Connecting with All Life – Learning From 1 Special Cat
Healing through connecting with all life – an animal communication lesson by Val Heart One day I happened to glance outside onto the shaded area of my patio deck. I noticed my grey tabby cat laying in a regal pose, front arms stretched out with her paws elegantly crossed in front of her. Her eyes […]
Inner Healing for Animal Communication
Inner Healing for Animal Communication, Avoiding Triggers to Be Proficient Being successful in communicating with animals (defined as confident, competent and accurate) starts with a single basic premise: you have to understand yourself in order to understand – and be understood by – the animals. New students who’ve not worked on healing their inner wounds […]
Inner Healing is Critical In Animal Communication
If you want to improve your ability to communicate with animals, then focus on your inner healing Animal communication student epiphany: “After investing for years in learning psychic techniques and tips for telepathic communicating with animals kind of programs, classes and courses, I wish I had started with inner healing work, because all the techniques […]