Horse Whispering: it’s not just a myth. Have you ever had your horse balk or refuse to do what you were asking? (or your cat or dog or bird or…) Most all horse people have experienced what could be considered willful, resistant, sassy horse backtalk at times. It’s how we respond that makes all the […]
Heart Wisdom Animal Talk Blog
Dedicated to improved health, behavior and wellness for pets and the people who love them.
Do You Have a Lame Horse But You’re Not Sure Why?
Are You Trying To Figure Out How To Help Your Horse Recover From Lameness or Injury? If you look back at the lineage of racehorses, you’ll see a distinguished bloodline. Thoroughbreds – or “hot bloods” as they’re also known – are fascinating, spirited, and intense. They arrived in America from Great Britain in the late 1700s […]
Race Horse Moonglow’s Amazing Story, Part 2 (Get Kleenex!)
Once upon a time there was a race horse named Moonglow… This is part two of her story! In Part One, I told you how Moonglow went from a super depressed, miserable two year old Appendix filly doing very badly in training, to a successful racehorse who loved the game and found a great deal […]
Communicating With Horses: Moonglow’s Amazing Story
Once upon a time there was a race horse named Moonglow…When I first started communicating with horses, one of my clients were devoted to Appendix racehorses (Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse cross). They bred, raised and trained them. They loved their wonderful horses, and poured their heart and soul into them. One day they asked me to work […]