This article “Shamans & Animal Talk: Animal Soul Connection and Solstice Meditation, Val Heart and Susan Francis” was previously published April 23, 2015, and was updated on March 11, 2022.
Welcome to the Animal Communication Training Mini Series!
This is a replay of my Animal Communication Training Series where I interview experts who guide you through various techniques in Animal Communication. If you don’t want to miss any of this How to Talk to Animals Training Series, then go HERE
I’m Val Heart, your host for this Series.
I’m also the founder of The HEART System for Solving Problems with Pets®, bestselling author, and a leading animal communication expert at and
My guest today is Susan Francis. We are exploring the Solstice/Christmas/Chanukah/Kwanza Season. Have you wondered how animals can help you connect with the light? 2015 was a Critical New Year, and the winter solstice is the glorious time when we begin to emerge from our journey into darkness. Having faced our shadow, we reconnect with our light in this season. And more than ever, this is a personal as well as a planetary pilgrimage we are on.
In this video, Susan and Val discussed how 2015 would be a year of a huge amount of opportunity for individual as well as collective consciousness change– and it would of course contain is challenges as well (sigh). Our own animals, as well as wildlife, can teach us better than any at this time of shift how to see our true path and find our strengths, even in the times of seemingly insurmountable odds.
Many lightworkers and shaman are tired now, it is time to restore, refocus and rejoice as we enter a lighter time.
- How should we complete letting go of our journey through the dark this fall: what do we need to leave behind?
- Whats most important to know about connecting with our light in the coming year: what do we most need to embrace?
- What unique gifts to animals share to help us along this journey: what are four simple steps they teach us?
- How can we help animals do the same at this critical time on the planet?
- A solstice visualized meditation to guide you along your way into your connection with the light for the coming year with the help of animal guides.
You have to come – you know your pet wants you to.
Together WE can do our part to help our pets and animals live a natural healthy life.
If you enjoy this interview, I urge you to click the link below and Register for more wonderful interviews with other professional pet psychics in this Series!
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We can really use your support to help more pets and their people. This is an unprecedented, collaborative joint venture based on my mission of reaching and teaching One Million animal lovers around the world how to talk to animals.
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Bonus: Once you’re registered, you’ll get access to future guest interviews too!
See you soon!
Val Heart, The Real Dr Doolittle
Host of the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club
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