I started my journey with you a year ago because of the loss of my spirit dog, Kalik.
I was devastated; my grief was incapacitating and I couldn’t imagine how I would go on.
What intense powerful sessions, each so full of meaning and healing and aha moments! I have learned a great deal and always feel so refreshed, peaceful and inspired afterward. Your assistance, healing, and support while I work with my own health issues have been profound, life-changing and therapeutic, especially with your guidance and wisdom to bring clarity to it all.
I found what I learned from you during our sessions, and the healing process I go through is just what I needed.
I feel a wonderful increase in my energy level and a profound sense of inner peace, calmness, and acceptance, all precipitating a shift that is helping me to continue forward.
The work that you do to help us humans and our animals is extraordinary and of such merit. All that I have learned from you in our sessions together has made great sense to me and you have offered me the tools and support I have needed to process through this journey and restore myself.
It was so comforting to once again connect with my spirit dog Kalik and hear his thoughts and insights, and again be able to experience his humor!  The work we did helped me even more to lift the residual grief and, instead, feel greater joy and gratitude with having had him in my life.
It is very helpful to be able to connect with my other wonderful little dog, Zoe to find out what she is needing to help her along with her health.
I feel as though I am transiting into another chapter of my life that has so much more significance and depth. You have supported and guided me to see further into life’s mysteries and made it comprehensible.
Thank you so much. You truly do have a special gift in helping others!
With much love and gratitude,
Kathryn and Zoe
Grand Pre, Nova Scotia
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