Tuffy Tiger channeled her healing heart energy – you can, too!
One day I happened to glance outside onto the shaded area of my patio deck.
I noticed my gorgeous grey tabby cat, Tuffy Tiger, in a regal pose, front arms stretched out with her paws elegantly crossed in front of her.
Her eyes were half shut.
She was smiling a Mona Lisa smile, and even from inside the house I could feel that she was vibrating with energy.
Fascinated, I watched as her glowing golden ball of heart energy pulsed and grew brighter and brighter until she connected with every living thing and object within at least 50 feet of where she was.
The very air around her felt supercharged with life force and peace, shimmering and humming with power.
What was Tuffy Tiger doing?
I asked her what she was doing, since it was obvious something remarkable was going on.
She said: “I’m blessing my space, sharing my love heart energy, being one with everything and everyone from the trees to the earth to the birds to the insects to the wind, sharing healing and balance, harmony and peace.
This is how to connect and be one with life.
This is how to heal.
If humans did this regularly, they would not be so sick.
They could allow the richness of life, which surrounds us always, to support, heal and nurture them.
They would be able to hear the wisdom and heart of the world…”
She’s right.
Learning how to be fully present, emotionally peaceful and connected is a very fine way to live your life on all levels.
But… how can we experience this heart energy healing for ourselves?
How to achieve such a remarkable way of living and being
Begin by carefully and consciously observing your animal teachers, guides, angels, and healers.
Adopt a daily practice of feeling and counting your heartbeats, letting your mind go completely silent, quiet, still…
Be in the moment, do nothing more than let yourself feel all that is within and around you. No thinking, only feeling.
Expand your heart energy all around you vibrationally.
Breathe in the richness and fullness of all that is.
You will find yourself effortlessly connecting with the magic and power of Source.
You will become present and better able to hear animal voices, to communicate with animals, to recognize, respect and revere them for who they truly are.
What new understandings, insights and clarity will you become aware of?
Begin now.
ALL healing is done through the heart.
Know anyone who could use a moment of inspiration today too?
Please forward this to them now.
Much love to you and your angels, teachers, guides and healers disguised as animals,
Val “Deeper Communication and Love Connection With All Beings” Heart
Founder of The Heart School of Animal Communication® and Host of the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club
Dedicated to healing the world one animal lover at a time…
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Cats – just click on the picture below!
Want to learn more about healing? Check out these popular articles:
Soul Healing Helps You Communicate With Animals
TuffyTiger Taught Me How to Purr – It Was Magical
Inner Healing is Critical In Animal Communication
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