Table of Contents
Focus on the solution not the problem
I’ve been following the AI (artificial intelligence) news lately, and I have to say, it’s pretty fascinating what can be done with it.
Aside from the argument whether AI is good or bad, it occurred to me to share this intriguing insight about pet problem solving with you.
It’s one we recently discussed in a live Q&A Coaching Call class, and, it’s something which I often remind private clients and students about too. That’s especially important when they feel stuck or blocked.
It’s astonishing how quickly this insight changes things too, sort of like how tiny hinges can open big doors.
This concept is super important because students can literally block themselves (and the animals’ ability to respond and communicate with them) by asking the wrong questions, in the wrong way or timing, and they don’t even know they are focusing on the problem not the solution until I gently and lovingly point it out to them.
(I taught an entire advanced course on this concept called The Heart of the Conversation 7 Step Blueprint for Successful Conversations Course included as a bonus training with the Advanced Animal Talk Topics Course. You can find that along with the animal communication training program on my website at The Heart School of Animal Communication®. It’s one of our student favorites.)
Focusing on the problem
Let me explain.
If you ask AI a question, it takes your request literally, then goes to work gathering information to answer your question.
Same thing happens when you ask a question of your Body Mind Spirit Soul or an animal or….
Example: when you ask yourself a question, your soul, your consciousness, your ego and yes, your unconscious/superconscious mind will go to work to answer it for you.
That also includes the Universe, God, your angels, and even your pets who love you and are trying to help you.
So if you ask, why can’t I do something, you’ll get lots of reasons why you can’t.
The Universe and your various inner bits take your question literally and gives you more of what you’re asking for because that’s what you’re focusing on.
Focusing on the solution
But if you ask: How can I do this, and, how can I get better at doing it?
You’ll get all sorts of insights and ways to do it.
When you feel blocked or stuck or upset, instead of asking what’s wrong with me, or, what’s wrong with them, or could this get any worse, or…?
Just thinking those negative kinds of questions, with the hurtful emotions like blaming, shaming, implosive vs expansive thoughts feels bad, doesn’t it?
It’s much better to ask, what is this trying to teach me?
Can you feel the difference?
Did you notice the shift to positive, expansion, and more openness?
Right away it feels better, doesn’t it?
Try asking better questions like:
- What am I missing or haven’t noticed yet?
- What do I need to learn that will help with this, and where/who can I learn it from?
- What am I glossing over or ignoring that’s important for me to acknowledge and understand?
- How can this task or process or exercise be easier, simpler, more fun, enjoyable, powerful, or more effective?
What you focus on expands.
Energy follows thought.
Everything is energy, and all energy can be transformed.
If you think you shouldn’t have problems, then it’s upsetting when they come up.
If you think you’re doing something wrong or something is wrong with you when you have problems, then you’re gonna be upset a lot in your life.
But if you understand the purpose of the “problem”, the opportunity they represent in your soul’s journey…
Then you know that they are gifts in disguise – your best teachers.
And if you expect, anticipate, and welcome them, use them as learning opportunities to heal, evolve and grow…
Then you can seek expert guidance and assistance when you need help finding the gifts in the problem, and everything changes.
Here’s what not to do:
You don’t want to feed the problem – because it will be happy to expand and grow, like Godzilla happily eating Tokyo, and it can take over and even destroy your ability to live your best life.
Instead you want to feed the solution to the “problem”.
In other words: focus on the solution not the problem.
By the way, animals hate it when we get lost in our own inner space focusing on the wrong things, asking the wrong questions.
In our last Live Q&A Coaching Call, our Featured Animal Teacher Zuri told us that it was interesting that humans have to focus and work so hard to get out of our own way, get out of our head/mind, to feel and share our love energy, to shift into our heart “Soul” space, because for animals it is their normal way of being.
And that brings me to my point for today:
Healing is one of the important themes for our Heart Wisdom Masterclass series.
Because the truth is you can learn all the techniques, steps and tips for telepathic/psychic communication with animals you want, but if you don’t do your inner healing work then none of that will help you if your thoughts, focus, and feelings aren’t right or if you’ve shut down your intuitive gifts.
We have many Masterclasses about healing your inner feelings for improved and more confident – competent and proficient – communications.
The feedback during and after the classes was incredible, life changing in fact.
Because students are so excited about my uniquely powerful approach to healing feelings to improve their ability to communicate with animals proficiently, including releasing painful emotions, negative stories, PTSD, negative obsessive thoughts, anxiety, trauma, and body pain too…
I will continue teaching animal talk students how to heal feelings and inner wounds.
If you miss the live monthly masterclasses offered the third Saturday each month, then you can find them and others in the Treasure Vault Recordings for Platinum Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Members).
Then come to the next Masterclass so you’ll be ready to learn more.
You won’t want to miss this extraordinary opportunity to heal your inner wounds, so you can become proficient communicating with animals.
Because YOU can do this too.
And that is what the Heart Wisdom Methods and healing work is all about, empowering you to be the best you can be, to live your best life, and that includes being able to communicate with animals about anything, anywhere, anytime.
THIS is why the Heart Wisdom Method is so powerful and why my approach to teaching communication is so different from other teachers. You get the techniques and tips and tried and true steps AND we also focus on your healing too.
These are the things I coach my private clients and mentoring students on, and teach in my courses, Live Q&A Coaching Calls and Masterclasses too.
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
Ready to take the next step in your journey?
When you know how to speak your animal’s language, and can experience this level of heart to heart conversation, your life comes into greater flow and alignment as you heal, evolve and grow into your best self, but only for qualified, right fit people who are ready.
As a Club Member, you can choose from any of well over 300 fabulous animals you don’t know and enjoy getting to know them, or, have a heart to heart chat with our Featured Animal Teacher this month who is eager and delighted to talk with students.
Be cool, stay in school.
Everything you need at your fingertips:
This level of Heart Wisdom training isn’t available anywhere else.
But it only works for the right fit qualified people who take the steps to learn what they don’t know yet, and who start asking better questions. 😊
Did you know we now offer a 6 Months to Animal Communication Mastery Program, aka the FastTrack Program?
It’s designed to take you from A – Z with your intuitive abilities, help you heal, and prepare you to enjoy a successful career communicating with animals if that’s something that lights you up.
If your goal is to be proficient communicating with animals in 6 months (or less), then this is the all inclusive program that you’ve been looking for. You’ll get:
- Six 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Val Heart
- Self study courses with immediate access to all the Heart School of Animal Communication® Program courses
- Six months as an Elite Platinum Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Member, plus 6 more months for additional support and community
This is where it’s at:
Together we help make the world a better, happier, healthier place for all of us.
See you soon on the Heart School campus.
P.S. Need my help solving a behavior or health problem with your pet, or guidance on how to interpret, communicate, and understand their messages back to you?
You have 2 main ways to get my expertise for communication, medical intuitive scanning, healing and guidance for yourself and/or your pet:
1. Speaking of asking the right questions to get the right answers…
Join the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club so you can participate in our monthly Live Q&A Coaching Calls offered the second Saturday each month.
As a Platinum Member you can join me in next month’s live Heart Wisdom Masterclass. Masterclasses are offered the third Saturday each month.
Find out more and how to join us:
And this is where to find all the Heart Wisdom School online classes and courses:
2. Would you prefer to private coaching/mentoring and/or healing sessions with me?
Don’t wait if you want a private session because my schedule is currently booking well into April and May.
Here’s where to go to get started:
If you’d prefer a customized VIP Communication Training Program 1:1 with me that includes all of the above, scroll down and send me an email so we can discuss it whether it’s the right fit for you.
Enjoyed this article? Here are 3 of my most popular articles to help you better understand and communicate with your pet:
Communicate with Animals Using These 3 Techniques
Speaking to Animals Changed My Life: The Day a Horse Spoke to Me
Inner Healing is Critical In Animal Communication
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