Discover the soul contracts between you and your pets
Every animal comes into your life for a reason.
Once you identify that reason you’ll discover a more meaningful life filled with joy, determination and a renewed sense of purpose… you’ll even forge new ‘soul contracts’ with the animals you encounter.
But how do you find that reason… and how do you proceed once you’ve found it?
Let’s talk through the elements of soul contracts. Together we’ll reveal the purpose and roles of these relationships…
What are soul contracts?
Let’s frame a soul contract using a very human scenario.
Imagine an office setting – a collection of two or more people who work for the same company.
Every day they gather together, but no one has told them their specific job descriptions or the desired outcome of a day’s work.
Muddled and aimless, they spend their days wandering around, hanging out at the water cooler, gossiping, perhaps arguing. One or two leaders may emerge and try to herd the rest towards their desired goals…
Nothing is accomplished and nobody is genuinely happy because the group lacks a contract with defined edges and expectations.
Imagine, instead, a workplace with its mission, vision, and values displayed proudly on the wall. Everyone comes to work with a clearly defined job description. They all understand their role in the overall workings of the company.
Consequently, the work is fulfilling, people are content in their roles, goals are achieved in a harmonious environment.
Your team has entered a successful soul contract.
Your life journey is connected by a series of soul contracts
Whether you realize it or not, your life is a collection of soul contracts – all at different stages, at different depths, with different outcomes.
Seeing your life this way requires some level of acknowledging the concept of “purpose”. So, let’s take a closer look at how we all envision “purpose”.
There are several different philosophies regarding life’s purpose. As you read through them, ask yourself if they feel true or untrue to you – there is no right or wrong answer.
1. We are born, we live, things happen to us at random and then we die.
2. We are born into the world just once and have to find and fulfill our one purpose. If we don’t find it – doomed as a failure at life. We go either to Heaven or Hell. Pass or Fail.
3. We are born into the world with one purpose predetermined before birth. It’s chiseled in stone, and once we’ve done that one thing we can die content and fulfilled. If we don’t accomplish it during our first go-round, we have to try again during the next…and the next…and the next…
People subscribing to this philosophy believe they were destined to save a child from drowning or give birth to the next Nelson Mandela. They play a supporting role in their lifetimes.
4. We are born with countless purposes. They’re fluid and are guided by our choices, actions, and moral code. Living life is a purpose itself.
Those who believe in this way of life see themselves as having interactions that are presented for “a reason, a season or a lifetime”. They see themselves as fulfilling very specific purposes at different levels during all their encounters. Their soul contracts are written in pencil, not ink. They’re willing to adapt to shifting circumstances.
If you see yourself this way you’ll probably say something like, “I came here to shake things up and create positive change.” or “I came here to do good, to be a healer of people and animals.”
It doesn’t matter how you perceive your place on life’s timeline. Personally, I’m constantly seeking ways to make a difference – that is my purpose. I follow my heart and remain open to the opportunities that present themselves, always with the intention of doing good.
Breaking down the elements of purpose: Essence, Blessing, and Mission
Whether you think we all have one purpose or many, one chance to fulfill them or an eternity, there are three primary elements to purpose.
1. Your Soul Essence
This is your fundamental state of being. You will identify yourself very specifically, using terms like:
- a Beacon of Joy
- The Sword of Justice
- a Healer
- The Caretaker
- The ….??
You’ll be interested to know that animals often self-identify this way, as well.
2. Your Blessing
This stems from your Essence. Consider it the bridge between “being” and “doing”…setting your Essence into motion as you enter soul contracts.
In allowing your Blessing to flourish you’re acting as a catalyst, a facilitator for the people and animals around you, consciously and subconsciously.
3. Your Mission
Once you’ve identified your Soul Essence and set it into motion (your Blessing) you’ve found your Mission.
What is the difference YOU intend to make your lifetime?
Above all, what specific task do you need to perform according to your soul contract?
Not sure?
Think of the Universe (or God, or whichever deity resides in your belief system) as the CEO of your life. From the moment you begin your life’s journey, the Universe sets the wheels in motion and the vision and scope of your purpose are imagined. You’re drawn to fulfill your Mission.
This will involve forming and dissolving relationships, making connections, and allowing for disconnections with people and animals. Joy and hardship.
During every step of the way, I encourage you to remain open to the possibility that your presence is purposeful.
Every encounter has some meaning, every soul contract will be different in duration and depth. It simply might not be obvious until you take the time to reflect upon it.
Most of us have a natural tendency to consider our encounters with other people as something more weighty than random chance. We’re open to thinking, either in the moment or in retrospect, that someone was placed in our path “on purpose”…
That’s not always the case when we add animals into the equation. And that’s a mistake on our part.
Animals are soulful beings, too, and are definitely placed in our path for a reason – and vice versa. As a pet communicator, it’s my job to bridge a pet and their human and reveal the soul contracts that exist between them.
If you remain open to the possibility of working with an animal to fulfill your purpose, or help them fulfill theirs, you’ll find an abundance of blessings and enlightenment in your life.
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