Students have differing reactions and stuck spots when first communicating with animals
My student/client said, “I’m so afraid to know what my pet is thinking and feeling… I realized that all I do is talk over her, but I don’t really listen to her.
I override her thoughts and feelings with my own projections of guilt, pain, judgment, thoughts, feelings, and internalizing.”
And so, we started unpacking that together, lovingly and gently healing the wounds, clearing the old stuck spots, and letting go of that which wasn’t helping either her or her pet.
Because communicating with animals depends on your ability to heal so you can hear what’s being said without the filter of your wounds.
If you’re too afraid to find out what they are thinking or feeling when you’re communicating with animals, then you’re projecting your own trauma drama onto them.
Perpetuating your fear and pain from your own beliefs means you are assuming you know how they feel and what they think when the truth is…
You can’t know for sure…
Until you talk with them, heart to heart, and they can tell you precisely how and what they’re feeling and thinking.
Because here’s the thing:
If you’re afraid to know if your pet is in pain – emotional or physical – or just the thought of them being in pain is overwhelmingly painful for you…
You cannot know for sure.
And you cannot communicate with accuracy, proficiency, or confidence to even find out if they are in pain!
Being able to ask the right questions in the right way and timing is what’s needed, and will be incredibly helpful in better understanding each other.
For instance, let’s start with the basics communicating with animals.
Once you are connected, you’ve cleared your own thoughts and feelings so you can hear and feel their thoughts and feelings, and you’ve greeted each other properly, it’s time to ask the right questions in the right way and timing.
Start with:
Are you in pain?
Be completely neutral and open about what they tell you.
Because they may not be in pain at all.
It could be your own pain or imagination projecting onto them.
If they are in pain, then ask:
Is it your pain or someone else’s pain you are mirroring or carrying for others?
If it’s someone else’s pain, ask them why they are carrying it?
Consider the Human Animal BodyMind Connection phenomenon – where animals mirror or reflect their person’s “stuff” in an attempt to help them feel better.
If it’s their own pain, then find out what kind of pain it is.
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being no pain and 10 being agony, how does it feel?
Where do you feel it exactly?
Is it throbbing, sharp, or dull and mild, does it come and go, is it worse when this thing happens and better when this other thing happens?
Have you felt it a long time, or did it just start a few days or hours ago but it’s better now…?
If it’s been there a long time, what happened to cause the pain?
Was it an accident or injury?
Tell me more..
If you can’t have THAT conversation with your own “projected stuff” out of the way, mind to mind, heart to heart, being fully present, meeting them where they are, then you have a serious problem to sort out on your part.
There’s inner healing to be done, for YOU.
And yes, maybe healing for your pet too once you’re clear enough to know the truth about their experience.
But you won’t find out the truth if you’re stuck in your head, tormenting yourself with projected pain stories, disconnected from them.
I said it earlier, but it’s so important I’m going to say it again.
Communicating with animals depends on your ability to heal so you can hear what’s being said without the filter of your wounds.
I teach a lot about healing and mirroring, and this is a classic example of how it works.
It’s a core concept in the Human Animal BodyMind Connection Phenomenon and is typically noticed the most when an animal reflects and acts out our wounds, stress, imbalances, OR carries our illness or disease in their own body.
In this case, the mirror was actually between my client and her pet, set up in such a way that they couldn’t see or hear each other… only their own projections were being reflected back to them.
This is why it’s so much harder to communicate with our own animals versus an animal you don’t know and with whom you have no expectations, fear, or back stories to mess you up.
Ever try to talk to someone but you can’t get a word in edgewise, they can’t hear you over their own chatter?
Frustrating, isn’t it?
To communicate with animals successfully, start by becoming a neutral observer/witness.
Let yourself be peaceful, loving, and open, a receiver for their thoughts and stories and feelings.
In that way, they feel heard, they can trust you, and they feel respected.
Isn’t that how you want to feel too when you talk to someone?
Communicating with animals with proficiency requires being fully present, meeting them where they are with your intuitive senses active, open to what they need and want to tell you.
It’s non-judgmental, for both them and yourself.
It’s about mastering the art of the conversation using your intuition to guide you (and yes, advanced training and practice so you know what you’re doing).
A LOT of healing happens just by showing up and listening with a compassionate heart.
You don’t have to fix anything or have all the answers or save them from what they’re feeling or thinking.
You just need to listen and communicate from a loving, big-hearted, compassionate place, meeting them where they are.
Imagine that. 😉
These are the types of coaching, mentoring, and healing conversations I have with my clients and students that change their lives for the better.
If you’re ready to take the next step in learning to communicate with animals (and heal) using the Heart Wisdom Methods click HERE!!
If you’d prefer to work with me 1:1 click HERE!!
BIG hugs and much love to you and your angels, guides, teachers and healers cleverly disguised as animals,
Val “Soul Sherpa” Heart
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
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