Hi! I’m Val Heart, the Real Dr Doolittle, Animal Communicator to the Stars, bestselling author and founder of The HEART System for Solving Problems with Pets®. I’m also the founder of The Heart School of Animal Communication® and host of the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club
Welcome to my series of live interviews with my professional animal communicator colleagues! We want to bring you into our world, help you know what we know, see what we see when we communicate and work with animals.
My next guest in the Animal Communication Mini-Training Series is Carol Gurney
Carol Gurney is internationally respected as one of the foremost experts and pioneers in the world of Animal Communication education and has travelled the world teaching others how to communicate with their animals.
During our time together, Carol will share the story of how she discovered that “Animals Are Our Mirrors” and brought this concept to the field of animal communication over 25 years ago.
Carol is a wealth of knowledge and this is an event you won’t want to miss!
This week our topic is all about:
Animals as our Mirrors
In our short, easy to fit into your day chat, we’ll be discussing what you can learn about yourself from Animals.
You will:
- Learn how the concept of “Animals Are Our Mirrors” was introduced to the field of animal communication over 25 years ago.
- Why animals can take on our spiritual, mental, emotional or physical pain and how to ask them to “stop.”
- Discover the process that allows us to see the reflection in our animal mirrors and act upon it for the benefit of both our animals and ourselves.
Hear the story about how Carol’s dog Jessie, a black and white mix of border collie and pit bull, would not respond to the “come” command. She was being a free spirit, but it took a little while to understand… That turned into an “aha” revelation! What a life-changing lesson. An issue that might have taken a number of years in therapy to figure out was resolved within a few days.
Find out one of the primary reasons animals are in our lives.
We can’t wait to hear what you think about it too. So watch the Show and then leave a comment for us, okay? We really do want to know what’s on your mind.
Stay tuned for more! My next guest interview is coming soon…
The Advanced Animal Talk Mastery Course is awesome and includes many of my favorite, most powerful healing techniques along with many specific topics that every animal talk student needs to know how to deal with successfully.
What’s next?
If you enjoyed this interview and aren’t already registered for the whole series, I urge you to click the link below now and Register for more wonderful interviews with other professional pet psychics!
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Enjoy this article? Here are three more of my most popular articles about animal communication:
Animal Communication: What Is Your Intuitive Style?
How Cat Communication Prepared TuffyTiger To Go Outside Safely
Is My Dog Happy? Here’s How to Know For Sure
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