Is Horse Whispering For Real?
Yes it is! Listen in as I chat with author and horse whispering horsewoman, Elise Gaston Chand. She is also the host of the popular podcast Because of Horses!
Elise wrote the book about how parents can help their horse crazy kids.
She is a horsewoman with over 30 years experience in horse management, breeding, competition, and industry marketing and advertising.
Elise herself was a horse-crazy kid raised by non-equestrian parents, and is raising a young daughter who shares her love. She lives in Texas. Her podcast is
So I asked her to tell us what she’s learned as a horse whisperer.
She also shared the heartbreaking backstory about how she came to write her book, A Parent’s Guide to Riding Lessons: Everything You Need to Know to Survive and Thrive with a Horse Loving Kid.
OMG! Being a big “horse crazy” kid myself, she really touched my heart.
In our chat she tells her personal, heartwarming and extraordinary story about her life with horses.
She says your child is genuinely “horse crazy” if she:
- Draws horses every time a pencil and piece of paper are at hand.
- Has read every horse book in the library but wants her own copies of them all so she can read them again.
- Can watch movies about horses over and over and over and over . . .
- Wants nothing but Breyer model horses for gifts and actually plays with them.
- Uses a variety of equine-related words that make no sense to you (liver chestnut, withers, cannon bone, piaffe . . .)
- Urges you to overtake horse trailers on the highway so she can catch a glimpse of any horses inside.
- Urges you to slow down when you drive past horse farms so she can avidly study the occupants of the fields.
- Has been caught dressing up the family dog in a close approximation of a bridle, saddle pad, and saddle.
- Frequently pretends her bike is a horse.
- Can imitate equine neighs, snorts, and squeals with surprising realism and is often seen pawing at the ground, stamping her foot, and tossing her “mane.”
She says it was written specifically for those overwhelmed parents of children who just have to be involved with horses.
Expert equestrian Elise Gaston Chand enlightens readers who might feel intimidated by their child’s love of horses and desire to learn to ride, while maintaining a total focus on safety, education, and fun.
Parents want to support children’s activities, but that can be difficult when they don’t know where to begin, what it will entail, and how much it will cost.
Now, parents are given the essential information they need to decide how serious their child is about horseback riding, how committed they themselves will need to be, and what amount of time and resources will have to be allocated.
They learn how to find a reputable teacher and stable, what to look for in a horse, how to encourage children and inspire them to do their best, and how to keep up with horse-crazy kids who know way more than their parents about all things “horse.”
Today we’re also discussing:
- Our love of horses, how we got started working with them
- About abuse in the horse show industry
- Communicating with horses
Watch and be inspired, then post a comment below.
You’ll love her stories! She made me cry… and laugh too.
And if you know anyone who has horse crazy kids? Share this with them now — they’re gonna need the help.
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