Deposit Instructions and Terms:
Your Program Includes:
Your Agreement includes your promise to offer a truthful and sincere testimonial for this Program within 2 weeks after the Program is completed. You may submit it in either written draft form in a word doc, or via email, or in a video. Instructions will be provided.
It's important to be in integrity with your word. Being out of integrity with your word will take you out of alignment with your Soul, and ultimately sabotage your results. If you'd prefer not to do a testimonial endorsement for privacy reasons, and have not discussed this with Val yet, please do so now.
What to do next:
Check your inbox! Your welcome email with instructions is on it's way. It will come from Val Heart at [email protected]. If you don't see it, search for it in spam or promotion filters, and be SURE to whitelist me so your email server doesn't block our communications.
1) Do your prep work
Help Val help you by filling out her Soul Repair Program Assessment™ Questionnaire. If we are working with your animals, then fill out one for each animal(s) you'd like her to work with. Return them a minimum of 2 days prior to your session. Instructions are on the forms. If you've recently filled one out, then there's no need to do it again at this time.
This is the direct link to the Soul Repair Program Assessment™ Questionnaire:
If we are working with your animal as well, please complete this Questionnaire:
If animals are included in our work, then send Val a picture of your animal(s) and/or videos. Email directly to [email protected]
Be sure to bring something to take notes on during our session AND have drinking water available.
You may review our Heart Wisdom 30 day Group Intensive Agreement and Office Policies here:
By scheduling your appointment, you are confirming that you agree to adhere to these Agreement and Policies.
Class Schedule:
Your Group Program class schedule will be announced shortly. Classes will last anywhere from 90 minutes up to 2 hours. They are typically scheduled one week apart.
We'll be doing the majority of the "heavy lifting" early on (the most intensive work).
Toward the end of our time together you will be in the final tweaks, fine tuning and upleveling phases because most of the issues should be addressed and resolved by then.
Every case is unique so when we work together in the Group, I'll better know how best to get you where you want to go in the time we have.
Program Priorities:
To get the results you want in the time we have we must prioritize so we will be focusing solely on Heart Wisdom Miracles and Soul Repair Healing for you (and your animals if included).
Pet Problem Solving and Communication Work: For help solving behavior problems or preparing for transition or other animal related situations, it's best to do an Animal Problem Solving Session OR invest in my H.E.A.R.T. System for Solving Problems with Pets Program OR the Bad Pet Makeover and Rehabilitation Program.
The Human Animal Body Mind Connection means that you are connected energetically and at the Soul level, and that others in your life including your pet(s) mirror, reflect and act out your wounds, stress and health issues. Unraveling this rather complicated "knot" of energy between you is one of the cornerstones of my unique approach to this work. It's critically important that you both heal and evolve and grow into your best selves in order for our work together to be complete.
No Shows, Coming Late to Class, Participation Rules
Your commitment to the Program purchases Val's time. If you don't show up or are late to class, you are expected to listen to the recording and use your handout on your own time.
You are responsible for doing your daily assignments without fail.
Be courteous and respectful of others sharing the Soul Repair journey with you, and don't share anyone else's personal information outside of the Program.
If you have any questions, please call 1-805-PET-TALK, or email [email protected]
Instructions on how to use the free conference call site when it's your appointment time:
If you are calling from outside the United States there may be international numbers and dialing instructions available.
You can view the pdf here.
1. You will be given the dial in number and the meeting I.D. for classes.
2. Go here at the time of the call
3. Click on the join button on the top of the page:
4. Next, input the online meeting ID that you were given for class.
Your first assignment: Right now, take a few minutes to do your Stress Busting Exercise.
Notice what happens. The changes may be subtle but they are there. Then, do it again and again, whenever you feel the need for a bit of stress busting! Enjoy