Heart Wisdom Animal Talk Blog
Dedicated to improved health, behavior and wellness for pets and the people who love them.
Personal Note from Val: Cat Reincarnation, reconnecting with loved ones in the afterlife, and the mysteries of Spirit are all fascinating topics near and dear to my heart. When I found my colleague and author, Dr Laurie Moore’s work on this subject, I knew I wanted to talk to her. Her story will inspire you and touch your heart. Enjoy! Author, teacher and celebrity Dr. Laurie Moore returned to merged oneness with all life in 2002 when her cat Jessie Justin Joy reincarnated. Dr. Moore has taught grad psychology at San Francisco State University and Johnson State College, and has appeared on In the Company of Angels, Intuitive Soul, NBC, CNN.com and Seeing Beyond. She is author of The Cat’s Reincarnation. Among cat reincarnation we also discussed: How does learning about our animal’s perspective help our own life? How is an animal’s perspective about their emotional health different than a humans? What is a soul switch? Do our animals choose us so […]
Read MoreIs there a Real Dr. Doolittle and does the Doctor know anything about the paranormal? Welcome to The Real Dr. Doolittle Show with Val Heart! Today I am talking to Olga Horvat, MA. Olga is the founder of Royal Dogs Gallery. They provide spiritual and holistic products and services solely for dogs and their owners. She is also a Paranormal Pet Expert and a certified Lumia Science Color Therapist. Her extraordinary work is about clearing behavior and health problems in pets. She uses unusual methods such as colored light, crystals, elixirs and essential oils. Olga Horvat wrote a wonderful true story she experienced into a book. It’s called “Paranormal Pooch: A True Story of The Dog who Healed One Family” Listen and learn: What are the four ways to identify whether your pet has a soul? Why would people deny the existence of soul in animals? What is the […]
Read MoreDo you have a pattern of self sabotage? You may not even be aware you are doing it… but what exactly does self sabotaging mean? According to the dictionary, it is to behave, especially habitually or compulsively, in a way that interferes directly with one’s own goals, well-being, relationships, etc. If often has to do with a person’s fears (anxiety, worries, inner tension), which you must conquer to be successful in animal communication Consider the meaning behind this wonderful Zen parable: Once upon a time there was an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. “Such bad luck,” they said sympathetically. “Maybe,” the farmer replied. The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. “How wonderful,” the neighbors exclaimed. “Maybe,” replied the old man. The following day, his […]
Read More“When I connect with an animal to communicate, and my cat is lying next to me, can she jump into the conversation?” Great question! Before I answer this, consider for a moment what’s possible when you can enjoy animal conversations using the Heart Wisdom Methods. Imagine you are walking along enjoying the day, or glance out a window and see an animal (or fish or bird or…), or your own pet comes up to you asking for attention. You connect instantly, fire off a greeting, and next thing you know you’re in a fascinating conversation with them, easily understanding their wisdom, feeling their love, receiving and discussing their unique viewpoints about life, relationships, health and so much more. When you are consciously aware, connected heart to heart, with all your intuitive senses working properly, you can recognize, respect and revere animals for who they truly are. You’ll discover that they […]
Read MoreWhat is the best predictor of your success as an animal communicator? I’ve been teaching animal communication classes since 1996 and I’ve noticed something interesting. The students that succeed in developing their ability to communicate with competence and proficiency beyond their wildest dreams… …versus the ones that don’t get very far and wind up quitting before they experience their breakthrough. It all boils down to this. And it’s one of the most important intuitive traits that all of the best animal communicators have in common. All the best animal communicators have this intuitive ability. What is it? Your ability to shift out of your human perspective so you can experience life from someone else’s perspective. What does that mean, and do you have this ability too? If you can imagine how it feels to be the dog in the kennel hoping to be adopted at the shelter… If you can […]
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