Horse Whisperer Success & Miracle Stories Solving Problems with Horses
Horse Whisperer Client Success Stories
f you’re wondering what kind of results Val Heart gets in her work as a horse whisperer, then check out these incredible true stories:
What Val’s Client’s have to say:
Problem Gelding Goes On To Win Regional Championships“
Val Heart gave me such great advice and clarity for my life, helped me improve my health, and also made such a difference with my horse, Aries, that we swept into the dressage shows and won a whole pile of blue ribbons — in only 6 months! I can’t believe I was on the verge of selling Aries and giving up on him only a short while ago… now, we are excited to see each other and are winning almost every show we enter. We are both healthier, too, and that mystery lameness Aries had? Now I know where it’s coming from, what to do about it and what my contribution to the problem actually is. Awesome! Thanks, Val! I don’t want to know where we would be without you.” — Tracy B. and Aries, 6 year old warmblood gelding, Fenton, MI
From Tracy B., January 7, 2009 – “I wanted to give you an update: Belle is doing so much better, she is now acting like a very happy puppy! She loves to play ball and is happy to go for rides in the car, she is very well mannered and is such a delight. When my Dad got her from that breeder in Texas and sent her to me, she was in such bad shape. She could not seem to learn anything. It was like she was in her own little world and I could not connect with her at all. I am so glad I hung in there. She is a real treat now.
I also wanted to share with you our final overall for this past year. Aires and I ended up getting the following:
UNITED STATES DRESSAGE FEDERATION: bronze medal, all breeds award- Adult Amateur 3rd level – reserve champion
UNITED STATES EQUESTRIAN FEDERATION: Leading breeder- Adult Amateur 3rd level champion
Performance Horse: National- Adult Amateur 3rd Level champion
AMERICAN WARMBLOOD SOCIETY: 3rd level Adult Amateur – reserve champion
MIDWEST DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION: Adult Amateur 3rd level year end- 3rd place
WATERLOO DRESSAGE SERIES: Adult Amateur 3rd level champion
Aries is doing well and much better, not sure if we are gonna move up to fourth level this year or not. I prefer to wait until he has developed the strength. He is still struggling some with a few movements, so we may just do 3rd again this year, which is fine for me. I am just so happy to have him and get to enjoy him. Lots of Love!” –Tracy, Aries & Belle, Fenton, MI, USA
Russian Arabian Gelding’s Strange Behavior Solved!
This is so funny, I just have to share it with you.
I was called in to work with a horse who was acting strange and his owner was worried about him. When I asked him how he felt, he told me that he had a headache.
I asked him to tell me more about that and he showed me an image of himself prancing and dancing around his 10 acre pasture with an orange construction cone clenched between his teeth.
He’d ‘throw’ the cones at his pasture mates (a mule, a paint horse, and 2 longhorns – none of whom found his antics funny in the least). He’d dunk them in his water trough, and hurl them into the neighbors field…
And one day, it finally all come undone.
Apparently he’d gotten a little too vigorous tossing his head with it, because the rubber started tearing. And on that last big upswing it tore in half and the heavy end beaned him right in the middle of his forehead.
He told me he saw stars (like a cartoon!) and stood there dazed, with the remaining bit of orange rubber dangling from his mouth. And his head had hurt ever since. Mystery solved.
Dangerous Stallion Now Cooperating With New Owner
From Yvette Broussal, Nevada, Mine Geologist & Animal Lover:
Before my session with Val, I was struggling, afraid and very concerned about my new American Saddlebred stallion “The Knight’s Image”. Image bit, kicked and tried to hurt people working around him. He was very dangerous and we couldn’t even clean his stall safely. I felt like Image would never calm down and allow me to handle him.
Val helped me find out why he was acting this way and what I could do to help him. Among other things, I found out that he did not want to hurt me and that he wanted out of his stall where he’d been confined for his bad behavior. We explained why he was being kept there and was not allowed to be turned out like the others.
Val talked to Image and told him that if he wanted to go outside to play, he would have to allow me to put on his new halter by lowering his head and calming down, acting respectful. Previously, he refused to lower his head for me or anyone including his trainer, so I was really skeptical that he would cooperate.
I was amazed! I stood at his stall and had his halter in my hand just like Val had coached us, and he lowered his head for me! He then calmly let me walk him to the indoor arena and when I asked him to park out, he did. Then I let him run and boy, did he! He had a great time, and when it was time to come back in, he also cooperated beautifully.
I am so happy to have worked with Val with this horse. I feel that now I understand him better and we can work together.
I would highly recommend working with Val if anyone should have a problem with their horses, dogs or cats. Val is very kind and caring and accurate! She really does talk to the animals!
I also think that when you do a session with Val that it demonstrates to your animals that you are trying to help them. It shows trust and caring on our parts to connect and communicate so we can help our animals be happy and healthy!
Medical Intuitive, Holistic Healing Plus Animal Communication Are Invaluable for Preventative Care, Maintenance as well as Crisis Work
I have used Animal Communicators regularly over the years. With Val you are getting more than an Animal Communicator. You are also getting an Animal/Medical Intuitive.
As I have learned, when it comes to one’s body, animals are very much like humans. Some are very in touch with their bodies and can say what’s wrong while others can’t. As my (other) animal communicator says “my information is only as good as your pets convey.” However, with Val, she can also deeper by tuning into the organ and systems in question and intuit what’s wrong.
It is invaluable to have that input in addition to your Vet for both preventive measures as well as during a medical crisis. Val has been an amazing friend to me and my four legged Hans.
— Dorit Susan Ilani, Ph.D.
Dangerous Haflinger Horse Now a Joy To Be Around
I called Val when I was feeling I should give up on my scared, aggressive, rescued Haflinger horse, Gabe. After two years, he still nipped and bullied people and his four herd members.
Even though he was great to ride, he was a huge management problem, and soon I couldn’t even get him to stand still to be mounted. The whole ‘family’ was fed up with him. I’d tried different trainers and would make great progress back home, then lose ground.
After only one phone session with Val, I could not believe his change! The very next morning!
No crowding me, soft eyes. I could lunge him without a halter or rope, and he would stand to let me get on bareback! All of the horses stared at me as if to say, what is going on?
At Val’s suggestion, we are addressing the whole herd differently, they are all four responding, and talking to us about it! Peace seems to reign.
I continue to work with Gabe on his ground manners. I have great hopes for us, and look forward to every day.
My thinking has changed in a fundamental way about my relationships with my horses and the world. And about the possibilities for real communication with animals, something I’ve worked on all my life. And I almost didn’t do this for myself! If you are thinking of calling Val, I would not hesitate to say Do It!
Lou Robinson
Cornell University
Grand Prix Dream Horse Mystery Lameness Turned Around In ONE Session
I finally got my dream horse – an 11 year old Grand Prix dressage Andalusian stallion – and from day 1 had problems! He arrived from across the country stressed and upset at his new environment and at leaving his prior trainers’. Then, he foundered as a result of gelding surgery a couple of weeks later and nothing we tried helped him heal.
Desperate to help my horse I turned to Val for the first time. I could not believe what happened in just one session! She was able to quickly and confidently get the information we needed to help treat him properly. Plus, we tapped into what he needed from me as his new partner.
Feeling hope for the first time I immediately practiced what Val taught me and within ONE session with him that same day we were on the road to recovery and to a new partnership. Since then, Val’s sessions have helped me learn how to ride passage, piaffe and to continue to create an amazing partnership with this extraordinary horse.
Val’s work has changed my life with this horse — and with ALL of my horses — forever! I continue to get regular sessions with her, as I’m eager to understand what my horses are trying to tell me. Thank you Val for saving my horse and for saving my relationship with him… my horses thank you, too!
Kendall SummerHawk
Miracle! My Sick Horse Survives to Compete Again – This Was A Magical Experience
From Sarah Griffith, SKG Dressage, Aug 2007: “I can’t believe that only a year ago, my 20 year old Grand Prix Dressage horse, Libero, was terribly ill. Even though the vets couldn’t figure out what the problem was, he was so sick they wanted me to put him down. It was touch and go there for a while, and when I contacted you, I was a mess.
You helped us communicate with each other, and Libero told you how he was feeling, where the pain was coming from, and that he wasn’t ready to leave yet!
That gave me the hope I needed to keep going and not give up. The vets thought his career was over but Libero didn’t agree with them.
Thank God I listened to you. Now, against ALL odds, Libero and I are back in training, working towards completing our titles. We are actually showing again! I can’t thank you enough, Val.
From Sarah, Feb 2008: “Hi Val! I have some new info. Libero was in a special ultrasound clinic this weekend as a test subject. Lets just say he was the talk of the clinic and not because the joint looked so perfect. They do not know why or how he is sound! His joint has so many problems.
I am about to leave for a horse show with my trainer telling me I am going to kick some ass! The vets only comment was that Libero loves what he does so much he is willing to work through the pain!
I can give you a more scientific account of this but I have to look in my notes for the correct words. I really feel like I have been through a magical experience with you and my horse! Love, Sarah”
Mystery Lameness to Dressage Ribbon Winner
Val Heart gave me such great advice and clarity for my life, helped me improve my health, and also made such a difference with my horse, Aries, that we swept into the dressage shows and won a whole pile of blue ribbons — in only 6 months!
I can’t believe I was on the verge of selling Aries and giving up on him only a short while ago… now, we are excited to see each other and are winning almost every show we enter.
We are both healthier, too, and that mystery lameness Aries had? Now I know where it’s coming from, what to do about it and what my contribution to the problem actually is.
Awesome! Thanks, Val! I don’t want to know where we would be without you.”
Tracy B. and Aries, 6 year old warmblood gelding,
Fenton, MI
Mystery Unhappiness and Chronic Lameness Resolved & Problem Show Hunter/Jumper Turned Around
Your work with Slim has been fantastic. After a cross-country move I could tell she just wasn’t happy. I gave you a try because nothing else was helping. You were amazing and now she is so much happier, back to her normal self. And you helped address her ongoing lameness issues. I look forward to our talks like I would a dinner party or special holiday!After your great work with Slim – you helped me find a show horse for hunters. Since I am learning jumping – I needed a very good-minded horse. We “visited” with several horses before finding Cory. She was a surprise and has been a treasured gift.She wasn’t a sweet horse or suitable for beginners but your conversations with her made it a lot easier to give her a try. She keeps surprising everyone with her willingness to put up with my amateur mistakes and her depth of character – she tries her best and always gives me 100 %.People who see her now assume she was misunderstood, or that she likes us better, but in my heart I know this turnaround is due to you. She is such a snuggler now and loves attention. And we’re competing together, and doing really well!” – Lina W., Pleasanton, TX
Pinpointing the Real Cause of Gelding’s Poor Performance
I first met Val a number of years ago when my Arabian gelding, Tiger, was having some problems.
He wasn’t performing well at times, and was often experiencing mysterious lameness.I have been consistently impressed with
Val’s ability to pinpoint the issues and am very pleased with the results I experienced. I felt I had a partner to help me better understand my horses, and also made a good friend. I am glad for all that she’s taught me over the years, and glad she’s part of my team.” — J. Leatherwood, Austin, TX
Val Helped Extend MY Life and Tailor’s
“When I first met Val, I had been diagnosed with terminal multiple sclerosis and hadn’t much longer to live. I was looking for someone to help me find a home for my beloved Russian Arabian gelding, Ptailor Made, who I had raised and trained. Through Val’s assistance, I not only didn’t have to give him up, but I began recovering my health too. Also, I got to watch a remarkable friendship blossom between her and Tailor as he taught her many things. I’m grateful for the extra few years we had together, and for the loving care and support Val so freely provided.In December 2001, Tailor’s lifelong recurring colic episodes got the best of him, and he left us to go teach somewhere else for awhile. We love you Tailor. God speed — until we meet again.” — Bonnie S., Boerne, Texas
Abused Horse Finds His Place
“Val has helped me multiple times with my horses Tequila and Duster. Having problems with Tequila, I gave her a call. Tequila had been from home to home and abused at times. He was very head strong and hard to handle. During our session, we learned he no long wanted to run barrels. I agreed that day to stop, and from that time on his personality and demeanor changed. We had a very special bond of trust with each other. Tequila was a great friend. He died at the age of 18. Once again, I called Val to help in this matter. Tequila knowing that I did everything possible to save him and that he was alright, helped me with the grieving process. He will be missed and always loved.” –Sincerely, LeAnn C., Clyde, Texas
Horse Behavior Significantly Improved
“This is probably the one of the biggest success stories in regards to me that we’ve had so far. It has been, what? 10 days since we spoke with my horse, Valentine, about not urinating on her hay! I’d tried everything I could think of, but nothing was working. Since our session, she has not peed on it OR spread it around her stall willy nilly, not even once! It is a Miracle! This is amazing! And will save me untold thousands in ruined hay!” — Kay S., Austin, TX
Horse Makes a Full Recovery from EPM — Vet Says It’s A Miracle!
“I am very pleased to report that my horse, Zoie, who had a serious case of EPM has made a full recovery! Her vet is writing her up as a Miracle! She just had a follow up with her chiropractor and he was completely pleased at her progress. He felt she had turned a significant corner, and said he thought he was observing a different horse! I am now riding her again.Thank you for all the great work you have done with her (and Me!). It has made a huge difference for us. My hormones seem to have stabilized, and my weight has gone back to balance since our last session too. Yea!!” — Lynne S., Austin, TX
Therapy Horses Get Confidence Back
“Val Heart changed the lives of our Therapy Horses. They now act so much more congruently and with a confidence they lacked until reassured that their creativity would be appreciated.” — Dr Frederick Peace, Peacehawk Ranch, Therapeutic Riding Centers,
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Disclaimer: Success stories and testimonials are unsolicited and freely offered, and were not paid for or reimbursed by Val Heart or Heart Communication Enterprises Inc. Client testimonials are fairly typical of the generally expected results the majority of Val Heart’s clients receive, but every individual case is unique and no guarantee can be made.