Is there a Real Dr. Doolittle? Yes, there is. Welcome to our Show on Talking to the Animals
May I teach you what I know so you can learn how to talk to your animals? It’s important to hear and understand your animals viewpoints. Reconnecting with animals helps us be better humans, and is an exciting journey into Self, the nature and reality of our world. This is a spiritual journey taking a behind-the-scenes deep dive into the complex interactions between all beings. Today I’m talking to Gayle Pruitt about canine nutrition.
Canine nutrition expert Gayle Pruitt has been a nutritionist and chef since 1996.
She earned her Certified Nutritionist degree from the American Health Science University’s National Institute of Nutritional Education/NINE in 1996. Gayle conducts nutritional research where at present she focuses on human and canine nutrition with a specialty in digestive issues and disorders and also acts as a guest lecturer. Gayle was Executive Chef for MacNut Oil, a gourmet cooking oil company. She has worked as a Personal Chef, and owned and operated Fine Food Delivered, preparing and delivering unique meals for those with special dietary needs.
Gayle also co-hosted a nationally syndicated radio talk show, Menu for Life Radio Show, with Dr. Ross Stewart, a behavioral psychologist and recognized expert on the link between nutrition and brain chemistry.
Gayle’s recipes have appeared in national magazines and in best-selling cookbooks such as Hampton’s Diet Cookbook and 7-Color Cuisine: A Cookbook and Nutrition Guide.
She was the food writer for a Dallas based magazine Lifestyle Solutions. In addition, she has conducted cooking demonstrations in many cities across the country for national food shows involving gourmet products. And she’s been asked to film a pilot for a new show on cooking for dogs too that may easily wind up on one of the Food Networks (can’t say which one yet).
Gayle is also the author of The Dog-Gone Good Cookbook and Dog-Gone Good Cuisine, which is what we’re most interested in, right?
In our interview, Gayle answered these intriguing questions and more:
- What inspired your idea to write the Dog-Gone Good Cookbook?
- Is there any research on canines eating vegetables?
- Why did you include cooked, raw and even vegetarian food in your cookbook for dogs?
- Why is it important to canine nutrition for dogs to have organic fruits & vegetables and grass-fed meats in their diet?
- Do you have an easy, simple way for the people that think they don’t have time to prepare homemade food for their dogs to get started?
To learn more about the good work Gayle is doing, visit:
SHARING IS GOOD! My mission and passion is to improve the lives of animals the world over by helping humans learn how to speak their language, understand their viewpoints and heal. After all, our love of animals helps us learn how to be better humans. The more balanced and healthy we are, the more balanced and healthy they can be too. Would you help me reach more animal lovers by passing my Podcasts, Tips, and Newsletter on to your animal loving friends?
Every animal lover can learn how to talk with animals if they’re willing to learn. You can too! Start with my Beginning Core Foundations Course and soon you too will be able to communicate with animals!
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